
Starter of The Day Activity SODA morning soft start
I use this editable powerpoint as a soft start activity for my children, every morning. It includes:
Daily 4 - numeracy
countdown - spelling
right here right now - citizenship
To do list
Remember - motivation and reminders
Daily date in French and English

Maths assessment - differentiated inc answers
This Key assessment task acquires children to apply previous learning and knowledge of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division as well as simple fractions 1/2 and 1/4 and 3D shape. It also enables them to use a variety of strategies and mathematical operations and requires pupils to apply problem solving skills. This task demonstrates the child’s confidence with basic facts and times tables as well as their ability to apply their knowledge to more abstract problems. There are 3 levels of the task that get progressively harder. All children can be given the opportunity to complete each level.
Answers included