
Other Celebrations
Look at other celebrations that take place here now because of the different immigrants who have come to Britain. Children research one of these celebrations in groups and using Hamilton WebLearner children produce a web page to describe and explain it.

1950s Art
Children look at 1950s sculptures by Barbara Hepworth and Henry Moore and make their own similar model from clay.

Apollo 11
Children watch the first manned landing on the moon, then build a nanorover or play online games about space travel.

TV Adverts
Children look at kitchen gadgets and early TV adverts and then work in groups to make up an advert for the first microwave, then act it out for the rest of the class.

Everything In Its Place
Children spot which items are out of place in a 1950s living room, and dress a character from each decade.

Amphitheatres, the Colosseum
Children continue the work on the Coliseum in Rome. They find out about its history and then identify and locate this building in today’s Rome. Pointing out that it can be visited, chn look at tourist brochures and plan a visit!
Suitable for years 3 and 4.

Roman Baths & Toilets
In this session children look at how the Romans improved hygiene arrangements across the empire by providing clean water and drains for sewage. Children investigate Roman toilets and baths, and discuss the positive effects of these innovations.
Suitable for years 3 and 4.

Testing Materials for Roman Weapons
Children look at Roman weapons and discuss the materials that these would have been made from. They then carry out some experiments to discover which materials are most suitable for which purposes. They devise a series of fair tests and communicate results.
Suitable for years 3 and 4.

Kings, Republic, Emperors
Children locate the Roman empire on a timeline and discuss how historians and archaeologists are able to piece together the facts. They look at the 3 systems of government: monarchy, republic and emperors, and debate advantages/disadvantages of each.
Suitable for years 3 and 4.

Council Houses
Children recognise the need for affordable social housing. Groups discuss different forms of affordable housing – council houses, tower blocks, housing associations, prefabs.
Feedback to class with pros and cons and decide which would be most useful after a problem.

Changes In Everyday Objects
Children look at every day objects which have changed since WW2, choose one and write a museum card for it.

Crossing The Channel
Children discuss ways of crossing the Channel and then make a balloon-powered hovercraft.

Keeping Food Fresh
Food was rationed during WW2 and the government constantly gave out advice about how to grow and preserve food using various methods. Fridges went into mass production after WW2. Children explore a BBC site – rations, shops, a quiz, etc!

How Has Farming Changed?
After WW2 and rationing farmers had to increase production. Children discuss where food comes from, and their views on the use of heavy farm machinery and pesticides. Children make a model of a fruit/vegetable or create an ICT presentation showing seasonal availability.

Multi-Faith Britain
One of the important changes in British society since WW2 has been the rise in numbers of people with different religious beliefs. Christianity remains the main religion. Investigate the main religions that are now practised in Britain and create display.

Modern Day Meals
Children discuss their favourite meals, made a model/drawing of it as session 4. One group prepares a chicken curry. All taste this and vote for either the 1950s chicken meal or the modern day curry.

Meals In The 1950's
Children look at pieces of kitchen equipment and guess which were available in the 1950s. One group make a real chicken meal, whilst the others make a typical 50s dinner from Plasticine, an ICT package or paint/collage materials. All taste the 50s dinner.

Ensure that children understand that all the people who have come to live here since Roman times have made an impact on Britain. Children research one country that people have immigrated from and add a picture and label to a large class version of the jigsaw.

Merging Cultures
Celebrate the diversity of British people! The cultures of immigrants from many countries who have come to Britain since WW2 have been merged with the pre-war British culture to provide a great variety of foods, music, clothes and dance. Explore and enjoy!

New Town Planning
Find out about the New Towns that were planned to help with housing shortages. Look at some examples. Children identify the key elements that they would like included in a new town, and then write a report for a new town planning committee.