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Pre Key Stage Checklist Reading Writing Maths
Pre Key Stage Checklist Reading Writing Maths
DFE 2021 - Standards
*FREEBIE* LKS2 - Non Chron - Woolly Mammoth
Free lessons for a starting point to plan a non chron for Woolly Mammoths.
NOTE - This is a starting point - this is why they are free.
Am I ready Learn? - CIP Checklist
Am I ready to learn visual reminders created in CIP for children to use to help them during learning time to help them be ready to learn.
Writing display
Writing outcomes display
Including - Writing to persuade
Writing to entertain
Writing to recount
Writing to inform
Narrative - Mufaro's Beautiful Daughters
Used in LKS2 a 6 day unit including a Big Write cold task
Narrative writing - based on the first act of Mufaro’s Beautiful Daughters
Word Mats and adaptations included.
Kenzuke's Kingdom - Dairy Entry - 2 week
Kenzuke’s kingdom - Dairy entry planning - WRITING ONLY
2 week cycle - Including a cold writing task for narrative on separate ppt
Reading the text includes within English lessons and without.
LKS2 - English - Moz the Monster
Moz the Monster oracy and vocabulary unit.
NOTEBOOK and PDF files available.
Leo and The Gorgon's Curse - Diary Entry
English Unit of Work
Use the text Leo and The Gorgon’s Curse to write a diary entry.
2 week unit with a cold writing task in the middle.
Includes Powerpoints and written planning.
Used for LKS2
Leo and the Gorgons Curse - Character Description
Part 2 of a 4 part sequence can be used stand alone.
Approx 2 weeks of English learning
Lower Key Stage 2
To create a character description about a character within the story
Ancient Greek Gods - Non Chronological Report
English unit of approx 2 weeks
Plan and write non chronological reports about the Greek Gods.
Explanation Texts - Firework Maker's Daughter
Approx two week cycle - Explanation texts based on Firwork Maker’s Daughter by Phillip Pullman
Used in LKS2
The Boy Who Met A Whale - 2 week cycle - Persuasion
Year 5 & 6 - The Boy Who Met A Whale By Nizrana Farook.
Persuasion text based on the hatching of baby turtles.
2 week unit - Including a cold writing task
Pack includes - Blooms Questioning, Written planning, Powerpoint.
Leon and The Gorgon's Curse 6 week bundle
3 fortnight cycles of learning
Diary Entry
Character description
Non Chronological report