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using relative cell referencing in excel
guide to relative cell referencing in excel
useful for gcse ict controlled assessment

creating a user form in excel using vba
creating a user form in excel using vba
takes students through sub routines using vba to create a user form

fade in out out 3 images using flash cs5
fade in out out 3 images using flash cs5 using flash cs5 lite
also see ictresources.net for more free resources and
also see my web site for free law resources

validation with python (handling exception errors)
validation with python (handling exception errors)

how to create user form in excel using vba(updated
changed a few things around now it is easier to understand

how to embed video from youtube in dreamweaver cs5
how to embed video code from you tube in to dreamweaver cs5

Create calculator in Python
Various exercises that take you through creating a calculator as well as input validation and extension code.

How to use gimp(using Morrissey and my cat)
this is a basic guide to various features of gimp using images of my cat and Morrissey !