An ancient Egyptian complete lesson pack that is easily edited to simplify or extend depending on year groups. Comes with teacher's presentation and differentiated pupil tasks. A pick up and teach resource.
A whole lesson pack introducing multiplication of 2 digit numbers. This includes a detailed lesson presentation with examples of the method to work though, with printable and editable pupil worksheets differentiated on 3 levels. A comprehensive resource to introduce children to multiplication of 2 digit numbers, and a great step stone towards them column method.
Children add the two adjacent numbers to get the number above, children explore how to arrange numbers to get bigger/ smaller numbers on the top of the tree. Contains fully editable task sheets so could easily be extended over several lessons or edited to use bigger numbers.
A complete lesson resource with teaching flipchart and differentiated pupil task and challenges. Fully editable, so you can simplify or extend the amount of money used.
Complete lesson resource exploring combinations of elves and reindeer in Santa's workshop, a high ceiling, low threshold task that allows children to develop their own strategy to find the solution.
A selection of Christmas themed calculation work, included teaching presentation and children's tasks. Enough content to extend over 2 or 3 sessions if desired.
A fun lesson which allows the children to practice their multiplication skills, while thinking about likelihoods of different rolls. Can be played with 6 or 12 sided dice.
A complete lesson pack using the expanded column method to multiply by a 1 digit number, contains starter, main and plenary teaching tasks, as well as 2 worksheets for children to complete, and a challenge reasoning task.
A large selection of resources to support teaching money to Year 2. Linked to the White Rose Materials. Comprehensive lesson packs to cover at leave 3 lessons with varied children's tasks, although could easily be extended over more lessons. Contains 3 detailed flipcharts.
A huge bundle of resources with scaffolded tasks for part whole models, and an a large selection of tasks to explore problem solving, (12 page flipchart and 6 pupil tasks). Perfect to use for evidencing greater depth. In line with the White Rose Schemes of Learning.