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Designed with a deep understanding of the classroom dynamics and curriculum requirements, my resources inspire engagement, promote critical thinking, and foster academic growth. Join me on this transformative learning adventure and discover a treasure trove of resources that will empower both teachers and students to thrive in their educational journey.
Victorians - Workhouses (KS2)
This lesson focuses on the experiences of poor Victorian people in workhouses, it details their uniforms, meals, jobs, rules and punishments. This PowerPoint slide also has a short extract of Charles Dickens’ Oliver Twist and a link of the movie scene of ‘please sir, can I have some more?
This lesson is in PowerPoint format and can be taught as it is or changed to suit individual classes. Detailed PowerPoint Lesson with 15 slides.
This lesson comes with a suggested activity or task that is also attached. The task for this lesson is a blank routine activity for children to fill in their daily routines and to compare both routines.
Learning objectives
• To learn about Workhouses
• To compare your daily routine to a child in a workhouse’s
Ancient Egypt - Inventions - Lesson 8 - KS2
With the National Curriculum in mind, I have created a high-quality history lesson with a task attached about the Ancient Egyptians. The National Curriculum puts forward that history education should help children gain a chronologically secure knowledge, understanding of the past of the wider world. It should also inspire children’s curiosity to know more about the past and empower them to be confident historians.
This lesson focuses on the ancient Egyptian inventions such as Cosmetic Make-up, Jewellery, Wigs, High Heels, Toothpaste, Medicine, Surgical Instruments, the Police, Lock & Key, Clocks (Obelisk & Clepsydra), the Calendar, Chairs, Tables, Senet, Throw stick, Shadoof, the Sickle and Ox-drawn Plough
This lesson is in PowerPoint format and can be taught as is or changed to suit individual classes. Detailed PowerPoint Lesson with 22 slides.
This lesson comes with suggested activity or task that is also attached. The task for this lesson is to complete a investigate worksheet.
Learning objectives
To learn about ancient Egyptian inventions.
Writing - Knights and Castles - Introduction to Castles - What is a Castle? - Lesson 1 - KS1
With the National Curriculum in mind, I’ve meticulously designed an engaging history lesson centred around the captivating topic of castles, tailored specifically for Key Stage 1 students. This lesson aims to ignite children’s curiosity about the past while providing them with a chronologically secure understanding of the significance of castles in history. Through interactive activities and immersive storytelling, students will embark on a journey back in time to explore the mighty fortresses of knights and kings. By the end of the lesson, they will not only have learned about the purpose and features of castles but also developed essential historical skills that will empower them to become confident historians. Get ready to delve into the enchanting world of castles and unlock the secrets of the past in this exciting and educational lesson!
This lesson will introduce children to castles and their purpose, the people who lived in castles and the different castles present in the UK. Such as Dover Castle, Alnwick Castle and Windsor Castle. This lesson also has a few slides on facts about castles that children will need to use to write down in their fact file. Included in this pack is a fully editable PowerPoint with a learning objectives and task to create a fact file about castles (focusing on the question, What is a Castle?) There are two variations of the task, one to write sentences independently and the other is to order fact sentences about the castles. I have also included a word mat. There are 16 slides in total.
Learning Objective:
LO: To create a fact file
Ancient Egypt - Life After Death - Afterlife - Lesson 6 - KS2
With the National Curriculum in mind, I have created a high-quality history lesson with a task attached about the Ancient Egyptians. The National Curriculum puts forward that history education should help children gain a chronologically secure knowledge, understanding of the past of the wider world. It should also inspire children’s curiosity to know more about the past and empower them to be confident historians.
This lesson focuses on Ancient Egyptian’s life after death (afterlife), the process of mummification, canopic jars, natron salt, shroud, amulet, the book of the dead, inside the burial chamber, tombs, scenery, spells, Howard Carter, and the mummy’s curse.
This lesson is in PowerPoint format and can be taught as is or changed to suit individual classes. Detailed PowerPoint Lesson with 19 slides.
This lesson comes with suggested activity or task that is also attached. The task for this lesson is to complete a worksheet about the process of mummification.
Learning objectives
To learn about life after death in ancient Egypt
Ancient Egypt - The Rich and Poor - Lesson 7 - KS2
With the National Curriculum in mind, I have created a high-quality history lesson with a task attached about the Ancient Egyptians. The National Curriculum puts forward that history education should help children gain a chronologically secure knowledge, understanding of the past of the wider world. It should also inspire children’s curiosity to know more about the past and empower them to be confident historians.
This lesson focuses on the differences of the rich and poor lives of the Ancient Egyptians. This lesson discusses the different jobs, houses, food, furniture and clothing.
This lesson is in PowerPoint format and can be taught as is or changed to suit individual classes. Detailed PowerPoint Lesson with 20 slides.
This lesson comes with suggested activity or task that is also attached. The task for this lesson is to complete a Venn diagram.
Learning objectives
To learn about the difference in lifestyles of the rich and poor.
Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar (SPaG)
Paragraphs - KS2. Since the 2014 national curriculum, when the SPaG test was introduced and updated to became more challenging. Now, children are taught and officially tested on these specific skills in spelling, punctuation and grammar in year 2 and 6.
Children are expected to learn and develop essential English skills that improves their speech and writing quality overall. Hence, it is important children learn these skills such as writing in paragraph to add clarity and avoid ambiguity in children’s writing.
This lesson comes with a fully Editable PowerPoint (Learning Objectives, and Engaging Premium Quality Slides). There are 17 PowerPoint slides for this lesson.
The task for this lesson is to complete a worksheet that requires the children to identify paragraphs and why they are important. To improve children’s writing.
Learning Objective:
LO: To use paragraphs to improve writings.
Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar (SPaG)
Time conjunctions - KS2. Since the 2014 national curriculum, when the SPaG test was introduced and updated to became more challenging. Now, children are taught and officially tested on these specific skills in spelling, punctuation and grammar in year 2 and 6.
Children are expected to learn and develop essential English skills that improves their speech and writing quality overall. Hence, it is important children learn these skills such as using time conjunctions to improve their writings.
This lesson comes with a fully Editable PowerPoint (Learning Objectives, and Engaging Premium Quality Slides). There are 15 PowerPoint slides for this lesson.
The task for this lesson is to complete a time conjunction worksheet
Learning Objectives:
To identify and use time conjunctions.
Ancient Egypt - Introduction - KS2 - Lesson 1
With the National Curriculum in mind, I have created a high-quality history lesson with a task attached about the Ancient Egyptians. The National Curriculum puts forward that history education should help children gain a chronologically secure knowledge, understanding of the past of the wider world. It should also inspire children’s curiosity to know more about the past and empower them to be confident historians.
This lesson focuses on introducing Ancient Egypt, its geographical properties (the land, climate. River Nile and its location), when? (timeline) and what is left behind (ruins)? The role of Pharaohs, Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics and art.
This lesson is in PowerPoint format and can be taught as is or changed to suit individual classes. Detailed PowerPoint Lesson with 15 slides.
This lesson comes with suggested activity or task that is also attached. The task for this lesson is a complete a worksheet that encourages children to collect information on Ancient Egyptians.
Learning objectives
To learn about Ancient Egypt.
To learn about Ancient Egypt’s geographical properties.
Ancient Rome - Rich & Poor Romans - Lesson 13 - KS2
With the National Curriculum in mind, I have created a high-quality history lesson with a task attached about the Ancient Romans. The National Curriculum puts forward that history education should help children gain a chronologically secure knowledge, understanding of the past of the wider world. It should also inspire children’s curiosity to know more about the past and empower them to be confident historians.
This lesson focuses on the differences in lifestyles of the rich and poor Romans. These slides discusses the social hierarchy of the Roman society (slaves, plebeians, patricians, senators, consuls and the emperor). The difference in work opportunities and jobs for the rich and poor. The differences in housing (Domus, Villa, Insulae and wooden huts). Also discussed in this lesson are the different furnishings rich and poor Romans had in their homes. Moving on, what did the Romans eat? the three main meals (Ientaculum, Prandium and Cena). The kinds of foods the rich romans ate. Their eating habits of eating while reclined on couches. Whereas the poor would have to rely emperors to supply free grain that could be made into bread or porridge to survive. The clothes the rich and poor Romans wore such as the toga, tunic, and stola.
This lesson is in PowerPoint format and can be taught as is or changed to suit individual classes. Detailed PowerPoint Lesson with 28 slides.
This lesson comes with suggested activity or task that is also attached. The task for this lesson is to complete a venn diagram to compare lifestyles of the rich and poor Romans.
Learning objectives
To learn about the difference in lifestyles of the rich and poor.
Victorians - Victorian Toys (KS2)
This lesson has many pictures of Victorian toys and pictures of Victorians children with their toys. Rich and poor children’s toys. A link is also included that shows lots of different Victorians toys that children may recognise. Also included in one of the slides is a class comparison activity to teach how to compare and what to look for.
This lesson is in PowerPoint format and can be taught as it is or changed to suit individual classes. Detailed PowerPoint Lesson with 20 slides.
This lesson comes with a suggested activity or task that is also attached. The task for this lesson is a comparison activity and pictures.
Learning objectives
• To learn about Victorian Toys
• To compare Victorian Toys with modern Toys
Ancient Egypt - Farming - KS2 - Lesson 3
With the National Curriculum in mind, I have created a high-quality history lesson with a task attached about the Ancient Egyptians. The National Curriculum puts forward that history education should help children gain a chronologically secure knowledge, understanding of the past of the wider world. It should also inspire children’s curiosity to know more about the past and empower them to be confident historians.
This lesson focuses on Ancient Egypt’s farming, the black land, the Ancient Egyptian calendar (the three seasons: Ahket, Peret and Shemu), farming tools and the benefits of the river Nile.
This lesson is in PowerPoint format and can be taught as is or changed to suit individual classes. Detailed PowerPoint Lesson with 14 slides.
This lesson comes with suggested activity or task that is also attached. The task for this lesson is a complete a worksheet that encourages children to answer questions on farming
Learning objectives
To learn about farming in Ancient Egypt.
Writing - Season Poetry - Winter - Acrostic Poem - Lesson 4 - KS1/KS2
With the National Curriculum in mind, I have created this season-based lesson. As reinforced by the National Curriculum, children should experience high-quality discussions on a wide range of poems and learn the poetry tools to create their own.
The season focus for this lesson is winter. Many detailed pictures are attached of snow, snowball, snowman, snow angel, snow fights, snow covered park/mountains, fireplace, hot drinks (hot chocolate), snow in the city and snow in London. With mention of the religious holidays that often occur in the winter months (Hanukkah, Christmas, and Diwali). Click on the link on the first page, and slowly discuss the imagery on the slides. Children will learn what an acrostic poem is? Children will then create a word mat using the letters W,I,N,T, E and R to later make an acrostic poem that spells Winter.
Included in this pack is a fully editable PowerPoint with a learning objectives and and task to start writing an acrostic poem. There are 35 slides (mainly imagery). Also included in this resource pack is a filled word mat, a blank word mat, an acrostic poem template and an example of a WINTER acrostic poem in the powerpoint.
Learning Objective:
To write an acrostic winter poem
With the non‑statutory guidance of 2010 for Religious education in mind, I have formulated my lessons to investigate religions and beliefs. So children can develop a mutual understanding of the world around them and respective view of others differences in beliefs.
This lesson is about the Eid Al- Fitr after Ramadan, key topics discussed as follows Sawm, the Five Pillars, Ramadan, fasting, food, water, Quran, Suhoor, Sehri, Iftar, Iftari, fasting exceptions, pregnant, unwell, children, Eid Al-Fitr, celebrations, clothing and lanterns Also included a video on Ramadan, fasting and celebrating Eid. The lesson is straight forward and reliable sources were used to write religious Islamic facts.
This lesson is in PowerPoint format and can be taught as it is or changed to suit individual classes. Detailed PowerPoint Lesson with 22 slides. Also
This lesson comes with suggested activity or task that is also attached. The tasks for this lesson, includes a step by step to make a lantern.
Learning objectives
• To learn about Eid Al- Fitr
Victorians - Victorian Decoupage - Art (KS2)
This lesson has slides with the history of decoupage and instructions how to, step by step.
This lesson is in PowerPoint format and can be taught as it is or changed to suit individual classes. Detailed PowerPoint Lesson with 13 slides. There are many free online Victorian decoupage cut-outs that can be printed.
This lesson comes with a suggested activity or task that is also attached. The task for this lesson is creating Decoupages.
Learning objectives
• To create Decoupages
Writing - Knights and Castles – Who Lived in a Castle? - Lesson 3 - KS1
With the National Curriculum in mind, I’ve meticulously designed an engaging history lesson focused on exploring the people who lived in a castle, specially tailored for Key Stage 1 students. This lesson aims to spark children’s curiosity about the past while providing them with a chronologically secure understanding of the different roles and lives within a castle. Through interactive activities and captivating storytelling, students will journey back in time to discover the king and queen, brave knights, diligent soldiers, and hardworking servants who made castles their home. By the end of the lesson, they will not only have learned about who lived in a castle but also developed essential historical skills that will empower them to better understand and appreciate the significance of castles in history. Get ready to embark on an exciting adventure through the enchanting world of castle life in this educational and immersive lesson!
This lesson will introduce the different people who lived in a castle, such as the king, queen, knights, soldiers, and servants. Included in this pack is a fully editable PowerPoint with learning objectives and a task to create a fact file about the people in the castle. There are two variations of the task: one to write sentences independently and the other to order sentences about the different people in a castle. I have also included a word mat. There are 14 slides in total.
Learning Objective:
LO: To learn about the parts of a castle.
Writing - Knights and Castles – Parts of a Castle - Lesson 2 - KS1
With the National Curriculum in mind, I’ve meticulously designed an engaging history lesson focused on exploring the different parts of a castle, specially tailored for Key Stage 1 students. This lesson aims to spark children’s curiosity about the past while providing them with a chronologically secure understanding of the various components that make up a castle. Through interactive activities and captivating storytelling, students will journey back in time to discover the mighty towers, sturdy walls, and fascinating features of these medieval fortresses. By the end of the lesson, they will not only have learned about the different parts of a castle but also developed essential historical skills that will empower them to better understand and appreciate the significance of castles in history. Get ready to embark on an exciting adventure through the enchanting world of castles in this educational and immersive lesson!
This lesson will introduce the different parts of a castle such as the bailey, tower, battlements, arrow loops, portcullis, moat and the drawbridge. Included in this pack is a fully editable PowerPoint with a learning objectives and task to create a fact file about castles (focusing on the Parts of the castle) There are two variations of the task, one to write sentences independently and the other is to order sentences about the different parts of a castle. I have also included a word mat. There are 15 slides in total.
Learning Objective:
LO: To learn about the parts of a castle.
Victorians - Victorian Schooling (KS2)
This lesson discusses Victorian schooling such as subjects, classrooms, resources (blackboards, inkwells, abacus, bell, and writing slates), timetable, Victorian school teachers, laws, and the issues with enforcing the compulsory education. it reviews the different schools the poor and rich Victorians went to like Eton College, Harrow School, and free charity schools.
This lesson is in PowerPoint format and can be taught as it is or changed to suit individual classes. Detailed PowerPoint Lesson with 17 slides.
This lesson comes with a suggested activity or task that is also attached. The task for this lesson is a report activity.
Learning objectives
• To learn about Victorian Schools
• To compare Victorian schools with modern schools
Ancient Rome - Roman Empire - Lesson 4 - KS2
With the National Curriculum in mind, I have created a high-quality history lesson with a task attached about the Ancient Romans. The National Curriculum puts forward that history education should help children gain a chronologically secure knowledge, understanding of the past of the wider world. It should also inspire children’s curiosity to know more about the past and empower them to be confident historians.
This lesson focuses on the expansion of the Roman Empire. It discusses the
Roman Empire in 210 BC, 44 BC, 14 AD and 117 AD. Also discussed in these slides are the Roman Empire & Trade, the Silk Road, trading by Ships and Ancient Goods.
This lesson is in PowerPoint format and can be taught as is or changed to suit individual classes. Detailed PowerPoint Lesson with 17 slides.
This lesson comes with suggested activity or task that is also attached. The task for this lesson is answer a research based worksheet using the article provided.
Learning objectives
To learn about the expansion of the Roman Empire
Writing - Season Poetry - Spring - Acrostic Poem - Lesson 4 - KS1/KS2
With the National Curriculum in mind, I have created this season-based lesson. As reinforced by the National Curriculum, children should experience high-quality discussions on a wide range of poems and learn the poetry tools to create their own.
The season focus for this lesson is spring. Many detailed pictures are attached of
spring as a season, spring weather, spring rain spring bulbs, tulips, daffodils, hyacinths, crocuses, and snowdrops, wildflowers, gardening, nest building, and baby animals. Click on the link on the first page, and slowly discuss the imagery on the slides. Children will learn what an acrostic poem is? Children will then create a word mat using the letters S, P, R, I, N and G to later make an acrostic poem that spells Winter.
Included in this pack is a fully editable PowerPoint with a learning objectives and and task to start writing an acrostic poem. There are 63 slides (mainly imagery). Also included in this resource pack is a filled word mat, a blank word mat, an acrostic poem template and an example of a SPRING acrostic poem in the powerpoint.
Learning Objective:
To write a spring acrostic poem.
Ancient Rome - Romans Invade Britannia - Lesson 6- KS2
With the National Curriculum in mind, I have created a high-quality history lesson with a task attached about the Ancient Romans. The National Curriculum puts forward that history education should help children gain a chronologically secure knowledge, understanding of the past of the wider world. It should also inspire children’s curiosity to know more about the past and empower them to be confident historians.
This lesson focuses on the Roman Invasion of Britannia. The reasons why invading Britannia was beneficial for the Romans. The resources that Romans tried invading Britannia for such as metals, wood, livestock, grains and people to enslave. Also included is Julius Caesar’s recount of Britannia, mainly describing their resources. Children will learn about the 3 invasions (2 attempts and 1 successful) 55 BC, 54 BC and 43 AD. A video link of Roman Britain is included.
This lesson is in PowerPoint format and can be taught as is or changed to suit individual classes. Detailed PowerPoint Lesson with 12 slides.
This lesson comes with suggested activity or task that is also attached. The task for this lesson is to complete a worksheet about what they have learnt about Roman Invasion of Britannia.
Learning objectives
To learn about the Roman invasion of Britain