We provide resources with a focus on cognitive load in PSHE, RE, Citizenship and Awareness Events. Our resources require no prior planning, preparation or previous subject knowledge.
We provide resources with a focus on cognitive load in PSHE, RE, Citizenship and Awareness Events. Our resources require no prior planning, preparation or previous subject knowledge.
PSHE Lesson resource on the issues of menstrual and gynaecological health. This lesson looks at misconceptions about periods and menstruation, what is considered a ‘normal’ period, options when it comes to period products and what you need to know, the benefits of tracking menstrual health, when and how to get support, endometriosis and Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) and PMS and PMDD. This lesson acts as a good follow on from our lesson on puberty which can be found here and prior to our lesson on infertility treatments and menopause here, allowing demonstration of a spiral curriculum but also works excellently as a stand alone lesson.
This is an easy to follow power point lesson (no prior planning, printing or preparation required). The resource is designed to be delivered as one 60 minute lesson but all of our resources are fully editable and designed to allow sections to be added, removed or changed should you need to do so.
No previous knowledge in the subject area is needed, the lesson is easily deliverable by someone who is not a subject specialist or an experienced PSHE teacher. Meets PSHE Guidance
Lesson includes-
Clear and accurate information
Discussion and feedback tasks
Starter and plenary task
Scenario Task
Matching Task
Writing Frame
Ask an expert further support slide
Related Careers Slide
UNCRC - Related article slide
In response to current educational research on cognitive load, our lessons contain minimal unnecessary text or imagery in order to enhance memory of key information.
For FREE resources as well as support and guidance, please join our Facebook group here. You can also find more of our free and affordable resources on our TES Shop here or on our website.
Please follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to be the first to know about our latest free and premium RE, PSHE, Citizenship, Assembly and Awareness Day resources.
We are currently offering a yearly subscription which gives you access to all our current and future resources for 12 months from only £29.99 please take a look at our website or TES Shop for more information. No automatic renewal.
Leave us a review and get 10% off our subscription price or a free resource!
If for any reason you are unhappy or have technical problems with this resource please email youcantknoweverything@gmail.com and we will do our best to resolve any problems for you.
Youcantknoweverything Education
This is a PSHE, form time tutorial resource on breast cancer awareness including information on key breast cancer terminology, risk factors and how to check breasts. The lesson raises awareness for boys and girls.
This is an easy to follow power point lesson which requires no prior planning. The lesson has been planned to last for about 20-25 minutes however like all of our resources, it is fully editable allowing tasks to be added, changed or removed. This lesson has a video clip which requires the use of the free service vimeo.
No previous knowledge in this subject area is needed, the lesson is easily deliverable by someone who is not a subject specialist or an experienced PSHE teacher.
Tutorial includes -
Starter and plenary task to demonstrate learning and progression
Rights Respecting Schools Slide
Clear and accurate information
Discussion tasks and feedback slides using scenarios
Video clips
Short, engaging tasks
An ask an expert further support slide
We also offer a full lesson version of this resource here and a similar resource on male cancer awareness here.
In response to current educational research on cognitive load, our lessons contain minimal unnecessary text or imagery in order to enhance memory of key information
For FREE tutorial resources as well as support and guidance on making the most out of form / tutorial time sessions please join our new community Facebook group here.
Please follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to be the first to know about our latest free and premium RE, PSHE, Citizenship, Assembly and Awareness Day resources.
We are currently offering a complete package / yearly subscription which gives you access to all our resources from only £29.99 please take a look at our website or TES Shop for more information.
Leave us a positive review and get 10% off our subscription price or a free resource!
If for any reason you are unhappy or have technical problems with this resource please email youcantknoweverything@gmail.com and we will do our best to resolve any problems for you.
Youcantknoweverything Education
Mental health, PSHE lesson(s) covering how our lifestyle can support positive mental health and leading into looking at a variety of mental health conditions.
You may also be interested in our resources on -
Self Harm FREE
Mental Health and Exercise
Strategies for positive mental health
No previous knowledge in this subject area is needed, the lesson is easily deliverable by someone who is not a subject specialist or someone with more experience of teaching about mental health. No prior planning, printing or preparation is required saving you time whilst providing pupils with an amazing learning opportunity. Meets PSHE guidance
Lesson includes -
Clear starter and plenary to demonstrate progression
Discussion tasks with feedback slides
Optional video clip activities
Scenario task to demonstrate unhealthy lifestyles and encourage discussion
A range of mental health disorders with clear information, tasks and feedback allowing you to adapt the lesson to the needs of your class.
Challenging extension tasks
Careers slide
Homework slide
Pupil and teacher slides
Optional Rights Respecting Schools Slide
For more FREE resources as well as support and guidance from colleagues, please join our community Facebook group here. You can also find more of our free and affordable resources on our TES Shop [here].
Please follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to be the first to know about our latest free and premium RE, PSHE, Citizenship, Assembly and Awareness Day resources.
We are currently offering an individual complete package / yearly subscription which gives you access to all our current and future resources from only £29.99 please take a look at our website or TES Shop for more information and see our TES Shop for all of the current resources you will receive as well as all future resources produced in the next year.
Leave us a positive review and get 10% off our subscription price or a free resource!
If for any reason you are unhappy or have technical problems with this resource please email youcantknoweverything@gmail.com and we will do our best to resolve any problems for you.
Youcantknoweverything Education
Lesson resource on contraception including considerations before we have sex, different methods of contraception (including natural, artificial and permanent methods), optional condom demonstration and information on where and how contraception can be obtained.
This is an easy to follow power point lesson (no prior planning, printing or preparation required). The resource is designed to be delivered as one 60 minute lesson but all of our resources are fully editable and designed to allow sections to be added or removed should you need to do so. This means that this lesson could easily be adapted to last for a single lesson. You may wish to show examples of the contraception methods, these can usually be borrowed from your local child’s health team.
No previous knowledge in the subject area is needed, as the lesson is easily deliverable by someone who is not a subject specialist or experienced PSHE and RE teachers. Lesson meets PSHE guidance.
Lesson includes-
Clear and accurate information
Optional Rights Respecting Schools slide
Optional careers slide
Discussion and feedback tasks
Starter and plenary task
Writing frames where applicable
Where to go for further support slide
Teacher and Pupil Guidance slides
A full breakdown of the lesson content can be found here. We also offer this resource in a format for KS4 and KS5 as well as offering bespoke lesson design to meet your individual school needs.
For FREE tutorial resources as well as support and guidance on making the most out of form / tutorial time sessions please join our new community Facebook group here.
In response to current educational research on cognitive load, our lessons contain minimal unnecessary text or imagery in order to enhance memory of key information.
Please follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to be the first to know about our latest free and premium RE, PSHE, Citizenship, Assembly and Awareness Day resources. We are currently offering a yearly subscription which gives you access to all our resources for only £29.99 please take a look at our website for more information and see our TES Shop for all of the current resources you will receive as well as all future resources produced in the next year.
Lesson resource on contraception including considerations before we have sex, different methods of contraception (including natural, artificial and permanent methods), optional condom demonstration and information on where and how contraception can be obtained. The lesson comes with a table to be completed which could be copied, printed or used electronically. This lesson contains an optional condom demonstration activity which gives step by step instructions for pupils. The child health team of local councils will often provide required resources without charge.
This is an easy to follow power point lesson (no prior planning, printing or preparation required). The resource is designed to be delivered as a full 60 minute lesson but all of our resources are fully editable and designed to allow sections to be added or removed should you need to do so.
No previous knowledge in the subject area is needed, as the lesson is easily deliverable by someone who is not a subject specialist or experienced PSHE and RE teachers. Lesson meets PSHE guidance.
Ideal for KS4 - KS5
Lesson includes-
Clear and accurate information
Optional Rights Respecting Schools slide
Optional careers slide
Video clips from Brook
Discussion and feedback tasks
Scenario task
Starter and plenary task
Writing frames where applicable
Where to go for further support slide
Teacher and Pupil Guidance slides
We also offer this resource with religious responses to contraception (here) and in a 1 hour lesson format designed for KS3.
In response to current educational research on cognitive load, our lessons contain minimal unnecessary text or imagery in order to enhance memory of key information
For FREE tutorial resources as well as support and guidance on making the most out of form / tutorial time sessions please join our new community Facebook group here.
Please follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to be the first to know about our latest free and premium RE, PSHE, Citizenship, Assembly and Awareness Day resources.
We are currently offering a complete package / yearly subscription which gives you access to all our resources from only £29.99 please take a look at our website or TES Shop for more information.
Leave us a positive review and get 10% off our subscription price or a free resource!
If for any reason you are unhappy or have technical problems with this resource please email youcantknoweverything@gmail.com and we will do our best to resolve any problems for you.
Youcantknoweverything Education
This is a PSHE (drugs) lesson resource on drugs which recaps probable prior learning and vocabulary before considering the classification of cannabis debate and the possible consequences of nitrous oxide use, it also encourages pupils to consider the source and possible bias of the evidence they are using.
This is an easy to follow power point lesson which requires no additional planning or preparation. The lesson has been planned to last for about 60 minutes however it is fully editable should you wish to add or remove content.
The lesson contains a task which requires pupils to read information from two online sources, pupils could use an electronic devise to access this or the resources could be printed.
No previous knowledge in this subject area is needed, the lesson is easily deliverable by someone who is not a subject specialist as clear feedback and guidance is provided.
We also offer a shorter tutorial on either cannabis or nitrous oxide on their own.
Lesson includes -
Starter and plenary task to demonstrate learning and progression
Clear and accurate information delivered in manageable chunks
Discussion tasks and feedback slides
Engaging activities
Relevant video clips
Optional Rights Respecting Schools Slide
In response to current educational research on cognitive load, our lessons contain minimal unnecessary text or imagery in order to enhance memory of key information
For FREE tutorial resources as well as support and guidance on making the most out of form / tutorial time sessions please join our new community Facebook group here.
Please follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to be the first to know about our latest free and premium RE, PSHE, Citizenship, Assembly and Awareness Day resources.
We are currently offering a complete package / yearly subscription which gives you access to all our resources from only £29.99 please take a look at our website or TES Shop for more information.
Leave us a positive review and get 10% off our subscription price or a free resource!
If for any reason you are unhappy or have technical problems with this resource please email youcantknoweverything@gmail.com and we will do our best to resolve any problems for you.
Youcantknoweverything Education
PSHE lesson on the possible social and health consequences of excessive alcohol consumption, binge drinking and the impact of alcohol on the teenage brain. The lesson also directs pupils to places to gain further information and support.
This is an easy to follow power point lesson (no prior planning, printing or preparation required). The resource is designed to be delivered as one 60 minute lesson but all of our resources are fully editable and designed to allow sections to be added, removed or changed should you need to do so.
No previous knowledge in the subject area is needed, the lesson is easily deliverable by someone who is not a subject specialist or an experienced PSHE teacher. Lesson meets PSHE guidance.
Lesson includes-
Clear and accurate information
Optional Rights Respecting Schools slide
Discussion and feedback tasks
Starter and plenary task
Where to go for further support slide
Interesting scenario discussions
Video clips
We also offer this resource in a tutorial time format should this better meet your needs.
In response to current educational research on cognitive load, our lessons contain minimal unnecessary text or imagery in order to enhance memory of key information.
For FREE tutorial resources as well as support and guidance on making the most out of form / tutorial time sessions please join our new community Facebook group here.
Please follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to be the first to know about our latest free and premium RE, PSHE, Citizenship, Assembly and Awareness Day resources.
We are currently offering a yearly subscription which gives you access to all of our resources for only £29.99 please take a look at our website for more information and see our TES Shop for all of the current resources you will receive as well as all future resources produced in the next year. No automatic renewal.
Leave us a positive review and get 10% off our subscription price or a free resource!
If for any reason you are unhappy or have technical problems with this resource please email youcantknoweverything@gmail.com and we will do our best to resolve any problems for you.
Youcantknoweverything Education
PSHE lesson covering possible reasons for infertility including lifestyle factors and available treatments for infertility as well as getting pupils to consider possible arguments for and against the use of these treatments. The lesson also looks at the menopause and the possible impact this can have on a woman’s wellbeing. This lesson works great as a follow on from our lesson on menstrual and gynaecological health here, helping you to create an effective spiral curriculum but equally can be used as a stand alone lesson.
We also offer this resource including religious views on infertility treatments, please see our TES Shop or website.
This is an easy to follow power point lesson (no prior planning, printing or preparation required). The resource is designed to be delivered as one 60 minute session but all of our resources are fully editable and designed to allow sections to be added, removed or changed should you need to do so.
No previous knowledge in the subject area is needed, the lesson is easily deliverable by someone who is not a subject specialist or an experienced teacher.
Lesson includes-
Clear and accurate information
Discussion and feedback tasks
Video clips
Scenario Task
Starter and plenary tasks
Ask an expert further support slide
Careers link slide
In response to current educational research on cognitive load, our lessons contain minimal unnecessary text or imagery in order to enhance memory of key information
For FREE tutorial resources as well as support and guidance on making the most out of form / tutorial time sessions please join our new community Facebook group here. You may also wish to subscribe to our mailing list (GDPR compliant) on our website in order to be kept up to date about our latest offers and resources.
Please follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to be the first to know about our latest free and premium RE, PSHE, Citizenship, Assembly and Awareness Day resources.
We are currently offering a complete package / yearly subscription which gives you access to all our resources from only £29.99 please take a look at our website or TES Shop for more information.
Leave us a positive review and get 10% off our subscription price or a free resource!
If for any reason you are unhappy or have technical problems with this resource please email youcantknoweverything@gmail.com and we will do our best to resolve any problems for you.
Youcantknoweverything Education
A range of lessons covering different mental health topics.
In response to current educational research on cognitive load, our lessons contain minimal unnecessary text or imagery in order to enhance memory of key information
For FREE tutorial resources as well as support and guidance on making the most out of form / tutorial time sessions please join our new community Facebook group here.
Please follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to be the first to know about our latest free and premium RE, PSHE, Citizenship, Assembly and Awareness Day resources.
We are currently offering a yearly subscription which gives you access to all of our resources for only £29.99 please take a look at our website for more information and see our TES Shop for all of the current resources you will receive as well as all future resources produced in the next year. No automatic renewal.
Leave us a positive review and get 10% off our subscription price or a free resource!
If for any reason you are unhappy or have technical problems with this resource please email youcantknoweverything@gmail.com and we will do our best to resolve any problems for you.
Youcantknoweverything Education
A range of PSHE form time resources. Take a look at our other bundles or free resources in our TES Shop for more!
In response to current educational research on cognitive load, our lessons contain minimal unnecessary text or imagery in order to enhance memory of key information
For FREE tutorial resources as well as support and guidance on making the most out of form / tutorial time sessions please join our new community Facebook group here.
Please follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to be the first to know about our latest free and premium RE, PSHE, Citizenship, Assembly and Awareness Day resources.
We are currently offering a yearly subscription which gives you access to all of our resources for only £29.99 please take a look at our website for more information and see our TES Shop for all of the current resources you will receive as well as all future resources produced in the next year. No automatic renewal.
Leave us a positive review and get 10% off our subscription price or a free resource!
If for any reason you are unhappy or have technical problems with this resource please email youcantknoweverything@gmail.com and we will do our best to resolve any problems for you.
Youcantknoweverything Education