
Dictionary/thesaurus Activity Differentiated
Based on Jenny Nimmo's Midnight for Charlie Bone these are three differentiated passages. Each passage has a number of words spelled incorrectly. The children should identify these words, look up the correct spelling and then look for an alternative word. This can then be used as a story starter or stimulus for writing.

Starter of The Day Activity SODA morning soft start
I use this editable powerpoint as a soft start activity for my children, every morning. It includes:
Daily 4 - numeracy
countdown - spelling
right here right now - citizenship
To do list
Remember - motivation and reminders
Daily date in French and English

Who wants to be a sensational speller? Spelling Quiz
Spelling quiz based on long u sound “absolutely” can be edited for other words and sounds.
uses knowledge of syllables, phonemes and graphemes, sounds, rhyme and a range of strategies.