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WIlko's Little Shop of ORRORS

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Only Real Resources Or Real Solutions to the many challenges faced by teachers and students alike. Science teacher since 93, AST since 2004. Experience on SLT, working with ITT's whole school and Faculty, delivered numerous CPD sessions on wide range of topics. Participated in materials produced by National strategies.




Only Real Resources Or Real Solutions to the many challenges faced by teachers and students alike. Science teacher since 93, AST since 2004. Experience on SLT, working with ITT's whole school and Faculty, delivered numerous CPD sessions on wide range of topics. Participated in materials produced by National strategies.
OHM work (online homework monitoring)

OHM work (online homework monitoring)

These are best printed 2 per side and double sided - to give A5 size sheets. These are for giving students when they have online (self marked) pieces of homework. Often there is no evidence of these other than a simple percentage. These sheets provide students with an opportunity to evaluate their progress and also for parents to write a comment. I would perhaps use these 2 or 3 times a half term (rather than every piece of homework). These can be adapted for other online homeworks or KS4. As usual any feedback is welcome.
SKYPE (Show Knowledge and Your Progress Experienced)

SKYPE (Show Knowledge and Your Progress Experienced)

These are best printed 2 per page and back to back. I have used these as homeworks (but could be used as cover work or lesson activities) to encourage students to be more creative. Have had some fantastic pieces of learning from Y7 through to Y12 students. As per usual feedback is welcome.
First Aid (learner) resources

First Aid (learner) resources

This is an alternative to an enable table. These are resources that I use within my classroom. My First aid cupboard is where I store resources such as text books etc. The first aid badges (which I laminate and have in lanyards) are used with students who complete their work and then support others in the class. The certificates are used to encourage the First aiders to reflect on their learning (and recognise their great efforts). As usual feedback is welcome.
HORSE - HOmework Review and Self Evaluation

HORSE - HOmework Review and Self Evaluation

These are best printed 4 to a page and back to back. You then get 2 sided A6 size sheets with teacher feedback on one side and student response (MRI=my response is) on the other side. I use these when student's work needs assessing but it would be difficult to write comments directly onto their work, e.g emailed presentations, models, verbal presentations or hard copies that would be spoiled with comments being written on them. If printed correctly then they can be stuck into students books or files and can flip up to reveal student's responses. As usual please give me any feedback, suggested improvements or just simply how you have used these.
BAA 2 - the return!

BAA 2 - the return!

This is the improved version of the BAA sheets (Book analysis and assessment). These are best printed 4 per page so each resource is then a half page of A4. These can easily be adapted to allow the students themselves to self assess their own work. Generally these are done once per half term - any more than that would be marking madness! As usual any feedback would be welcome along with what use you have been able to make of them.
Purple Spelling Bee

Purple Spelling Bee

This resource is used for the students to record any misspelled words in the work.It is the purple spelling bee as I write corrected spellings in purple (see also my marking key resource).An A4 copy of this is stuck into the back of the students' books.As per usual please feedback is welcome.
Blank quiz quiz trade cards

Blank quiz quiz trade cards

These are blank quiz quiz trade cards. They are best printed back to back. Students can be given these to write their own questions with answers - on the reverse they have to be able to justify their question; e.g. choice of topic, level of difficulty etc.
Glossary defintion markbook

Glossary defintion markbook

This spread sheet is to be used in conjunction with glossary definition templates. It can be used to record students' progress as they learn key definitions for any subject at any Key stage. It allows for easy analysis of individual students and also identifies patterns with particular key words. I have used this successfully to help monitor and improve students' retention and spellings of key words and their definitions. The information produced has also allowed for timely intervention.
WIKI teach - What I know I teach scaffold

WIKI teach - What I know I teach scaffold

This is a scaffold I designed for using with students to encourage them to make notes that they can then use to teach another student (or small group of students). They then get feedback from their peer before repeating the process finally being reviewed by the last student they teach. I use this to great success with Y7 through to Y13 for the teaching of science. It could however be used with any subject and any age range.
Scaffolded notetaking resources

Scaffolded notetaking resources

WIKI - What I know Initially - encourages students to scaffold their prior learning before adding new knowledge either during or at the end of a lesson. Has been used successfully with Y7-Y13. WIKI - Teach - What I Know I teach - encourages students to scaffold information before they use it to teach another student or student - also includes space for peer assessment. Used very successfully with Y7-13 and staff!. Adapted Cornell note sheet. Uses the Cornell design but has been adapted to encourage deeper level of thinking - in particular the left hand column scaffolds metacognition. Again used with Y7-13.
Mind mapping - FAIL and SAIL

Mind mapping - FAIL and SAIL

Best printed double sided on A3 paper. This resource contain 2 versions. These can be used to compare students' initial knowledge with their final understanding. Have been used with Y7-13.
Presentation on Challenge in the classroom

Presentation on Challenge in the classroom

PowerPoint to support presentation on Challenge in the secondary school classroom. Includes references to SOLO taxonomy and Socratic questioning. Great resource to support ITTs, NQTs and RQTs who are looking for suggestions on how to improve the level of challenge within their classroom.
Mind mapping, Growth mindset and Processing

Mind mapping, Growth mindset and Processing

Use these slides to scaffold students' use of mindmapping to consider level of learning. Growth mindset expandabubble (my own name!) is used to show the importance of effort etc to achieve success and what happens if complacency sets in. Processing image is used to encourage students to use various strategies to process (and consequently learn) information, i.e. reduction, expansion, transformation etc.
QED - and feedback

QED - and feedback

QED = Quality Efficiency Demonstrable (my own term!). This was a presentation I used to encourage staff to consider the 3 key issues when designing assessment strategies for students. Basically - all resources and strategies should always ensure quality feedback to the learners. All must ensure efficiency and whenever possible reduce current work load rather than add to it. Finally, as monitoring is always an aspect of our role as teachers, the resources and strategies should provide demonstrable evidence of quality feedback to a third party, be that Middle leaders, SLT or OFSTED. If you download and want further information then please contact me.
Curriculum design for the linear course

Curriculum design for the linear course

This is primarily aimed at secondary schools but may also be of use in any sector. It is a presentation about how to design a basic layout for a linear tested curriculum based on current understanding and theory around memory and retention. Considers B.I.T.S approach; namely Bulking (my own phrase), Interleaving, Testing and Spacing. This would be beneficial for anyone who is writing or designing a scheme - be it a full year or even a termly scheme. Results with our KS3 science have improved significantly since introducing this interleaved approach.