
Martin Luther & The Reformation - Quick overview
A short but informative introduction to Martin Luther & The Reformation, originally used for Junior Certificate History in Ireland.

The Plantations in Ireland - Junior Certificate History
This is a comprehensive PowerPoint presentation that covers the entire unit from the Laois-Offaly Plantation all the way to Cromwell in Ireland. All notes can be copied into students’ notebooks for later reference Notes are designed to specifically fit in with the Discovering History textbook (Patsy McCaughey) but can be used to guide the study of a unit using any text relevant to this area of the curriculum.
Also included is a short Plantations themed crossword with key terms (answers attached for teacher reference).

The Causes of The French Revolution
Quick and handy notes used to introduce the causes of the French Revolution to a Junior Certificate (Irish curriculum) History group. Could also be adapted for use with KS3 History etc.

The Industrial Revolution - Unit PowerPoint (including task ideas)
This PowerPoint was designed for and used with Junior Certificate students in Ireland, but all content is relevant to any study of the Industrial Revolution.
Slides cover:
The inventors of the era
The changes to areas (towns becoming cities)
Working conditions
Some activities are included on the slides, such as poster design and the production of a ‘government report’ on working conditions.

Various Junior Certificate History PowerPoints
Four PowerPoints:
Antisemitism & The Holocaust
The Causes of the French Revolution
The Industrial & Social Revolution
The Plantations in Ireland
Handy for students to have as notes for reference and revision. Can also be used for introducing and working through topics.

Antisemitism & The Holocaust - Junior Certificate/KS3 History
A comprehensive, fact-based timeline of events from the beginning of the persecution of the Jewish people up to the ‘Final Solution’. This PowerPoint carries all necessary information for study of the topic. Deisnged to supplement a good textbook and various active resources. THESE ARE STUDY NOTES ONLY - activities are not included on the slides.