
IB DP - Partage de la planète - le droit animal
Lesson on animal rights aimed for IB students (sharing of the planet)
Range of activities to develop reading, listening, speaking and writing. Answers are provided as well as external links.
14 slides to develop thinking skills, debates, language (ie. subjunctive, vocab, grammar)

IB French B - Identité - les stéréotypes "Emily in Paris et les clichés"
Exam-style reading for SL and/or HL students about Emily in Paris and stereotypes in the media, and their impact. It comes with a Presentation with speaking exam questions to prompt conversations. Answers are provided.

Black History Month - save 40%
Presentations for assemblies or PSHE dealing with different aspects of BHM:
racism in football
origins / life stories
representation in the media
the Little Mermaid controversy
The presentations encourage reflection and discussion.

La routine de Kylian Mbappé - les verbes réfléchis/pronominaux
Reading comprehension about Kylian Mbappé’s routine to teach reflexive verbs. It contains short achievable and differentiated activities: vocab search, true or false, regular -ER reflexive verb conjugations, match up, quick translations and a short writing to finish with. Ideal for beginners.
Answers are provided.

IB DP - Expérience (immigration, multiculturalisme)
Set of full lessons on immigration policies, experiences and multiculturalism.
This includes reading, listening, writing and speaking exercises. All lessons are organised in one Presentation accompanied by worksheets - all included with answers.
Sub-topics are:
expat VS immigré
l’expérience de migration en Méditérannée notamment
les idées reçues sur l’immigration
l’histoire de la colonisation et décolonisation du Maghreb
l’immigration en France et en Europe
la politique d’immigration en France
l’identité française
le modèle républicain d’intégration VS le modèle multiculturel canadien
les problèmes d’intégration aux Canada avec les Premières Nations et les Québecois

IB DP French B - identité (santé et bien-être)
2 articles on French people & happiness, with exam-style exercises and prompts for speaking/writing productions - answer key on the last page.

IB DP French B - expériences (les traditions)
Unit of work for the IB DP with exam-style exercises exploring leisure, traveling and traditions (the Alost Carnival & corrida) with listening, reading, speaking and writing exercises (with answers)

IB DP French B - ERASMUS & le film L'auberge espagnole (expérience/identité/org. sociale)
IB DP unit of lesson on ERASMUS and the impact of the film L’Auberge Espagnole with exam-style reading comprehension on the film l’auberge espagnole (with answers), and prompts for speaking activities.

IB DP French B - oral card description (expérience)
Example of an oral card description for students with activities to assess it on the topic of experience (travelling, tourism)

IB DP French B - identité (santé et bien-être)
Lessons containing IB Language B exam-style listening, reading, speaking and writing (le tract, le questionnaire) activities based on health (le nutriscore, le véganisme) with answers in the presentation.

Escape game - escapade à Marseille
Escape game based in Marseille to review holiday activities, visit the city of Marseille and learn a bit about it, look at SMS language and have fun! Can be played in team or alone, answer key is provided.

Où je vais pendant la semaine (verbe aller + lieux)
Worksheet to introduce the verb ALLER in the context of town and leisure.
vocab search
verb conjugation and translation
places of the town word search
grammar activity on how to say “to the” in French
writing task based on the reading

Les Youtubeurs français
Whole lessons designed for KS4 or 5 about the most famous French Youtubers. The lesson features videos, speaking and reading activities. Speaking activities can be turned into writing activities.
The lesson can be delivered as part of IGCSE, A-level (la cybersociété) or IB DP (leisure, social media, societies, technology)

Le langage SMS (Langue et Identité, la cybersociété)
Whole lesson on young people’s “langage SMS” with reading comprehension, writing production, listening comprehension (from aTV news report) and speaking tasks. This can be the base for further debate in the IB Language B theme of identity (Langue et Identité) and A-level in la cybersociété.

Coronavirus / COVID-19 - listening, reading, grammar and writing exercises
Activities on the coronavirus pandemic based on authentic material with the answer key. Available in PDF and Microsoft word formats.
It contains the following exercises:
listening / reading comprehension on 5 key questions about the virus
speaking / writing task
reading/vocab task on zoonotic diseases
translations on advice to keep safe
grammar work - transforming sentences into the subjunctive mood (can be adapted by switching subjunctive with “il est important de…” or other similar structures)
GCSE writing task - 130 - 150 words on the situation
This can be used for GCSE (topics: health or environment) and the International Baccalaureate (IB)

International Francophonie Day - French words in English
Tutor time or lesson presentation to celebrate International Francophonie Day (20 March) The lesson is about the presence of French words in English (and even Spanish), looking at the history and many examples of words.

Le guide alimentaire canadien - healthy lifestyle
Range of activities based on authentic material from the Canadian government’s “le guide alimentaire canadien” The lesson includes:
a reading activity with a worksheet
a listening activity based on a video
a writing activity based on the guide
speaking activities
It can be used for Y9, IGCSE/GCSE or even the IB.

Chanson "Mercy" - Madame Monsieur (la politique d'immigration)
Lesson based on the song “Mercy” (Madame Monsieur) to talk about the immigration policies and personal stories. This lesson is designed to push speaking skills but questions can be used for writing productions.

Black History Month
Range of resources for full lessons or tutor time to reflect on the issues brought up during Black History Month with a series of interactive resources such as questions for debate, videos and real stories to have students debate around a variety of topics.
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