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Edexcel GCSE History Revision - Topic 5: Life in Nazi Germany

Edexcel GCSE History Revision - Topic 5: Life in Nazi Germany

Powerpoint that can be used for in lesson revision or to be set at home for independent revision. It covers the period from 1933-1939, including policies towards women, children & the family; unemployment, working & living standards; as well as persecution of minorities, by the Nazis. There are three sheets to fill in alongside it.
Edexcel GCSE History Revision - Topic 3: The Lean Years

Edexcel GCSE History Revision - Topic 3: The Lean Years

Powerpoint that can be used for in lesson revision or to be set at home for independent revision. It covers the period from 1923-1929, including the early Nazi party, the Lean Years, the failure of the 1923 Munich Putsch and the changes made by Hitler to increase support. There are also two sheets to fill out alongside it.
Edexcel GCSE History Revision - Topic 2: The Golden Years

Edexcel GCSE History Revision - Topic 2: The Golden Years

Powerpoint that can be used for in lesson revision or to be set at home for independent revision. It covers the period from 1923 - 1929, including Stresemann’s reforms (domestic and foreign), the Golden Years, Changes for women and Weimar Culture. There is also a table to fill out alongside it.
Edexcel Politics - Ideologies: Key Thinkers Bundle

Edexcel Politics - Ideologies: Key Thinkers Bundle

2 Resources
Detailed, chunked, bolded, dual coded sheets covering the key ideas, works and quotes of Edexcel Key Thinkers for Socialism and Conservatism. Students find these very accessible and it covers interpretations of core values and ideas on Human Nature, Society, State and Economy, to keep it all in one place and to prep them for use in assessments and exams.
Edexcel Politics - Ideologies: Conservatism Key Thinker Summaries

Edexcel Politics - Ideologies: Conservatism Key Thinker Summaries

Details, chunked, bolded, dual coded sheets covering the key ideas, works and quotes of Edexcel Key Thinkers for Conservatism. Students find these very accessible and it covers interpretations of core values and ideas on Human Nature, Society, State and Economy, to keep it all in one place and to prep them for use in assessments and exams.
Edexcel Politics - Ideologies: Socialism Key Thinker Summaries

Edexcel Politics - Ideologies: Socialism Key Thinker Summaries

Detailed, chunked, bolded, dual coded sheets covering the key ideas, works and quotes of Edexcel Key Thinkers for Socialism. Students find these very accessible and it covers interpretations of core values and ideas on Human Nature, Society, State and Economy, to keep it all in one place and to prep them for use in assessments and exams.
Industrial Revolution lesson bundle

Industrial Revolution lesson bundle

4 Resources
This covers: Changes in Britian 1750-1900 Changes in Agriculture Growth of Factory System Life as a child labourer (working conditions) Source practice and set up for a source based assessment. There are 4 lesson, but more like 7-8!
Industrial Revolution - Child Labour source based assessment

Industrial Revolution - Child Labour source based assessment

A lesson that could be used to prepare for an assessment on Child Labour. Includes a table to help students practice making making inferences from sources and comments on source ‘usefullness’. IT also includes a scenario to help students comprehend the impact of provenance of a source. The assessment we do is ‘How useful are sources A and B for an enquiry into Child Labour in Industrial Britain?’ Which can be done using these sources or alternative ones. Therefore this could be used as one lesson, 2-3 if the assessment is completed or as part of my whole scheme of work on the Industrial Revolution.
Industrial Revolution - Child Labour

Industrial Revolution - Child Labour

A lesson covering the conditions of child workers. I would also recommend a second lesson watching the Children who built Victorian Britain online. We use all this as the set up to a source based assessment on child labour, also on my store. Can be used as a stand alone lesson to the topic or as part of my scheme of work on the Industrial Revolution.
Industrial Revolution - Why did people move to cities?

Industrial Revolution - Why did people move to cities?

A lesson covering the increase in population, changes to farming, the introduction of the factory system and overall factors as to why there was a mass movement of people to cities . Can be used as a stand alone lesson to the topic or as part of my scheme of work on the Industrial Revolution.
Industrial Revolution - How far did Britain change 1750-1900?

Industrial Revolution - How far did Britain change 1750-1900?

An introductory lesson on the changes in Britain from 1750-1900. It includes a card sort to give them an overview of the whole topic and questions to go with them to encourage them to make analytical comments on the extent of change. Can be used as a stand alone introduction to the area or as part of my scheme of work on the Industrial Revolution.
Civil Rights Scheme of work

Civil Rights Scheme of work

6 Resources
High quality bundle of lessons that could (if you wanted to) lead to an end of topic assessment. The lessons cover: Segregations Brown V BOE Emmett Till Greensboro Sit-In Different attitudes to the Civil Rights movement Martin Luther King and Black Power All focused around the enquiry of which factor was most important in achieving Civil Rights?
Why do we celebrate Pride?

Why do we celebrate Pride?

A lesson on pride from a historical perspective; considering why the Pride Movement emerged and what movements and organisations were doing and asking for. Also covers responses to their actions and the issues around Aids.
Why didn't Legal Equality make Women Equal?

Why didn't Legal Equality make Women Equal?

A lesson considering why legislation alone did not make women equal. It looks at the issues facing women in the 20th century onwards and covers case study movements to improve attitudes towards women, to fix some of the problems and to get closet to equality.
Did Martin Luther King Inspire a Movement?

Did Martin Luther King Inspire a Movement?

A lesson on how significant Martin Luther King was to the Civil Rights movement. This ties together all parts of the movement for Civil Rights to draw a conclusion on whether it was MLK who deserves the credit or something/someone else. This could be adapted to be an end of unit assessment using historical sources.
The Greensboro Sit-In

The Greensboro Sit-In

A lesson on the Greensboro sit-in, covering the causes, the events and the consequences of the protest. As well as putting its significance into the wider context of the Civil Rights movement.