Three lessons (approx 3 hours) on legal and illegal drugs, cannabis and volatile substance abuse and getting help, aimed at KS3. PPT and resources encourage a safe and open learning environment for which to learn about Drugs Education. Instructions and guidance for teachers is embedded into the PPT and the resources.
Lesson include:
1. Legal and Illegal Drugs
2. Cannabis
3. Volatile Substance Abuse
Please give feedback. I am always happy to respond to comments - whether positive or constructive - this will help to improve the quality of my resources in the future and, more importantly, the quality of pupils’ PSHE education in general - which is what we’re all here for.
Whole lesson (approx 1 hour) on volatile substance abuse and getting help, aimed at KS3. PPT and resources encourage a safe and open learning environment for which to learn about Drugs Education. Instructions and guidance for teachers is embedded into the PPT and the resources.
Lesson includes:
1. Starter
2. Date/Title/Objective and Outcomes
3. Ground Rules
4. TPS / Discussion on the meaning of VSA
5. Effects and Risks of VSA
6. Contacting the Emergency Services
7. Role Play
8. Recovery Position Video
7. Plenary
Please give feedback. I am always happy to respond to comments - whether positive or constructive - this will help to improve the quality of my resources in the future and, more importantly, the quality of pupils' PSHE education in general - which is what we're all here for.
Whole lesson (approx 1 hour) on cannabis, aimed at KS3. PPT and resources encourage a safe and open learning environment for which to learn about Drugs Education. Instructions and guidance for teachers is embedded into the PPT and the resources.
Lesson includes:
1. Starter
2. Date/Title/Objective and Outcomes
3. Ground Rules
4. TPS / Discussion
5. Media Clip
6. True/False Quiz (+ answers for teachers)
7. Why choose to use cannabis? (Q&A)
8. Resisting Peer Pressure
9. Plenary
Please give feedback. I am always happy to respond to comments - whether positive or constructive - this will help to improve the quality of my resources in the future and, more importantly, the quality of pupils' PSHE education in general - which is what we're all here for.
Whole lesson (approx 1 hour) on legal and illegal drugs, aimed at KS3. PPT and resources encourage a safe and open learning environment for which to learn about Drugs Education. Instructions and guidance for teachers is embedded into the PPT and the resources.
Lesson includes:
1. Starter
2. Date/Title/Objective and Outcomes
3. Ground Rules
4. TPS / Discussion
5. Card Match Activity (+ answers for teachers)
6. Quiz (+ answers for teachers)
7. Plenary
Please give feedback. I am always happy to respond to comments - whether positive or constructive - this will help to improve the quality of my resources in the future and, more importantly, the quality of pupils' PSHE education in general - which is what we're all here for.
Full lesson on World Environment Day (June 5th ).
Prepare the younger generation to protect their greatest asset: the planet!
Resource includes:
1. Videos
2. PPT
3. Plan, included suggested discussion questions
4. Differentiated learning mats
5. Choice of plenaries
PSHCEE Citizenship Scheme of Work on Personal Finance. Intended for KS4 but easily adapted for KS3.
Lessons 1-2: Making the Most of Money
Lessons 3-4: Student Life
Lessons 5-6: Working Life
Resources include full scheme of work, LPs, PPTs, resources and video links (where necessary)
A fun, colourful and creative way to learn!
This lesson looks at:
- What are the UN?
- What do the UN do?
This lesson explores an array of human rights through video media, including:
- Trafficking
- Stereotypes / Islamophobia
- Rich vs Poor
- Sexism (Emma Watson)
Colourful, fun and engaging resources!
This lesson explores:
- Video and questions
- What the commonwealth is
- Create a leaflet activity
- Word challenge
Colourful, fun and engaging resources!
This lesson explores:
- What the EU is
- Read and Extract
- Team Quiz
- If this is the answer, what is the question?
Colourful, fun and engaging resources!
This lesson explores:
- What a 'national community' is
- Labels that pupils would associate themselves with, e.g. 'British' / 'Southern'
- Read and Extract information task
- Video research and reflection
- Plenary activity
Colourful, fun and engaging resources!
This lesson explores:
- Recap of what philanthropy is
- Team research on volunteering / charity case studies
- Reflection
- Post Card Plenary
Colourful, fun and engaging resources!
This lesson explores:
- Video
- What philanthropy is
- Local issues
- Thinking about how to solve local issues (group work and presentation)
Colourful, fun and engaging resources!
Lessons include:
1. Key words
2. Helping others
3. Video Activities
4. Reflection
5. Human rights violations throughout history (WWII)
6. Debate about whether HR should be law in all countries
7. Campaign
Lesson includes:
1. 'What have you seen?' activity
2. TPS
3. True / False activity
4. Different views on migration (video link in PPT)
5. Right or wrong? A Case Study
6. Reflection
Lessons include:
1. TPS
2. Services near 'us' (will need changing based on Geography!!)
3. What happens at the NHS clinic? (Videos)
4. Role Play activity
5. Contraception odd-one-out
6. Find out for yourself
7. 'Get the facts' activity
Lessons include:
1. Negotiation cards for role play
2. The effect of alcohol and/or drugs on decision-making
3. Negotiation and 'Drinking Tea' Video (from British police)
4. Breaking up worksheet; Q&As
5.' Avoid the cliches!' activity
Whole lesson to educate pupils on HIV and AIDS. Lesson includes:
1. Link to video with Q&A
2. Card Sort
3. Key Facts
4. Sara's Story (Case study)
5. Final Thunk (reflection)
Mature and honest approach to Citizenship / PSHCEE