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Geography Teacher!
UK landscape - influence of physical

UK landscape - influence of physical

A GCSE lesson linked to Edexcel B specification - Topic 4. This lesson links to specification 4.2a - the physical influences on the landscape of the UK. The lesson cover: Weathering types; climate, post-glacial processes and slope processes. Physical, chemical and biological weathering are all explained Slope processes such as rock fall, landslides and soil creep are included
Topic 4 (GCSE) Erosional landforms - EdB

Topic 4 (GCSE) Erosional landforms - EdB

A lesson tailored for GCSE (Topic 4) - UK Physical Landscape. The lesson fits the specification section 4.3a that looks at features formed by erosion (wave-cut notch/platform; crack to stump; and what factors influence erosion (rock type; seasonality and wave type). Diagrams and videos are included.
Topic 4 - UK Landscape (GCSE) - Coasts

Topic 4 - UK Landscape (GCSE) - Coasts

This is part of the GCSE Edexcel B Specification. Topic 4 (UK Physical Landscape) looking at section 4.3a (Coastal change and conflict). The lesson introduces the coastal section and looks at erosion. The lesson also looks at concordant vs discordant coastlines.
Cholera vs Malaria

Cholera vs Malaria

A double-lesson looking at 1) Cholera and 2) Malaria. Can be used as seperate lessons. Tasks include causes, symptoms and solutions for each. Video and map tasks included. Cholera - looks at WHO facts (10) and the main causes/symptoms using a drawing. Effects can then be categorised before 5 solutions offered. Malaria world map discussed as a tropical disease before looking at the causes and symptoms.
Russia - intro, landscape and urban vs rural

Russia - intro, landscape and urban vs rural

A lesson looking at Russia. The first part asks pupils to identify misconceptions and create a fact-file about Russia. Great for discussion and independent research. The second part looks at the physical and human aspects of Russia before the third and final part looks at urban vs rural differences in Russia. Could all be seperate lessons.
History of Africa and misconceptions

History of Africa and misconceptions

A double lesson looking at:1) The history of Africa and colonialism as well as 2) Misconceptions surrounding Africa. The history of Africa - looking at a map and activities that can be done online. The main part looks at countries that were taken over by the British, French etc. Pupils could plot on a map? Info sheets included. The second part (another lesson) looks at misconceptions surrounding Africa e.g. people speak African - or Africans are poor. There are views expressed by a range of players (people) by which pupils can categorise and rank and write their own!


KS3 resource looking at the causes of flooding, impacts and an example of flooding in a developed country (UK) and developing country (Bangladesh). Spelling test and wordsearch included.
Topic 7 (People and the Biosphere) GCSE Geography Edexcel B

Topic 7 (People and the Biosphere) GCSE Geography Edexcel B

6 Resources
A series of lessons that is suited and linked to the Edexcel Geography GCSE B course. Topic 7 lessons are all included with a range of re-cap activities, content linked to the specification and exam practice for pupils. All content is covered and linked to the specification with a range of resources.
Topic 8 (Forests Under Threat) Geography GCSE Edexcel B

Topic 8 (Forests Under Threat) Geography GCSE Edexcel B

9 Resources
A combination of lessons linked to the specification that look at Topic 8 (Forests Under Threat) Geography GCSE Edexcel B. A range of activities that build on Topic 7 and have ideas within the notes section. All information included!