New Resources Coming soon!
PFR resources have been designed to ensure good quality teaching is not compromised by printing restrictions or buffering videos. Lessons that include worksheets have been created for teachers to print at least two copies to an A4 sheet.
New Resources Coming soon!
PFR resources have been designed to ensure good quality teaching is not compromised by printing restrictions or buffering videos. Lessons that include worksheets have been created for teachers to print at least two copies to an A4 sheet.
C12-Using Earths resources-Treating waste water lesson created in accordance to the NEW AQA Specification (9-1). Designed for a low ability year 11 class, although content can be adjusted to suit any ability. Includes: slide animations, embedded videos and practice questions with answers on slides as well as a interactive review task. If for any reason the video link does not work, a URL has also been included in the notes.
AQA spec link:
Urban lifestyles and industrial processes produce large amounts of waste water that require treatment before being released into the environment. Sewage and agricultural waste water require removal of organic matter and harmful microbes. Industrial waste water may require removal of organic matter and harmful chemicals.
Sewage treatment includes:
•• screening and grit removal
•• sedimentation to produce sewage sludge and effluent
•• anaerobic digestion of sewage sludge
•• aerobic biological treatment of effluent.
Students should be able to comment on the relative ease of obtaining
potable water from waste, ground and salt water.
This bundle includes the C2 unit-The Periodic table. This bundle is for separate science students ONLY however, can be taught to combined students simply miss out C2.6. All lessons have been done in accordance to the specification requirements. Videos have been embedded for ease of use (no internet connection required although URL has also been provided), and printer friendly resources attached. Search the individual lessons for more information on the lesson content.
Lesson 1-C2.1 History of the Periodic table research task can be set as homework
Lesson 2-C2.2 Part 1: The arrangement of the periodic table
Lesson 3-C2.2-Part 2: The Noble gases
Lesson 4-C2.3 Group 1-Alkali Metals
Lesson 5-C2.4 Group 7-Halogens
Lesson 6-C2.4 Halide Displacement
Lesson 7-C2.5 Explaining trends
Lesson 8 (Separates only) -C2.6-Transition Elements
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Electronic structure of atoms lesson created in accordance to the Pearsons BTEC national specification for applied science. This topic is covered in unit 1 chemistry-Periodicity and properties of elements. This new specification requires students to sit an externally assessed examination in January. Includes slide animations, worksheets, homework and practice questions with answers on slides.
Relevant chapter: Principles and applications of science. Pearson Applied science (Student 1) textbook-Page 4-6
The specification requires students to know the following:
-Understand the electronic structure of atoms
-Electronic orbitals
-Aufbau principle of Bohr's theory
Intermolecular forces/electronegavtivity lesson created in accordance to the Pearsons BTEC national specification for applied science. This topic is covered in unit 1 chemistry-Periodicity and properties of elements. This new specification requires students to sit an externally assessed examination in January. Includes slide animations, worksheets, homework and practice questions with answers on slides.
Relevant chapter: Principles and applications of science. Pearson Applied science (Student 1) textbook-Page 11-14
The specification requires students to know the following:
Understand the following intermolecular forces
van der Waals
hydrogen bonding.
Balancing equations part 1 lesson created in accordance to the Pearsons BTEC national specification for applied science. This topic is covered in unit 1 chemistry-Periodicity and properties of elements. This new specification requires students to sit an externally assessed examination in January. Includes slide animations, worksheets, homework and practice questions with answers on slides.
Relevant chapter: Principles and applications of science. Pearson Applied science (Student 1) textbook-Page 14-15
Metallic bonding lesson created in accordance to the Pearsons BTEC national specification for applied science. This topic is covered in unit 1 chemistry-Periodicity and properties of elements. This new specification requires students to sit an externally assessed examination in January. Includes slide animations, worksheets, homework and practice questions with answers on slides.
Relevant chapter: Principles and applications of science. Pearson Applied science (Student 1) textbook-Page 10-11
The specification requires students to know the following:
Understand metallic bonding
de-localised electrons
positive metal ions
regular layer structure.
C10-Chemical analysis-Chromatography required practical lesson created in accordance to the NEW AQA Specification (9-1). Designed for a low ability year 11 class, although content can be adjusted to suit any ability. Includes: slide animations, and practice questions with answers on slides. *I have not included the theory of chromatography in this lesson*
AQA spec link:
Students should be able to tell the difference between coloured substances. Students should calculate Rf values. AT skills covered by this practical activity: chemistry AT 1 and 4.
This practical activity also provides opportunities to develop WS and MS. Details of all skills are given in Key opportunities for skills development.
C10-Chemical analysis-Gas test lesson created in accordance to the NEW AQA Specification (9-1). Designed for a low ability year 11 class, although content can be adjusted to suit any ability. Includes: slide animations, embedded videos and practice questions with answers on slides as well as method for each test. I strongly recommend that you allow your students to practice the Hydrogen pop test (if they're good), went down really well with my class and was easy for them to recall the method in the class test they did. The rest of the tests can be demonstrated fairly easily and personally getting each student to do every test would've taken me well over an hour.
AQA spec link:
The test for hydrogen uses a burning splint held at the open end of a test tube of the gas.
Hydrogen burns rapidly with a pop sound. The test for oxygen uses a glowing splint inserted into a test tube of the gas. The splint relights in oxygen.
The test for carbon dioxide uses an aqueous solution of calcium hydroxide (lime water). When carbon dioxide is shaken with or bubbled through limewater the limewater turns milky (cloudy).
The test for chlorine uses litmus paper. When damp litmus paper is put into chlorine gas the litmus paper is bleached and turns white.
C13-The Earth’s atmosphere-Greenhouse gases lesson created in accordance to the NEW AQA Specification (9-1). Designed for a mixed ability year 11 separates class, although content can be adjusted to suit any ability. Includes: slide animations, embedded videos, and homework with answers as well as a interactive review task. If for any reason the video link does not work, a URL has also been included in the notes.
For further enquiries please email
AQA spec link:, 2,
Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere maintain temperatures on Earth high enough to support life. Water vapour, carbon dioxide, and methane are greenhouse gases.
Students should be able to describe the greenhouse effect in terms of the interaction of short and long wavelength radiation with matter.
Some human activities increase the amounts of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. These include:
• carbon dioxide
• methane.
Students should be able to recall two human activities that increase the amounts of each of the greenhouse gases carbon dioxide and methane.
Based on peer-reviewed evidence, many scientists believe that human activities will cause the temperature of the Earth’s atmosphere to increase at the surface and that this will result in global climate change.
However, it is difficult to model such complex systems as global climate change. This leads to simplified models, speculation, and opinions presented in the media that may be based on only parts of the evidence and which may be biased.
Students should be able to:
• evaluate the quality of evidence in a report about global climate change given appropriate information
• describe uncertainties in the evidence base
• recognise the importance of peer review of results and of communicating results to a wide range of audiences.
C12-Using Earths resources-Water safe to drink lesson created in accordance to the NEW AQA Specification (9-1). Designed for a low ability year 11 class, although content can be adjusted to suit any ability. Includes: slide animations, embedded videos and practice questions with answers on slides as well as a interactive review task. If for any reason the video link does not work, a URL has also been included in the notes. NB: order of magnitude was not taught in this lesson.
AQA spec link:
Empirical formula lesson created in accordance to the Pearsons BTEC national specification for applied science. This lesson continues as part of the balancing equations series. This topic is covered in unit 1 chemistry-Periodicity and properties of elements. This new specification requires students to sit an externally assessed examination in January. Includes slide animations, worksheets, homework and practice questions with answers on slides.
Relevant chapter: Principles and applications of science. Pearson Applied science (Student 1) textbook-Page 17-19
This bundle includes the BTEC Chemistry A1-unit for the new Pearson BTEC applied science specification. Everything you need to teach the A1 module has been included in this bundle. All lessons have been created in accordance to the specification requirements. Videos have been embedded for ease of use and printer friendly resources attached. Search the individual lessons for more information on the lesson content. Save 31% by purchasing this bundle.
-BTECH chemistry test + MS
Lesson 1-Electronic structure
Lesson 2-Ionic Bonding
Lesson 3-Covalent Bonding
Lesson 4-Metallic Bonding
Lesson 5-Electronegativity
Lesson 6-Intermolecular forces
Lesson 7-Balancing equations
Lesson 8-Empirical formula and reacting masses
Lesson 9-Concentration and percentage yield
-Periodic table
Groups and periods lesson created in accordance to the Pearsons BTEC national specification for applied science. This topic is covered in unit 1 chemistry-Periodicity and properties of elements. This new specification requires students to sit an externally assessed examination in January. Includes slide animations, worksheets,and practice questions with answers on slides. This lesson is the first in the A2 unit.
Relevant chapter: Principles and applications of science. Pearson Applied science (Student 1) textbook-Page 22-23
Link to specification
A2 Production and uses of substances in relation to properties
Understand the periodic table:
periods 1, 2, 3 and 4
groups – s block, p block, d block
layout of periodic table in relation to s, p, d notation
electronic arrangement of elements using s, p, d notation
C12-Chemical analysis- Water purification required practical-lesson created in accordance to the NEW AQA Specification (9-1). Designed for a low ability year 11 class, although content can be adjusted to suit any ability. Includes: slide animations and practice questions with answers on slides as well as a interactive review task. Top tips*I recommend each group is assigned one type of water for dissolved salts part of experiment, collate the results as a class in the end-it'll take forever otherwise. Also, demo the distillation process for a low ability class.
AQA spec link:
Required practical activity 13: analysis and purification of water samples from different sources,
including pH, dissolved solids and distillation.
AT skills covered by this practical activity: chemistry AT 2, 3 and 4.
This practical activity also provides opportunities to develop WS and MS. Details of all skills are given in Key opportunities for skills development.
This lessons has been made in accordance to the national curriculum for KS3
Suitable for a high ability KS3 class and to use as part of the ‘Activate’ schemes of work. Resources can be adjusted to meet the needs of your class.
Includes: slide animations, embedded videos, worksheets, and questions with answers as well as a interactive review task. If for any reason the video link does not work, a URL has also been included in the notes.
For further enquiries please email
This lessons has been made in accordance to the national curriculum for KS3
Suitable for a high ability KS3 class and to use as part of the ‘Activate’ schemes of work. Resources can be adjusted to meet the needs of your class.
Includes: slide animations, embedded videos, worksheets, and questions with answers as well as a interactive review task. If for any reason the video link does not work, a URL has also been included in the notes.
For further enquiries please email
Complete bundle on Acids and Alkalis, suitable for a high ability KS3 class and to use as part of the ‘Activate’ schemes of work. Resources can be adjusted to meet the needs of your class.
Save 20% by purchasing this bundle!
For further enquiries please email
Also available via instagram: Paperfriendlyresourcesuk
Lessons (Recommended order)
L1: Acids and Alkali intro
L2: Indicators & pH -part 1
L3: Indicators & pH-part 2
L4: Neutralisation -part 1
L5: Neutralisation-part 2
L6: Making salts
Unit 2-Practical scientific procedures and techniques
Learning aim C: Undertake chromatographic techniques to identify components in mixtures.
For many of my students this was the first time they needed to write a scientific report i thus produced a guide for this learning aim. This was a huge success and i had the pleasure of marking some beautifully written reports. The relevant P/M/D criteria for this learning aim have been covered within this guide. I’ve also attached the specification and assignment briefs so you can have it all in one place. Best of all enjoy it all for free :)
I've attached an applied science-revision checklist. It's essentially a copy of the Pearson applied science specification-I've just broken it down and chunked relevant topics. I have handed this to students so they can use it as a revision tool. Hope it helps. I've also made a checklist for the Biology and Physics unit.