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Martin Luther & The Reformation - Quick overview
A short but informative introduction to Martin Luther & The Reformation, originally used for Junior Certificate History in Ireland.

Cambridge Lower Secondary Checkpoint English 2018 Examination Breakdown
This is a PowerPoint presentation breaking down the Cambridge Lower Secondary Checkpoint English examination for 2018. All information is drawn from the signposts in the specimen paper, the previous versions of which have been reliable indicators as to what will occur on the real exam.
NOTE BEFORE PURCHASING - This PowerPoint DOES NOT go into detail on how to answer any of the questions. It is simply a short, simple question-by-question breakdown of what students might expect on the paper. The slides give a quick reference point for teachers and students alike.

Tips for completing IGCSE English as a Second Language (0510/0511) Paper 4 - Listening
A quick guide with some simple tips to follow for the listening exam. I use this to start students off before they attempt to put the strategies into use by way of sustained practice.

IB DP English B Summer Workbook
A workbook tailored to my SL students but also applicable to lower ability HL students or those who want to practice more casually. Workbook includes:
Specific exercises focusing on themes
Language exercises (vocabulary expansion pack, idiom activities)
Focused skills-based exercises (working out from context, listening)
Exam practice (past paper included for reading)
Opportunities for research
Reading activities
A quick and easy resource to distribute to a range of student types to keep them progressing over the summer months.

2017/18 Guide to IGCSE English as a Second Language (0510/0511) Exercise 7 -Article writing
This PowerPoint shows students exactly what they must do to achieve a high grade and dissects a sample IGCSE ESL Exercise 7 question & answer, highlighting the areas that are key. I made this as I felt I did not have access to a resource of the same ilk and feel that it is something all IGCSE ESL students need clear guidance on if they are to be successful.
Also incldued is a word doc of the completed sample answer for distribution to students after the presentation lessons.

IB Diploma - Travel Writing
Full 25 slide PPT introducing conventions of travel writing, with embedded links to various resources for practice. Bundle also includes 6 x travel writing samples for students to practice analysis on.

IB Diploma - Political Cartoons
A full unit of study on political cartoons with a focus on Patrick Chappatte’s body of work for IB Diploma students.

2017/18 Guide to IGCSE English as a Second Language (0510/11) Ex. 6 - Letter/Email writing
This is a comprehensive PowerPoint that breaks down an exam question from 2016. It shows students exactly what they must do to achieve a high grade and dissects a sample answer, highlighting the areas that are key. I made this as I felt I did not have access to a resource of the same ilk and feel that it is something all IGCSE ESL students, teachers and tutors can benefit from.
Included is the full PowerPoint presentation and a Word doc of the question and sample answer for student reference.An extension activity could see students highlighting and identifying the verb tense being used in each sentence of the sample answer.

The Plantations in Ireland - Junior Certificate History
This is a comprehensive PowerPoint presentation that covers the entire unit from the Laois-Offaly Plantation all the way to Cromwell in Ireland. All notes can be copied into students’ notebooks for later reference Notes are designed to specifically fit in with the Discovering History textbook (Patsy McCaughey) but can be used to guide the study of a unit using any text relevant to this area of the curriculum.
Also included is a short Plantations themed crossword with key terms (answers attached for teacher reference).

IGCSE English as a Second Language - Listening Tips
A short PowerPoint presentation outlining the key tips that students need to take on board to do well in the listening section of the IGCSE ESL examination. My students found this very helpful.

IGCSE ESL - Speaking Test Layout
A short PowerPoint detailing the four sections of the IGCSE Speaking Test.

Cambridge First Certificate English (FCE) Introduction
A short section-by-section breakdown of the paper. This helped my students to get their heads around what was required by the examination.

After Tomorrow by Gillian Cross - Book Cover Design Activity (KS3)
This activity is guided by the PowerPoint and can be used with a Year 8 class or a low Year 9 set. This is a worthwhile activity that generates discussion and reflection on the text.

IB DP (Diploma) English B - Text Types - Blog
NOTE: This reousrce was made for SL students but is easily adaptable for HL, with some edits required
This is a PowerPoint guiding students through the key features of writing a blog for the IBDP English B SL Paper 1 Writing examination.
Includes a breakdown of the Net-Sieve-Spine approach to planning a blog, as well as a simplified blog writing frame, a compilation of old exam questions from the SL paper and a PowerPoint displaying a practice task for students to engage with.

The Causes of The French Revolution
Quick and handy notes used to introduce the causes of the French Revolution to a Junior Certificate (Irish curriculum) History group. Could also be adapted for use with KS3 History etc.

The Industrial Revolution - Unit PowerPoint (including task ideas)
This PowerPoint was designed for and used with Junior Certificate students in Ireland, but all content is relevant to any study of the Industrial Revolution.
Slides cover:
The inventors of the era
The changes to areas (towns becoming cities)
Working conditions
Some activities are included on the slides, such as poster design and the production of a ‘government report’ on working conditions.

After Tomorrow - Writing Assessment KS3
A brief PowerPoint presentation that sets up (a newspaper article) writing assessment for Gillian Cross’ novel, After Tomorrow.
Suitable for Year 8 or a lower year 9 set.

IB DP (Diploma) English B Introduction - HL vs SL
A handy PowerPoint to introduce students and parents to the English B course. The slides breakdown the requirements of each paper of the examinations as well as the difference in expectations between SL & HL. Themes and text types are also given attention, with the slides acting as a stimulus for student/parent questions on the course.

PEE / SEE Paragraphs - English
This is a PowerPoint created using a range of different resources and based directly on a Grade 6 (IB curriculum) class’ study of the novel Ninth Ward by Jewell Parker Rhodes. Adaptable to suit any novel/character analysis.

English Summer Workbook/Challenges
Are you looking for the perfect way to keep your KS3 students intellectually stimulated over the summer break? Look no further! Our specially curated resource offers three captivating activities designed to challenge and inspire young minds.
There are 3 x slides with 45 activities in total - perfect to keep hungry minds engaged over the long summer months!