Sharing the resources I created for myself and have used as part of my teaching practise. I have been a nursery school teacher (4 months - 5 years), a science teacher (KS3-KS5) with biology specialism, a forest school leader, vocational award assessor for Childcare and I am now a specialist SEND teacher. As a result I am able to share a wide range of resources.
Sharing the resources I created for myself and have used as part of my teaching practise. I have been a nursery school teacher (4 months - 5 years), a science teacher (KS3-KS5) with biology specialism, a forest school leader, vocational award assessor for Childcare and I am now a specialist SEND teacher. As a result I am able to share a wide range of resources.
Mini plenaries are a type of formative assessment and are a great way to review progress of learning during a lesson. It also allows pupils opportunities for self reflection. "Teachers have also begun to be more flexible in introducing effective ‘mini plenaries’ at critical points in a lesson to review progress, clarify misunderstandings and move the work forward (OFSTED Dec. 2003)". Just ask a pupil to select a card and in so doing will feel like they are taking responsibility for their own learning.
Just print out 9 copies of page 1 of the PDF and return to the printer for double sided printing and then print out pages 2-10. It is best to print out the cards on thick paper/thin card. I have laminated my set for durability.
There are five sets available from my TES shop, the only difference is the back design, the actually mini plenary suggestions are the same. This is the grey backed design.
Keywords: formative assessment, mini plenaries, plenary, assessment.
Listening to children is a skill which requires much more than the use of our ears. We can observe their actions and pay attention to their behaviour. This animation was developed for Anne Emerson-Smith Play Training Ltd and shares the key strategies for listening to children.
Excellent for training early years and KS1 teachers, teaching assistants and early years educators.
I work as an SEN assistant and am employed to work one-to-one with a three year old child who has global developmental delay. Whilst she has very limited verbal communication, I have discovered that she is great at playing memory and enjoys playing the game. We have been focusing more recently on colour and shape so I have created this memory game to specifically support her learning.
The game consists of 32 colour cards. The shapes are square, circle, triangle and star printed in pairs in each of four colours: red, blue, yellow and green.
I do not play the game using all 32 cards and currently use either all of one particular shape in all of the colour variations or one of each shape in different colours. She now recognises the four different shapes. But you can adapt the game to play in any way which you see fit. Because the game uses pairs of cards it can be played either as memory or snap.
I will shortly be publishing a black and white version of this game to support those children who work better using this colour scheme.
Keywords: SEN, memory, shapes, colour, game, learning through play, snap, EYFS, Curriculum for Excellence, numeracy,
A Guess Who game designed for pupils revising Organic Chemistry functional groups. Inspired by the childhood game 'Guess Who?' and played in a similar way.
Print out pages two copies of page 1 and print on the reverse page 2 so that when folded in half (as in the picture) the title page obscures the view of the functional groups.
Print out two copies of page 3 and cut out the rectangles.
Players face each other.
Each player chooses a functional group and keeps it a secret.
Players take it in turns to guess the identity of the other player's chosen group using clues associated with the different groups.
Players use the white rectangles to cover the functional groups eliminated from the game.
First player to guess the other player's functional group wins!
Keywords: organic chemistry, functional groups, alkanes, alkenes, alcohols, aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids, esters, halogenalkanes, game. Guess Who?
A simple Venn diagram template to print out and give to pupils for use as a starter, plenary or even extension task.
Keywords: Cell Biology, Venn diagram, Eukaryotic, Prokaryotic
A whole school PowerPoint slide to present differentiated lesson tasks. This differentiated task sheet enables students to take ownership for their own learning. The resource has been created using PowerPoint, this means that text boxes can be inserted onto the challenge levels to describe the tasks. I suggest two or three choices of task per challenge level.
The challenge levels are indicated by spiciness, the spicier the task, the more challenging it is.
Keywords: whole school, lesson, task sheet, worksheet, class template, chili, differentiated
A Learning Outcomes/Objectives Slide proforma which can be added to your own lesson PowerPoint to show pupils which outcomes/objectives aim to be achieved during the lesson. Differentiated using Bloom's taxonomy enabling you to clearly show lower and higher level outcomes/objectives.
Just adapt to your own requirements by deleting the boxes that you do not need - an example is given with three outcomes. Just type in the outcomes into the colour coordinated text box.
Keywords: Bloom's taxonomy, knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, evaluation, synthesis, lesson outcomes, lesson objectives, higher level, lower level, differentiation.
Slide created as part of a a test review when the results revealed that a large number of pupils had labelled mitochondria in sperm as chloroplasts. This clipart/slide was created to help address this misconception.
Keywords: sperm, mitochondria, chloroplast, misconception.
Pupils are asked to complete a storyboard to illustrate what happens when a bacteria enters their body.
The process starts from the moment 'Toby' gets scratched by his cat. His blood begins to clot then the immune system uses phagocytes and lymphocytes to target the bacteria.
Key words: Y shaped molecules, antibodies, phagocyte, phagocytosis, lymphocyte, agglutination, immune system, bacteria, storyboard
Pupils are asked to complete the table as part of an explore task. To be delivered as part of the curriculum for AQA GCSE Diffusion
Research can be conducted using textbooks or as part of a websearch
Diffusion: adaptations, root, small intestine, leaves, kidney and lungs
Perfect as a settler task and a great way to learn key words, this wordsearch introduces or helps to consolidate key terms from bioenergetics (AQA 4.2.1, 4.2.2, 4.2.3).
Keywords: Mitochondria, heart rate, breathing rate, anaerobic, oxygen debt, lactic acid, glucose, respiration, cells
This differentiated homework task sheet enables students to take ownership for their own learning. The resource has been created using PowerPoint, this means that text boxes can be inserted onto the challenge levels to describe the tasks. I suggest two or three choices of task per challenge level.
The challenge levels are indicated by spiciness, the spicier the task, the more challenging it is.
Keywords: whole school, homework, task sheet, worksheet, class template, chili, differentiated
Mini plenaries are a type of formative assessment and are a great way to review progress of learning during a lesson. It also allows pupils opportunities for self reflection. "Teachers have also begun to be more flexible in introducing effective ‘mini plenaries’ at critical points in a lesson to review progress, clarify misunderstandings and move the work forward (OFSTED Dec. 2003)". Just ask a pupil to select a card and in so doing will feel like they are taking responsibility for their own learning.
Just print out 9 copies of page 1 of the PDF and return to the printer for double sided printing and then print out pages 2-10. It is best to print out the cards on thick paper/thin card. I have laminated my set for durability.
There are five sets available from my TES shop, the only difference is the back design, the actually mini plenary suggestions are the same. This is the biology themed back.
Keywords: formative assessment, mini plenaries, plenary, assessment.
I designed this crossword as a settler/starter task for a KS3 class (year 8 ) who were doing their third lesson on magnetism.
Keywords: poles, induced, fieldlines, plotting compass, alloy
Formative Assessment/Assessment for Learning
1. At the start of a new topic, get your pupils to stick this in on the first page.
2. Ask them to write everything that they already know about the topic in the centre square.
3. Then either mid way through the lesson, or mid way through the topic, turn back to this first page and ask the pupils to write everything that they know in the middle rectangle - using a different colour ink really highlights their new learning. Also at this point they can work as a 'talking pair' and expand on this.
4. At the end of the topic, return to this first page and complete the final rectangle, again using a different colour is a good idea, as is incorporating 'talking pair' information.
A simple way to let both you and your students know what progress they have made.
Encourage independent learning with this 'Twelve Days of Christmas' template. Simply add text to the (bacteria/virus) baubles and ask your students to choose what they want to do. How you deliver this is entirely up to you. For example you could ask them to do a minimum of two home works.
In order to position the text boxes over the baubles I have just used the number '1'. This means that they can be easily edited and personalised by you.
#festive; #Christmas; #independent learning #homework