A knowledge organiser (KO) for German GCSE. It is for theme 8.2 - Regions of Germany. It complements the OUP textbook.
It includes key grammar (“Using comparative and superlative adverbs”, “Using dative or accusative after prepositions”, and “Using relative pronouns and was”), the aims of the theme, some “fancy phrases” for the topic, 20 key items of vocabulary (also in sentences for context), and four key verbs in five different tenses.
A knowledge organiser (KO) for German GCSE. It is for theme 5.2 - Where You Live. It complements the OUP textbook.
It includes key grammar (“Using inversion to form questions”, “Using the verb können correctly”, and “Using interrogatives to form questions”), the aims of the theme, some “fancy phrases” for the topic, 20 key items of vocabulary (also in sentences for context), and four key verbs in five different tenses.
Knowledge Organiser (KO) for German GCSE AQA OUP Textbook 4.2 - Festivals in Germany and Geman-speaking countries. It complements the OUP textbook.
It includes key grammar (“Using the perfect tense”, and “Using personal pronouns”), the aims of the theme, some “fancy phrases” for the topic, 20 key items of vocabulary (also in sentences for context), and four key verbs in five different tenses.
A knowledge organiser (KO) for German GCSE. It is for theme 4.1 - Germany and Customs. It complements the OUP textbook.
It includes key grammar (“Using quantities, weights, and containers”, “Using adjectives as nouns”, and “Using verbs as the second idea in sentences”), the aims of the theme, some “fancy phrases” for the topic, 20 key items of vocabulary (also in sentences for context), and four key verbs in five different tenses.
A knowledge organiser (KO) for German GCSE. It is for theme 2.2 - Mobile Technology. It complements the OUP textbook.
It includes key grammar (“Using the perfect tense”, and “Using the imperfect tense”), the aims of the theme, some “fancy phrases” for the topic, 20 key items of vocabulary (also in sentences for context), and four key verbs in five different tenses.
A knowledge organiser (KO) for German GCSE. It is for theme 1.2 - Marriage and partnership. It complements the OUP textbook.
It includes key grammar (“Using adjectives to describe people and things”, “Using the future tense”, and “Using comparative and superlative adjectives”), the aims of the theme, some “fancy phrases” for the topic, 20 key items of vocabulary (also in sentences for context), and four key verbs in five different tenses.
A knowledge organiser (KO) for German GCSE. It is for theme 3.3 - Sport. It complements the OUP textbook.
It includes key grammar (“Saying what you like/prefer/like best”, “Using separable and reflexive verbs in the future tense”, and “Using wann, wenn, and als correctly”), the aims of the theme, some “fancy phrases” for the topic, 20 key items of vocabulary (also in sentences for context), and four key verbs in five different tenses.
A knowledge organiser (KO) for German GCSE. It is for theme 2.1 - Social Media. It complements the OUP textbook.
It includes key grammar (“Using the present tense to refer to the future”, “Using direct and indirect pronouns”, and “Using wann, wenn and als correctly”), the aims of the theme, some “fancy phrases” for the topic, 20 key items of vocabulary (also in sentences for context), and four key verbs in five different tenses.
A knowledge organiser (KO) for German GCSE. It is for theme 2.3 - Food and eating out.
It includes key grammar (“Saying what you ‘like’ and ‘would like’ to do”), “Understanding and using the present tense”, and “Using adverbial phrases correctly”), the aims of the theme, some “fancy phrases” for the topic, 20 key items of vocabulary (also in sentences for context), and four key verbs in five different tenses.
A knowledge (KO) organiser for German GCSE. It is for theme 12.1 - Choice of career. It complements the OUP textbook.
It includes key grammar (“Using ich möchte,* ich werde*, and* ich will*”, “Using subordinating conjunctions”, and “Understanding and using the genitive case”), the aims of the theme, some “fancy phrases” for the topic, 20 key items of vocabulary (also in sentences for context), and four key verbs in five different tenses.
A knowledge organiser (KO) for German GCSE. It is for theme 6.2 - Healthy and unhealthy living. It complements the OUP textbook.
It includes key grammar (“Using modal verbs”, “Saying must not and don’t have to”, and “Using als when talking about the past”), the aims of the theme, some “fancy phrases” for the topic, 20 key items of vocabulary (also in sentences for context), and four key verbs in five different tenses.
A knowledge organiser (KO) for German GCSE. It is for theme 3.1 - Music, Cinema and TV. It complements the OUP textbook.
It includes key grammar (“Understanding and using separable verbs”, “Understanding and using separable verbs in the perfect tense”, and “Understanding and using reflexive verbs in the perfect tense”), the aims of the theme, some “fancy phrases” for the topic, 20 key items of vocabulary (also in sentences for context), and four key verbs in five different tenses.
A knowledge organiser (KO) for German GCSE. It is for theme 7.2 - Poverty and Homelessness. It complements the OUP textbook.
It includes key grammar (“Understanding and using indefinite pronouns”, “Understanding and using reflexive pronouns”, and “Using reflexive verbs with a direct object”), the aims of the theme, some “fancy phrases” for the topic, 20 key items of vocabulary (also in sentences for context), and four key verbs in five different tenses.
A knowledge organiser (KO) for German GCSE. It is for theme 11.1 - University or Work? It complements the OUP textbook.
It includes key grammar (“Understanding and using the future tense”, “Using welcher?”, and “Using infinitives following zu”), the aims of the theme, some “fancy phrases” for the topic, 20 key items of vocabulary (also in sentences for context), and four key verbs in five different tenses.
A knowledge organiser (KO) for German GCSE. It is for theme 9.1 - School and School Subjects. It complements the OUP textbook.
It includes key grammar (“Using modal verbs”, “Using the prepositions seit and vor", and “Using the infinitive constructions um … zu and ohne … zu”), the aims of the theme, some “fancy phrases” for the topic, 20 key items of vocabulary (also in sentences for context), and four key verbs in five different tenses.
A knowledge organiser (KO) for German GCSE. It is for theme 6.1 - Charity and voluntary work. It complements the OUP textbook.
It includes key grammar (“Using quantifiers and intensifiers", “Using ‘in’ with the dative and accusative”, and “Using ‘wenn’ clauses”), the aims of the theme, some “fancy phrases” for the topic, 20 key items of vocabulary (also in sentences for context), and four key verbs in five different tenses.
A knowledge organiser (KO) for German GCSE. It is for theme 10.1 - Life at school. It complements the OUP textbook.
It includes key grammar (“Using adjectival endings”, “Using reflexive verbs in the present tense”, and “Using common subjunctive forms”), the aims of the theme, some “fancy phrases” for the topic, 20 key items of vocabulary (also in sentences for context), and four key verbs in five different tenses.
A knowledge organiser (KO) for German GCSE. It is for theme 8.1 - Holidays and travel. It complements the OUP textbook.
It includes key grammar (“Using weather expressions”, “Using the imperfect tense of irregular verbs”, and “Using coordinating and subordinating conjunctions”), the aims of the theme, some “fancy phrases” for the topic, 20 key items of vocabulary (also in sentences for context), and four key verbs in five different tenses.
A knowledge organiser (KO) for German GCSE. It is for theme 7.1 - Environment. It complements the OUP textbook.
It includes key grammar (“Using subordinating conjunctions”, “Using the imperative”, and “Using the pluperfect”), the aims of the theme, some “fancy phrases” for the topic, 20 key items of vocabulary (also in sentences for context), and four key verbs in five different tenses.
A knowledge organiser (KO) for German GCSE. It is for theme 5.1 - Home. It complements the OUP textbook.
It includes key grammar (“Forming plurals”, and "Using prepositions”), the aims of the theme, some “fancy phrases” for the topic, 20 key items of vocabulary (also in sentences for context), and four key verbs in five different tenses.