A whole lesson bundle that scaffolds partititioning money and then using this to add money in £ and p, an excelent step towards using the column method.
Complete lesson bundle in which children generate a fraction dice, and then use bar models to find equivalent fractions. Comes with several tasks as well as challenges, and complete lesson presentations.
An extensive lesson pack that could easily tailored to your class or extended over multiple lessons. Complete with lesson presentation and pupil tasks.
A huge selection of resources that cover the Year 2 money objectives. Please note that several of the resources include lesson packs for more than one lesson.
Contains teaching presentation and pupil tasks, money problems similar to those in 2018 Reasoning Paper. Complete lesson pack that could be extended over more than one session if explored in depth.
Whole lesson pack exploring representing fractions using Cuisenaire rods, complete with lesson presentation and a variety of tasks that encourage the children to explore Cuisenaire rods and the relationship between them.
Complete lesson pack in ActivePrimary (Flipchart) and SmartNotebook format. Comes with teaching presentation and also complementary pupil tasks in PDF and also editable format within the lesson presentation. Please note the format of the files, and ensure that you have compatible programs before purchasing.
Complete lesson pack included lesson presentation in Notebook and Flipchart formats, and differentiated tasks (these are in PDF but also included in the lesson presentation so fully editable). Also included a reasoning extension task. A pick up and teach lesson pack.
A consolidation lesson to allow children to become fluent with Roman Numerals to 100, while applying it to number sequences. Includes lesson presentation as well as pupil tasks. In Notebook and Flipchart formats. Worksheets are in PDF but also included within the lesson presentation to allow editing to your pupil’s needs or your school requirements.
Complete lesson bundle for Smart or Promethean introducing using the expanded column method, supported by place value counters. Comes with task cards and challenge.
Complete lesson bundle with lesson presentation in Smart and Promethean format and corresponding pupil tasks, which include fluency and investigative tasks linked to factors.