
Preposition Bingo
A set of 32 Bingo cards with different prepositions and prepositional phrases on. There is also a ‘caller’ card to keep a record of which words have been used. If laminated, this resource can be used over and over again. Great for use as an English lesson starter or plenary.

King's Coronation Newspaper Report
A set of resources to plan and create a newspaper front page reporting The Coronation of King Charles III.
An example front page including facts about The Coronation.
A planning sheet for the children to research and record the 5 W’s of The
An example template on a powerpoint slide to show the children the different
parts of the newspaper front page.
A front page template to write on.
An editable front page template using Microsoft Publisher for the children to
type on and add illustrations to.

Persuasive Writing Display
Labels using the mnemonic ‘PERSUADE’ showing the different features of persuasive writing. Also includes speech bubbles with an example of each feature.

Success Criteria for Different Writing Genres
A set of printable success criteria tables for both students and teachers. Ideal for the children to stick in their books and refer to at the beginning and end of a ‘Big Write’ or extended piece of writing. Also useful as a marking tool and to aid student feedback and next steps. Included are success criteria for writing:
Explanation texts
Descriptive writing/poetry
Discussion texts
Newspaper reports
Non-chronological reports
Personal narratives
All tables include the main features of the different genres and some have more advanced features at the end as a challenge.

50 Five Minute SPAG/Lesson Opener Activities
A powerpoint containing 50 fun English/SPAG activities. Includes: word games, anagrams, editing and character and setting descriptions.
Ideal as a lesson opener, plenary, registration activity or just as a time filler. This would also be useful for supply teachers as a set of one off activities.

Remembrance Day Personification Poetry
A fully resourced personification lesson on the theme of Remembrance Day and the poppies in Flanders Fields.
An interactive teaching powerpoint
An example Remembrance Day poem including examples of personification
A writing template to support
Vocabulary lists
A range of poppy borders with different sized lines