Important verbs for GCSE German
A list of important verbs for GCSE German in various tenses, leaving room for students to write their own in too.
les legumes tap the board game
Display to show on the whiteboard for a tap the board game. Invite two students to the board and say the phrase. The first person to tap the correct vocabulary wins a point.
L'influence de la télé
Translation from French to English in the topi of the influence of TV.
Bingo game: Tenses and leisure
List of vocab for students to choose from for a game of lotto/bingo. Includes 3 tenses.
GCSE Speaking example answers
Example answers to be used to help/discuss with students for their GCSE Speaking assessments.
Was traegst du in der Schule? Wordsearch
Wordsearch based on the topic of school clothes. Useful starter/plenary or for cover work.
die Laender wordsearch
Wordsearch based on countries (Echo 1 Unit 1) Useful plenary or for cover work.
Berufe missing letters
Fill in the missing letters to create the correct jobs vocabulary. Useful starter/plenary.
Possessive pronouns OX game
Noughts and crosses game to show on whiteboard. Pupils come to front to participate in the game. Useful starter/plenary.
les sports match up
Match up activity of useful sports vocabulary. Useful for starter/plenary.
les fruits match up
Match up activity of useful fruit vocabulary. Useful for starter/plenary.
les piecs tap the board game
Display to show on the whiteboard for a tap the board game. Invite two students to the board and say the phrase. The first person to tap the correct vocabulary wins a point.
les matieres unjumble game
Unjumble the letters to uncover the correct vocabulary.
GCSE Foundation household chores OX game
Noughts and crosses game to show on whiteboard. Pupils come to front to participate in the game. Useful starter/plenary. To accompany Expo vert OCR
Love & Marriage OX game
Noughts and crosses game to show on whiteboard. Pupils come to front to participate in the game. Useful starter/plenary. To accompany Expo vert OCR
la tele tap the board game
Display to show on the whiteboard for a tap the board game. Invite two students to the board and say the phrase. The first person to tap the correct vocabulary wins a point.
GCSE Speaking School
Example answers for various speaking questions under this topic.
Mon caractère
Worksheet about character description to accompany Studio 2 Module 3.
Toujours le sport!
Worksheet match up of football match vocabulary.
Charakter und Aussehen
Worksheet with various activities based on character and physical description culminating in a short writing exercise at the end. To be used with Echo 1 Unit 3.