Hello all NumberLovers!
We enjoy sharing creative ideas for teaching and learning Mathematics and numeracy for all key stages and abilities, and we hope to hear back on how the ideas and resources have worked for you.
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Hello all NumberLovers!
We enjoy sharing creative ideas for teaching and learning Mathematics and numeracy for all key stages and abilities, and we hope to hear back on how the ideas and resources have worked for you.
Get in touch numberloving@outlook.com
This resource consists of questions all circle and Pi related, perfect for Pi Day celebrations. Relay race requires each team to answer a question correctly and then they collect the next question. Check out our blog post on relay races.
This resource is available as a Pi Day bundle, check it out!
All our resources come complete with instructions, solutions where appropriate and ideas to stretch and support pupils. Check out NumberLoving for more ideas and resources like this. We hope you enjoy using this resource with your students, we would love to hear how it went, please leave a review. Get in touch via the links below.
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Pi day Maths Activity Pack
Here are three resources to use when celebrating Pi Day March 14th. They cover a range of ages and ability . The bundle includes
Pi Day Relay Race
Drawing circles mystery
Collect a Joke (Fractions of amounts with a Pi Day joke)
All resources are available to purchase separately but why not grab a bargain now!
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Email: numberloving@outlook.com
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Rounding Treasure Hunt
Treasure Hunts promote cooperative learning and engagement by pupils working in pairs to find the correct answer.
It can be used as the main lesson activity to determine what learning has taken place and also it is a great revision exercise.
This Treasure Hunt has three different Treasure Hunts of equal difficulty aimed at lower ability Y7 pupils. It requires pupils to round to the nearest 10, 100 or 1000. A quick activity, perfect for a plenary task.
All our resources come complete with instructions, solutions where appropriate and ideas to stretch and support pupils. Check out NumberLoving for more ideas and resources like this. We hope you enjoy using this resource with your students, we would love to hear how it went, please leave a review. Get in touch via the links below.
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For the use of the purchaser only, see full terms and conditions.
GCSE 9-1 Maths Exam Bills, Statements, Credit, Debit (Task Cards)
This is a set of thirteen different task cards on bills, pay statements, bank statements, credit and debit in which pupils need to find the missing values.
This download also includes a free complementary starter activity “9-1 New Spec Bills, Statement Quick Fire Questions”. Pupils complete the ten quick fire questions on slides 3 onwards on mini white boards. We recommend you use this starter to ensure terminology such as debit and credit are understood and methods are discussed with each question. Each question helps to introduce terminology and recap basic skills of addition, subtraction and multiplication in relation to bills, pay statements and bank statements as required in the new GCSE 9-1 mathematics specification. Pupils will then be able to independently or in pairs tackle the task cards. The task cards can be printed and laminated so they can be used again.
All our resources come complete with instructions, solutions where appropriate and ideas to stretch and support pupils. Check out NumberLoving for more ideas and resources like this. We hope you enjoy using this resource with your students, we would love to hear how it went, please leave a review. Get in touch via the links below.
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This resource covers the topic of area of different 2D shapes including circles. There are four revision foldables, each foldable requires students to recall the formula for the area of different 2D shapes and in some foldables apply these to find the area. These can be used to refer to during practice.
Area of 2D Shapes 1: pupils recall the formula for basic 2D shapes (rectangle, triangle, parallelogram, trapezium and compound L-shape).
Area of 2D Shapes 2: Pupils recall and use the formula to find the areas of basic 2D shapes.
Area of Circles 1: Pupils recall the formula for the area of a circle, common fractions of a circle, sector area and shaded area of two concentric circles (donut).
Area of Circles 2: Pupils recall and use the formula to find the areas of different circles, fractions of circles and donut.
This download includes two pdfs; an A4 (UK) size and a letter (US) size, please print from the relevant pdf. Foldables can be used as a revision or summary exercise at the end of a topic. As the answers are hidden pupils can use these to ‘test’ themselves or ask someone else such as a parent to test them.
All our resources come complete with instructions, solutions where appropriate and ideas to stretch and support pupils. Check out NumberLoving for more ideas and resources like this. We hope you enjoy using this resource with your students, we would love to hear how it went, please leave a review. Get in touch via the links below.
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For the use of the purchaser only, see full terms and conditions.
Circle theorems are the angle properties associated with circles, chords, tangents, radius and diameters and is part of the GCSE 9-1 curriculum. This resource includes three circle theorem revision foldables. Foldables are ideal for revision or review of a topic and a unique way of creating notes which can be used again and again to test knowledge.
The three foldables are;
Circle Theorems 1 (pp. 4-5): This foldable requires students to recognise and state in full each of the circle theorems.
Circle Theorems 2 (pp.6-7): This foldable requires the pupils to draw an example of each circle theorem. Pupils should also state the theorem in full.
Circle Theorems 3 (pp.8-9): This foldable requires pupils to find the missing angles and state the circle theorem used.
Two versions of different paper sizes are included one is A4 size and the other letter size. Remember to choose to ‘fit’ when printing.
All our resources come complete with instructions, solutions where appropriate and ideas to stretch and support pupils. Check out NumberLoving for more ideas and resources like this. We hope you enjoy using this resource with your students, we would love to hear how it went, please leave a review. Get in touch via the links below.
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Updated March 2019
Test your students’ ability to spot mistakes and develop their understanding with this activity. Pupils are given two different answers to a question and have to determine which is correct. They then have to explain what misconception has led to the incorrect answer.
Pupils are tasked with assessing answers given to questions on representing inequalities on a number line.
All our resources come complete with instructions, solutions and where appropriate ides to stretch and support pupils. Check out NumberLoving for more ideas and resources like this. We hope you enjoy using this resource with your students, we would love to hear how it went, please leave a review. Get in touch via the links below.
Lets Connect
Terms of Use
This is a single user licence, for use of the purchaser only, please see full terms of Use in the preview and download.
A set of 40 GCSE 9-1 exam question task cards covering number properties or number theory; such as factors, multiples, types of numbers (primes, squares, cubes) in the style of questions seen in the 9-1 GCSE exam papers for EdExcel and AQA. The questions are suitable for both the Higher and Foundation tier (cross-over), however are more commonly seen on the Foundation tier papers.
All our resources come complete with instructions, solutions where appropriate and ideas to stretch and support pupils. In this purchase you will get;
Forty question cards (four per page if printing A4)
One support page (listing the number types can be used as a crib sheet when completing the task cards)
Worksheet of exam style questions (can be used as independent work, homework or review)
Full instructions
Full solutions for task cards and worksheet. We have not provided solutions for the support sheet but this is simple definitions of factors, multiples, primes and listing such numbers.
Check out NumberLoving for more ideas and resources like this. We hope you enjoy using this resource with your students, we would love to hear how it went, please leave a review. Get in touch via the links below.
**Lets connect **
Terms of Use **
For the use of the purchaser only, see full terms and conditions.
Treasure Hunt activities promote cooperative learning and engagement by pupils working in pairs to find the correct answer. It can be used as the main lesson activity to determine what learning has taken place and also it is a great revision exercise.
This Treasure Hunt activity has been prepared to practice skills of systematic listing, as seen in the new 9-1 GCSE curriculum. Check out our blog post on the different ways Treasure Hunt cards can be used (link in the resource).
It is differentiated to two levels of difficulty; amber and green and is suitable up to grade 5.
All our resources come complete with instructions, solutions where appropriate and ideas to stretch and support pupils. Check out NumberLoving for more ideas and resources like this. We hope you enjoy using this resource with your students, we would love to hear how it went, please leave a review. Get in touch via the links below.
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For the use of the purchaser only, see full terms and conditions.
nth Term of Linear Sequences
Fortune Teller activities, or Cootie Catchers in the US, are a great childhood game remodeled to test mathematical skills. Check out our blog post (link in document) for further information.
In this fortune teller (cootie catcher) there are eight questions requiring students to find the nth term of linear sequences. The corners of the cootie catcher indicated the differentiation which is to three levels (easy, medium and difficult) and the fourth corner is a “pot luck” section.
TAll our resources come complete with instructions, solutions where appropriate and ideas to stretch and support pupils. Check out NumberLoving for more ideas and resources like this. We hope you enjoy using this resource with your students, we would love to hear how it went, please leave a review. Get in touch via the links below.
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NumberLoving Blog
**Terms of Use **
For the use of the purchaser only, see full terms and conditions.
Fortune Teller activities, or Cootie Catchers in the US, are a great childhood game remodeled to test mathematical skills. Check out our blog post (link in document) for further information.
In this cootie catcher there are eight questions requiring students to multiply two and three digit numbers, leading to multiplying decimals. The corners of the cootie catcher indicated the differentiation which is to three levels (easy, medium and difficult) and the fourth corner is a “pot luck” section.
This resource comes complete with instructions, ideas for stretch/challenge and two blank versions for challenging pupils to create their own.
All our resources come complete with instructions, solutions where appropriate and ideas to stretch and support pupils. Check out NumberLoving for more ideas and resources like this. We hope you enjoy using this resource with your students, we would love to hear how it went, please leave a review. Get in touch via the links below.
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For the use of the purchaser only, see full terms and conditions.
This pack includes six fortune tellers covering factors multiples, lowest common multiple and highest common factors of numbers. THis is an update with new content added, previous buyers should download to access new content. This download will include two downloads, on for the UK using the HCF terminology and a US version using the terminology of GCF. The six fortune tellers are;
Multiples 1 (inc. LCM)
Multiples 2 (inc. LCM)
Factors 1 (inc. HCF/GCF)
Factors 2 (inc. HCF/GCF)
Mix of factors & multiples 1
Mix of factors & multiples 2
I have included screen shots of some of the pages so that you can see the level of challenge present. There is a how to fold and how to play pupil friendly instruction sheet included. Pupils should be encouraged to show their workings in their books or on whiteboards.
All our resources come complete with instructions, solutions where appropriate and ideas to stretch and support pupils. Check out NumberLoving for more ideas and resources like this. We hope you enjoy using this resource with your students, we would love to hear how it went, please leave a review. Get in touch via the links below.
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NumberLoving Blog
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For the use of the purchaser only, see full terms and conditions.
Test your students’ ability to spot mistakes and develop their understanding with this activity. Pupils are given two different answers to a question and have to determine which is correct. They then have to explain what misconception has led to the incorrect answer.
Pupils are tasked with assessing answers given to questions requiring completing the square of quadratics (trinomials).
All our resources come complete with instructions, solutions where appropriate and ideas to stretch and support pupils. Check out NumberLoving for more ideas and resources like this. We hope you enjoy using this resource with your students, we would love to hear how it went, please leave a review. Get in touch via the links below.
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For the use of the purchaser only, see full terms and conditions.
Test your students’ ability to spot mistakes and develop their understanding with this activity. Pupils are given two different answers to a question and have to determine which is correct. They then have to explain what misconception has led to the incorrect answer.
This resource covers the topic of finding reciprocals. There are five different worksheets (A-E) each of differing difficulties, so pupils can be given progressive sheets, or one used on learning, one on review, alternatively pupils are given the worksheet most appropriate to their ability.
The five worksheets are
Worksheet A; This worksheet has 8 questions; 6 questions finding the reciprocal of whole numbers and 2 questions finding the reciprocal of fractions.
Worksheet B; This worksheet has 8 questions; 6 questions finding the reciprocal of fractions and 2 questions finding the reciprocal of decimals.
Worksheet C; This worksheet has 8 questions; 7 questions finding the reciprocal of decimals.
Worksheet D; This worksheet has 8 questions; 2 questions finding reciprocal of fractions <1 and 6 questions finding the reciprocal of mixed numbers.
Worksheet E; This worksheet has 8 questions which cover all the above style questions covered in worksheet A, B, C and D.
All our resources come complete with instructions, solutions where appropriate and ideas to stretch and support pupils. Check out NumberLoving for more ideas and resources like this. We hope you enjoy using this resource with your students, we would love to hear how it went, please leave a review. Get in touch via the links below.
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For the use of the purchaser only, see full terms and conditions.
This resource includes two foldables covering naming, defining and labelling the parts of the circle needed for 9-1 GCSE Maths. The two foldables included are;
Circle parts 1 (pp. 4-5): This foldable requires students to recognise and name the parts of a circle such as radius, diameter etc.
Circle parts 2 (pp. 6-7): This foldable requires students draw (or highlight/shade) the part of circle named.
This download includes two pdfs; an A4 (UK) size and a letter (US) size, please print from the relevant pdf. Foldables can be used as a revision or summary exercise at the end of a topic. As the answers are hidden pupils can use these to ‘test’ themselves or ask someone else such as a parent to test them.
All our resources come complete with instructions, solutions and where appropriate ideas to stretch and support pupils. Check out NumberLoving for more ideas and resources like this. We hope you enjoy using this resource with your students, we would love to hear how it went, please leave a review. Get in touch via the links below.
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NumberLoving Blog
**Terms of Use **
For the use of the purchaser only, see full terms and conditions.
This resource is included in our Fractional and Negative Fortune Teller pack of eight .
Fortune Teller activities, or Cootie Catchers in the US, are a great childhood game remodeled to test mathematical skills. Check out our blog post (link in document) for further information.
In this cootie catcher there are eight questions requiring students to use the laws of indices, or evaluate those involving negative indices . The corners of the cootie catcher indicated the differentiation which is to three levels (easy, medium and difficult) and the fourth corner is a “pot luck” section.
All our resources come complete with instructions, solutions where appropriate and ideas to stretch and support pupils. Check out NumberLoving for more ideas and resources like this. We hope you enjoy using this resource with your students, we would love to hear how it went, please leave a review. Get in touch via the links below.
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For the use of the purchaser only, see full terms and conditions.
This resource covers the Maths GCSE 9-1 topic of describing transformations on shapes. There are five revision foldables, each foldable requires students to describe the shown transformation that maps the black shape to the grey shaded shape. The five foldables are
Describing transformations; this includes one of each of the four transformations; translation, enlargement, reflection and rotation.
Describing reflections; pupils need to describe fully the four reflections including axis reflections and reflection in a diagonal line
Describing rotations; pupils need to describe fully the four rotations.
Describing translations; pupils need to describe fully the four translations.
Describing transformations; pupils need to describe fully the four enlargements, including a positive , fractional and two negative scale factors.
Foldables can be used as a revision or summary exercise at the end of a topic. As the answers are hidden pupils can use these to ‘test’ themselves or ask someone else such as a parent to test them.
When downoaded there will be two different size versions; A4 for UK printers and US letter size. Please print from the one most appropriate following the printing instructions.
All our resources come complete with instructions, solutions where appropriate and ideas to stretch and support pupils. Check out NumberLoving for more ideas and resources like this. We hope you enjoy using this resource with your students, we would love to hear how it went, please leave a review. Get in touch via the links below.
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For the use of the purchaser only, see full terms and conditions.
Maths Display; 9-1 Number Types
Inspired by @c0mplexnumber’s Square and Cubes display (please check it out via the link in the resource) I have expanded this to include Fibonacci, triangle and prime numbers which have become increasingly important in the new 9-1 GCSE Mathematics exam.
Print each page on coloured A4 paper, laminate and cut out for a lasting and effective reference display squares, cubes and triangle numbers reinforced further by the shapes made with the numbers!
We hope you enjoy using this resource with your students, we would love to hear how it went. Get in touch via the links below. Check out our store and blog for more ideas and resources
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**Terms of Use **
For the use of the purchaser only, see full terms and conditions.
Ratio Simplifying and Sharing (Quiz Quiz Trade Cards)
Quiz quiz trade activity is a Cooperative learning activity
This resource has been updated and now includes 36 QQT cards which cover the following increasingly difficult questions;
simplifying ratio
sharing amounts in a given ratio
Solving ratio problems
Each pupil is given a question card (print laminate and slice). Set three minutes on the clock.
Pupils stand-up and pair-up, one quizzes, ones answers, roles are reversed and then pupils trade cards and move on.
Pupils must be encouraged to coach each other in finding the correct answer (peer assessment).
All our resources come complete with instructions, solutions where appropriate and ideas to stretch and support pupils.Check out NumberLoving for more ideas and resources like this. We hope you enjoy using this resource with your students, we would love to hear how it went, please leave a review. Get in touch via the links below.
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**Terms of Use **
For the use of the purchaser only, see full terms and conditions.
Fortune Teller activities, or Cootie Catchers in the US, are a great childhood game remodeled to test mathematical skills. Check out our blog post (link in document) for further information.
In this cootie catcher there is one cootie catcher sample. This has eight questions requiring students to find averages (mean, median, mode and range) from a set of data presented in a list. The corners of the cootie catcher indicated the differentiation which is to three levels (easy, medium and difficult) and the fourth corner is a “pot luck” section.
This is a sample resource comes complete with instructions, ideas for stretch/challenge and two blank versions of the fortune teller (cootie catcher) for challenging pupils to create their own.
All of our resources come complete with instructions and ideas to stretch and support.
Check out NumberLoving for more ideas and resources.
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Terms of Use
Use by single teacher only, full terms set out in download.