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Zoe Richardson's Shop

Hi, I hope you find some useful, time saving resources in my shop. I've worked in Education since 1996 and have a Primary Bed Honours degree.

Hi, I hope you find some useful, time saving resources in my shop. I've worked in Education since 1996 and have a Primary Bed Honours degree.
Non Chronological Report. Power Point. Roman Pottery. Greyware. Lincolnshire. 400AD

Non Chronological Report. Power Point. Roman Pottery. Greyware. Lincolnshire. 400AD

Everyday Pots for Everyday People This 8 slide Power Point has been created with my growing collection of pottery shards in mind. Each time I work in the garden, I find new pieces from the bases, rims and sides of broken pots. The National Curriculum states that children “should understand how our knowledge of the past is constructed from a range of sources.” My finds illustrate this as they inform us about the everyday lives of people living and working in Britain around 400AD, specifically about how they manufactured pots, stored and cooked their food.