Complete lesson pack linked to understanding and representing 3 digit numbers using base 10. Lesson comes in 3 formats and with pupil tasks. These are editible within the Smart and Promethean version of the files.
A large bundle of resources to support teaching the year 4 fractions and decimals objectives. Comes with lesson presentations and pupil tasks. At least 16 lessons, worth over £50 separately.
A bundle of 7+ fully resources lessons exploring writing and ordering decimal numbers, a pick up and teach resource, with reasoning tasks that could be extended over more lessons. Covers introducing hundredths, representing, ordering and comparing fractions and more.
Complete lesson pack designed to help recall equivalent fractions decimals and percentages by completing mixed addition pyramids. Comes with teaching presentation (in both Smart and Promeatheam format) and pupil tasks.
Complete lesson pack focusing on vertically opposite angles, and moving onto reasoning tasks linked to unknown angles. Comes with teaching presentation and various pupil tasks.