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Factors, Multiples, Prime Numbers and Square Numbers Display Flowers
A set of printable display flowers giving a definition and examples of factors, multiples, square numbers and prime numbers. Also included is a set with blank petals which can be used as worksheets or laminated to write examples on with the children.

Kindness Tree
An individual tree outline with a set of hearts for the children to write different acts of kindness in and then colour. Could be used within a PSHE lesson on kindness or as an Anti- Bullying Week activity.

French Month Worksheet
A simple worksheet where the children have to draw a picture representing each month of the year where the name of the month is written in French. There are two tables on each A4 sheet.

Incarnation Worksheet/Activity
A differentiated activity on the incarnation of Jesus, considering his divinity and humanity. The worksheets contain a simple definition of incarnation and tables for the children to complete, sorting events and stories from the life of Jesus into ‘Fully God’ and ‘Fully Human’.
Cut and paste for LA
A list of stories and events for MA
Research using a children’s Bible for HA

Preposition Bingo
A set of 32 Bingo cards with different prepositions and prepositional phrases on. There is also a ‘caller’ card to keep a record of which words have been used. If laminated, this resource can be used over and over again. Great for use as an English lesson starter or plenary.

Describing the Different Stages of The Coronation Ceremony
A differentiated activity where the children complete a table showing the four main events in a Coronation ceremony.
HA/MA: Describe what happens during the oath, anointing, investing and crowning and draw a picture to illustrate each.
L.A: Cut and paste and match up descriptions of what happens during the oath, anointing, investing and crowning and draw a picture to illustrate each.

Times Tables Bingo
A class set of times table bingo cards to print with a teacher’s card to cross off the different answers. Up to 12 x table. An easy lesson starter or plenary giving the children a mixed selection of tables to practise. If laminated, could be used over and over again.

King's Coronation Newspaper Report
A set of resources to plan and create a newspaper front page reporting The Coronation of King Charles III.
An example front page including facts about The Coronation.
A planning sheet for the children to research and record the 5 W’s of The
An example template on a powerpoint slide to show the children the different
parts of the newspaper front page.
A front page template to write on.
An editable front page template using Microsoft Publisher for the children to
type on and add illustrations to.

Persuasive Writing Display
Labels using the mnemonic ‘PERSUADE’ showing the different features of persuasive writing. Also includes speech bubbles with an example of each feature.

Designing and Making a Lighthouse
A complete set of Design Technology resources on the topic of lighthouses. Seven lessons covering research, design, making and evaluation. The children make a lighthouse using a well known snack tube and insert a battery operated circuit to make it light up.
Covers many of the Key Stage 2 Design Technology objectives including ‘understand and use electrical systems in their products’.
Bundle includes:
Planning for seven lessons
Powerpoints (Lighthouses, Electrical Circuits, Lighthouse Design Examples)
Various individual worksheets/activities: front cover, research recording sheet,
electricity worksheets, example design sheets and an evaluation sheet.

French Lotto/Bingo Cards
A class set of Lotto/Bingo cards to use when learning or revising animal names, colours, classroom objects and numbers to 10 in French. Included is a ‘calling card’ to mark off each item as it is called. If laminated, can be used over and over again. Great for a starter activity or plenary.

Zones of Regulation Poster
A poster showing the different ‘Zones of Regulation’ using emojis to represent the emotions for each zone.
Great for displaying in the classroom so the children can identify and communicate how they are feeling during the day and to encourage self-regulation and the management of difficult emotions. Could be used within a ‘Zones of Regulation’ area where the class use lolly sticks or name labels to show which zone they are identifying with at different times.
The children could then go on to create their own emojis to represent the different emotions.
Available in an A3 and A4 format.

5 R's Motivational Display
A set of ‘clouds’ and a rainbow to display in the classroom using the 5 R’s:
Be Resourceful
Be Resilient
Reflect on learning
Have good Relationships
Take Risks
The rainbow displays each of the 5 Rs on its colour bands and each cloud contains a child friendly objective using the learning strategies. Also included is a speech bubble asking the children which of the 5 R’s they are using in their learning.
A good display to have as a whole school approach to learning or as an individual classroom display. Could also be used within a PSHE context.

Success Criteria for Different Writing Genres
A set of printable success criteria tables for both students and teachers. Ideal for the children to stick in their books and refer to at the beginning and end of a ‘Big Write’ or extended piece of writing. Also useful as a marking tool and to aid student feedback and next steps. Included are success criteria for writing:
Explanation texts
Descriptive writing/poetry
Discussion texts
Newspaper reports
Non-chronological reports
Personal narratives
All tables include the main features of the different genres and some have more advanced features at the end as a challenge.

Place Value Scavenger Hunt
A self-checking and fun resource to support your children’s understanding of place value. Includes questions involving: rounding, identifying the value of a digit, using digits to create greater and smaller numbers and adding and subtracting 1,000.
Print off and place the cards around the room. Children begin at one card then move on to the card showing the answer to their previous question. Includes a sheet to record the answers.
Could also be used as a warm-up or plenary activity by handing out the cards to pairs of children who read out the question and have to find the next pair with the correct answer on their card. Continue until the loop is complete.

Andy Warhol Soup Cans
A4 and A3 posters based on the Andy Warhol Soup Can art. The posters can be used as an example for the children to create their own Soup Can art either by hand or on the computer.
On the editable Microsoft Publisher version, the colours and combinations can be changed by clicking on the different parts of the design.
Also included is an outline of the poster that can be coloured in a Pop Art style.

Move up Morning/Transition Day Art Activity
An editable star template and example for the children to decorate with pictures and words describing themselves and their interests. Could include:
Favourite animal/book/food/colour
Has sections for the children to write their names in bubble writing and another to write a word that describes themselves such as ‘creative’ or ‘sporty’.
This could be printed out and completed by hand or completed on the computer using Microsoft Publisher.
Makes a great display ready for the new school year.

Finding Fractions of Amounts Scavenger Hunt
A self-checking and fun resource to support your children’s understanding of finding fractions of amounts.
Print off and place the cards around the room. Children begin at one card then move on to the card showing the answer to their previous question. Includes a sheet to record the answers.
Could also be used as a warm-up or plenary activity by handing out the cards to pairs of children who read out the question and have to find the next pair with the correct answer on their card. Continue until the loop is complete.

50 Five Minute SPAG/Lesson Opener Activities
A powerpoint containing 50 fun English/SPAG activities. Includes: word games, anagrams, editing and character and setting descriptions.
Ideal as a lesson opener, plenary, registration activity or just as a time filler. This would also be useful for supply teachers as a set of one off activities.

Display Lettering For Curriculum Subjects
A set of individual letters spelling out ‘ENGLISH’, MATHS’, ‘ART’, ‘HISTORY’, ‘GEOGRAPHY’ and ‘SCIENCE’ . Each letter is about 11cm high and is filled with a graphic linked to the subject being displayed. Great for laminating and using to label boards for each area of the curriculum.