I have over 25 years language teaching experience in UK secondary schools and 12 years as a Curriculum Leader. I was also a GCSE examiner for many years. I love languages and have enjoyed creating these resources. I am working on lots of resources for the GCSE new specifications.
I have over 25 years language teaching experience in UK secondary schools and 12 years as a Curriculum Leader. I was also a GCSE examiner for many years. I love languages and have enjoyed creating these resources. I am working on lots of resources for the GCSE new specifications.
This is a booklet that can be printed for each student and contains over 150 general conversation questions. These questions have put together by researching all exam boards specifications and example materials. The questions are in themes are also broken down into sub-themes. Within each set of questions in a sub-theme, they have been classified into tenses so that pupils can be clear of the tense they need to use to answer the relevant question. These can form the basis of regular classroom practice for the speaking exam and if pupils are confident with these questions, they will also be able to answer many of the questions that will form part of the photo card section of the exam.
An essential for all GCSE students.
This is a 29 page document which contains AQA French GCSE vocabulary. I strongly believe that all Yr10 and 11 students should have GCSE vocabulary from the beginning of their course. The vocabulary is categorised in to sections – including themes and topics within themes. It is easy to use these sections or even break down the sections to set regular vocabulary learning homework. This ensures that over the two-year GCSE course, students have been exposed to all essential vocabulary. This document is in a printable friendly format for students or can be stored as a computer document for them. The vocabulary comes from the AQA specifications, but contains some extras, particularly in the topics of: technology, social issues and global issues.
This is a set of 30 role-plays in a printable format to use for mock/ preparation/ class practice for speaking exams. These are all based on Theme 3 – Current and Future Study and Employment. They have been compiled by studying exemplar materials given by all exam boards. There are 15 foundation tier and 15 higher tier role-plays. There is a teacher’s pack for each set of role-plays, giving the teacher’s part for each conversation. There are also two Power Points, one for the foundation role-plays, one for the higher set. Each PowerPoint starts with an explanation of the role play section of the exam and then shows each role play card, followed by showing the (!) unknown question so that students can also prepare for that/ start to predict what the unknown question could be.
This is a set of three lengthy PowerPoints that can be used over 2/3 lessons. The first PowerPoint introduces an extensive range of grammatical terms, including pronouns, infinitives, conjugated verbs, articles, intensifiers and many more with lots of examples. There is a plenary/test to check students’ comprehension. The other two PowerPoints have a more in-depth check of understanding with French texts; one for students who have only covered present tense verbs; and the other covering three tenses.
An essential for all GCSE students.
This is a lengthy document which contains the core AQA Spanish GCSE vocabulary. I strongly believe that all Yr10 and 11 students should have GCSE vocabulary from the beginning of their course. The vocabulary is categorised in to sections – including themes and topics within themes. It is easy to use these sections or even break down the sections to set regular vocabulary learning homework. This ensures that over the two-year GCSE course, students have been exposed to all essential vocabulary. This document is in a printable friendly format for students or can be stored as a computer document for them. The vocabulary comes from the AQA specifications, but contains some extras, particularly in the topics of: technology, social issues and global issues. Students can also be encouraged to use this vocabulary when working individually.
French New GCSE Theme 2 – Local, national, international and global areas of interest, Topic 1 - Home, town, neighbourhood and region.
This covers the whole of Theme 2, Topic 1. The PowerPoint is very lengthy (69 slides) and contains work for certainly six or seven lessons. The PowerPoint is broken down into four sections: 1) Grammar; 2) Listening; 3) Reading and Writing; and 4) Speaking. There are several different worksheets to accompany exercises on the PowerPoint, as well as a transcript for the listening and answer sheets also appear on the PowerPoint. The exercises include: vocabulary match-ups; verb and tenses exercises; grammatical terms exercise; a listening comprehension with different tasks; several reading comprehensions with different types of exercises to complete; translations in English and into French; photo stimuli for written tasks; blog writing tasks (foundation and higher); four role-play cards (foundation and higher); five photo cards for speaking activities and finally questions related to the general conversation section of the speaking exam.
This is a set of 22 motivational quotes/ phrases in French, based largely on the growth mindset principles.
These quotes/ phrases are presented on a PowerPoint and each slide is in a poster format so that each can be printed and used as part of a whole classroom display. They can also be used for pupils to translate and then to inspire pupils to create some of their own.
A bundle of 5 resource packs which cover a range of important grammatical terms, essential for students studying the new GCSE or AS level. This bundle includes: 1) Adverbs, 2) Adjectives, 3) Comparatives and Superlatives 4) Quantifiers and Intensifiers and 5) Conjunctions. Each resource pack contains a lengthy PowerPoint, with grammar notes that pupils can record in their exercise books and use as a reference for all future work using these grammar points. Each resource pack has a worksheet that accompanies each PowerPoint. Essential grammar to progress independent learning.
This is a set of 30 role-plays in a printable format to use for mock/ preparation/ class practice for speaking exams. These are all based on Theme 2 – Local, national international and global areas of interest. They have been compiled by studying exemplar materials given by all exam boards. There are 15 foundation tier and 15 higher tier role-plays. There is a teacher’s pack for each set of role-plays, giving the teacher’s part for each conversation. There are also two Power Points, one for the foundation role-plays, one for the higher set. Each PowerPoint starts with an explanation of the role play section of the exam and then shows each role play card, followed by showing the (!) unknown question so that students can also prepare for that/ start to predict what the unknown question could be.
This covers the whole of Theme 1, Topic 3 – ‘Free time activities’.
The PowerPoint is very lengthy (58 slides) and contains work at least six or seven lessons. The PowerPoint is broken down into four sections: 1) Grammar; 2) Listening; 3) Reading and Writing; and 4) Speaking. There are several different worksheets to accompany the many exercises on the PowerPoint, as well as a transcript for the listening and answer sheets also appear on the PowerPoint. The exercises include: vocabulary match-ups; verb and tenses exercises; a listening comprehension with different tasks; several reading comprehensions with different types of exercises to complete; translations in English and into French; photo stimuli for written tasks; blog writing task; two role-play cards (foundation and higher); five photo cards for speaking activities and finally questions related to the general conversation section of the speaking exam.
This Christmas resource is suitable for both French specialists and non-specialists as all the words and phrases have sound icons, which can be played for the introduction/ repetition of all the words and phrases. Answers for all activities appear on the PowerPoint.
This resource initially introduces 18 Christmas words with many practice activities. There is a match-up listening activity for these words too. The PowerPoint goes on to introduce 12 Christmas phrases, with another listening activity and a reading activity. There is then a ‘create a Christmas card’ slide and a word search. 12 further words for popular Christmas presents are introduced, followed by a reading activity. There is also a slide to encourage pupils to create a Christmas picture, labelling with French words. There is a lengthy worksheet, which accompanies the activities on the PowerPoint and a separate word search document. The PowerPoint has 71 slides.
This grammar sorting challenge is a whole class team game to revise and/ or check pupils’ understanding of grammatical terms. In teams pupils are given a large set of French words and each term must work together to attach each of their words to one of the 8 posters that are stuck up around the classroom with the following headings: Conjugated Verbs, Infinitives, Nouns, Subject Pronouns, Articles, Adjectives, Connectives and Time Phrases. Only one team member is allowed to be out of their seat at any one time. There is a PowerPoint slide to show the challenge on the board and it has a sound document attached - this is a timed challenge and pupils have only the length of the song to complete the challenge. At the end, teams are scored by the correct number of words they have under the appropriate grammatical headings. Each team has their words in a different colour font and therefore you can easily identify to which team the words belong. I have also included a further explanation document with this resource. Ideal to use after the PowerPoint ‘Understanding Grammatical Terms for French Learners.
Included are a document with Joyeuses Pâques written in a funky way to colour, a colour by number egg, an easter card to complete and an easter word search.
This fun Christmas resource is suitable for EFL and ESL learners. All the words and phrases have sound icons, which can be played for the introduction/ repetition of all the words and phrases. Answers for all activities appear on the PowerPoint.
This resource initially introduces 18 Christmas words with many practice activities. There is a match-up listening activity for these words too. The PowerPoint goes on to introduce 12 Christmas phrases, with another listening activity and a reading activity. There is then a ‘create a Christmas card’ slide and a word search. 12 further words for popular Christmas presents are introduced, followed by a reading activity. There is also a slide to encourage pupils to create a Christmas picture. There is a lengthy worksheet, which accompanies the activities on the PowerPoint and a separate word search document. The PowerPoint has 69 slides.
This fun Easter resource gives lots of information about Easter traditions in France in English. It then goes on to introduce 10 Easter related words in French, followed with a match-up activity, anagrams and a word search. Pupils are then asked to make a French Easter card, with lots of examples and there are 5 templates that can be printed and used. Each template has ‘Joyeuses Pâques’ and an Easter picture to colour. There are also two further Easter pictures to colour. The resource finishes with a quiz (and answers included) about what they have learnt from the PowerPoint. Happy Easter!
This is a set of three Power Points, which introduce pupils to asking questions in a step-by-step format. There is a PowerPoint and accompanying worksheet for: the present tense; another for the perfect tense; and another for the near future tense. The slides on each of the Power Points contain grammar notes that pupils can note in their exercise books and use as a reference for all future work using the interrogative in French. It is essential that pupils learn to ask questions as well as being able to answer them, at all levels. The 4 ways of asking questions are all introduced and there is a range of practice exercises for all Power Points. This is a tried and tested method to ensure comprehension and check the ability to confidently form questions in French in these three tenses.
A bundle of 3 resource packs which cover a range of important grammatical terms, essential for students studying the new GCSE or AS level. This bundle includes: 1) Prepositions, 2) Direct and Indirect Object Pronouns, 3) Pronouns y & en. Each resource pack contains a lengthy PowerPoint, with grammar notes that pupils can record in their exercise books and use as a reference for all future work using these grammar points. Each resource pack has a worksheet that accompanies each PowerPoint. Essential grammar to progress independent learning.
This is a set of 22 motivational quotes/ phrases in Spanish, based largely on the growth mindset principles.
These quotes/ phrases are presented on a PowerPoint and each slide is in a poster format so that each can be printed and used as part of a whole classroom display. They can also be used for pupils to translate and then to inspire pupils to create some of their own.
This resource introduces 15 school subjects with many fun practice activities. It introduces questions and answers about likes and dislikes as well as opinions/ reasons. It goes on to introduce and practise phrases connected to being good/ bad at subjects as well as talking about favourite subjects. There are pair work speaking activities, reading activities and writing activities. The reading activities include texts with true/false exercises as well as activities with open-ended questions. There is a school timetable that students could replicate and questions to answer about the timetable they see. Answers for all activities appear on the PowerPoint. By the end of the PowerPoint (70 slides) pupils will be able to write a paragraph about their school subjects (likes/dislikes, opinions and so on), either by using a given template or by prompts. There is a lengthy worksheet, which accompanies the activities on the PowerPoint and a separate word search document.
This is a fun printable dictionary for pupils to use as a reference and also to record the French vocabulary they are learning during their studies. It starts with six reference pages, which include the vocabulary for: numbers 1 – 100; colours; days, months, seasons; weather; time and animals. Following this are 26 pages, each has a letter of the alphabet, with example words for each letter and the rest of the page is left blank for students to fill in as they go along. There are also some completely blank pages at the end if students fill up an alphabet page.
This can all be printed in black and white and the pages can be put in a duotang or made into a booklet.