The Festival of Britain
Children watch TV footage and research the festival of Britain. They make a postcard of their favourite part and write a message on the back about what they liked.
The Italian Job
Children watch a car chase scene from the original Italian Job and try and guess its date. They create their own car chase using toy cars and film to show the rest of the class.
Children look at trains from different ages, then try to make a moving vehicle using magnets, then have a competition involving choosing magnetic metal objects.
The Moon
Children explore the surface of the moon using a website, carry out the activity they didn’t do in session 12, then have a nanorover race.
Well-Known Immigrants
Most immigrants who have come to Britain have brought skills with them. Many immigrants or descendants of immigrants have become well-known in the fields of sport, entertainment, politics and the professions. Children research and list examples.
Read the poem Windrush Child by John Agard and get children’s reactions. Give brief history of SS Windrush’s journey to Britain in 1948. Children either mark the journey on a map or answer questions about photographs to do with Caribbean immigration on the Windrush.