Mein Haus
Powerpoint about rooms in the house. Using 'es gibt' plus the accusative and adding ',wo' to extend sentences.
GCSE Speaking Check list
Checklist to give to students when they are preparing for their controlled assessment to check they have the correct structures in their work.
Musik AQA AS German Vocab
Vocab test taken from AQA AS German textbook - music module.
Wo ist der Markt?
Match up worksheet where students match the direction to the German phrase.
en ville wordsearch
Wordsearch based on the topic of town. Useful starter/plenary or for cover work.
'the' in French
Worksheet explaining the m/f/pl forms of 'the' with a categorising activity.
Wanted poster
Example wanted poster to show to students so they can make their own - lots of personal info vocabulary.
mon anniversaire
Worksheet showing how to say when your birthday is, with an exercise writing the dates into a full sentence.
Mes vacances - complex phrases
Match up vocabulary sheet for more complex phrases which could be used to help describe a past holiday.
Powerpoint explaining 'weil' using the weil monster. With exercises.
Arbeitslosigkeit in Deutschland
Statistics about unemployment in Germany. To be used for discussion.
Modal Verbs
Handout to help with modal verb conjugation with translation exercise.
les vetements wordsearch
Wordsearch based on the topic of school clothes. Useful starter/plenary or for cover work.
a la tele wordsearch
Wordsearch based on the topic of TV. Useful starter/plenary or for cover work.
les numeros 1-10 wordsearch
Wordsearch based on the numbers 1-10. Useful starter/plenary or for cover work.
Berufe match up
Match up activity of useful job vocabulary. Useful for starter/plenary.
Speaking test school model answers
Model answers based on the school topic to help students write their own speaking answers.
Hausarbeit match up
Match up activity of useful household chores vocabulary. Useful for starter/plenary.
GCSE Foundation Adverbs of Frequency OX game
Noughts and crosses game to show on whiteboard. Pupils come to front to participate in the game. Useful starter/plenary. To accompany Expo vert OCR
'pouvoir' OX game French to English
Noughts and crosses game to show on whiteboard. Pupils come to front to participate in the game. Useful starter/plenary.