Set of lessons to study Colombia and the film Encanto.
Characters (descriptions and family tree)
Photo descriptions
Song (No se habla de Bruno)
Film review
Unit of work (module with 6 lessons)
To learn about the location and characteristics of the rainforest
To be able to recognise the different layers of the rainforest
To think how and why animals and plants adapt to their environment
To begin to understand what life in the rainforest is like
To be able to identify key places using a map and atlas
To learn about the Amazon rainforest and Brazil
To recognise that environments can change
To begin to understand the effects of deforestation
To be able to describe and explain other effects in the rainforest
To be able to show how and why rainforests are special
To understand the benefits of fairtrade
To know about the impact of fairtrade can have for farmers
Unit of work (module with 6 lessons)
To be able to identify key places using a map and atlas
To learn about North America
To use a compass and use directions
To learn information about the flag of USA
To learn information about the states of USA
To learn why USA has English town names
To understand stereotypes
To begin to understand how different the USA is to the UK