A PowerPoint and resources on how to get 10/10 on the third and fourth question in the exam. This is the language question which both begin with 'HOW...'
This is based on the June 2017 exam paper on Ruby and the fire. This is modern, informative and interactive lesson which the students really enjoy.
A PowerPoint and resources on how to get 5/5 on the first question in the exam. This is based on the June 2017 exam paper on Ruby and the fire.
This is modern, informative and interactive lesson which the students really enjoy.
Two separate 50 slide PowerPoints on the language 'HOW' questions on the paper 1 exam. There is a lecturer podcast also provided by a GCSE examiner. Grade 9 answer analysis.
46 page PowerPoint on the EVALUATION question on the paper 1 exam. There is a lecturer podcast also provided by a GCSE examiner. Grade 9 answer analysis.
A fun, informative and interactive lesson on writing an ARTICLE for the writing exam. The following resources are included:
Fun starter
53 slide PowerPoint
Grade 9 exemplar work
Language techniques
Sentence starters
Family Fortunes PowerPoint with real questions from the show and English questions relating to the Functional Skills exams.
Also included is an MP3 of the old buzzer sound.
An explanation of the meaning of the title 'Of Mice and Men'. The original title 'Something that happened' is also analysed. A tutor podcast based on this topic is here: https://youtu.be/PN1j35KYhcQ
A short revision video on writing PEEs (+ context and 'zooming in') for a controlled assessment on 'Of Mice and Men'. It is also available at https://youtu.be/Jg2bXs8EVHI
Revision video podcasts on the writing tasks that could appear in the GCSE English Language writing exam. Each video includes:
Exemplar work (inc. A* answers
Past exam questions
Revision activities
Interesting images
Lecturer tutorial
A fantastic lesson on handwriting. The lesson focuses on the most common problems children have with handwriting and gives a number of helpful solutions (short & long term).