A selection of multiple choice questions for selected Chapters from the Charlie and the Chocolate factory books.
Great for whole class / guided reading chapter by chapter.
JAN 26th, 2016
Could be used as a whole school scheme.
A full set of cursive handwriting worksheets.
The sheets can be used stand alone or as a template for children to use in their handwriting books.
I have also included a few extras
As this is the first time I have shared content in this format (of which I prefer) I am offering a 75% price reduction for a very limited time!
Please note this is 15 YEARS worth of Keynotes made on the mac originally for years 3 and 4 although many have been used in older classes and are easily adaptable.
INVALUABLE for anyone with a Mac that uses it for teaching as these are VERY hard to find. (Why I had to make them as I much prefer Keynote.) These took many many hours to make individually.
Many incorporate videos and animations within them and some have been used to achieve outstanding observations.
For a MacBook / Apple user these are fantastic and many should work on iPad too with Keynote. (Although one or two of the animations may be different and I can't 100% promise all will be formatted perfectly from experience.)
Keynotes ages 7-10 - A Massive collection of presentations I have made.
Most are self explanatory but have written a few notes of description for some them below to help. Will save Apple users absolutely tonnes of time as I myself use many of these when I go into schools. You really are getting a lot here believe me.
Please note these will NOT work on windows computers (PowerPoint) without conversion although an excellent site to convert these files is https://cloudconvert.com/key-to-ppt
I have included this particular resource mainly for Apple users.
If you are teaching settings this is bound to interest boys and improve their writing.
This topic has produced some outstanding work from pupils in classes I have taught myself and assist others in an advisory capacity.
UPDATE to one of my best selling resources with more!
Suitable for years 3-6.
Extensive word banks (differentiated abilities.)
Initial texts to discuss
Plenary text
-Worksheets and word banks (differentiated.)
-Phrases for display
-Examples to read
-Examples of children writing
-Story Starters
(Please note full DAILY plans are not included, this is designed simply as a bank of resources to dip into.)
Specially selected and organised original Powerpoint (and Keynote / ipad / mac versions) of riddles and problems to make pupils think about things creatively, many completely original.
A great thing to start or finish the day with on the whiteboard, organised into powerpoints for you.
For example…
(Morning activities)
‘How many countries in the world can you think of?’
(Lateral thinking)
Why is it better to have round manhole covers than square ones?
Answer: Round covers cannot be dropped or fall down a manhole, unlike square ones.
I hope you enjoy using these with your class.
A set of worksheets I designed to help children practice using a dictionary. The first few letters are correct and children have to find the words in the dictionary, listing the page number at which they find them and correcting their spelling.
(Tip, make sure you have a set of the same dictionary types for this!)
-KS2 Scheme.
-A list of the ‘100 most common mis-spelt words’ that I found and edited from the internet.
UPDATE: Lots of other worksheets to use for example using a thesaurus and homophones
Powerpoint used to illustrate what powerful verbs and adverbs are.
Extremely effective for years 3-5.
Due to the popularity of this resource I have included a word bank I have made of adverbs that are very effective in writing.
Two texts based around Halloween AND comprehension questions suitable for years 3-5.
1. Where 'Jack O Lanterns' came from and questions
2. A story 'Croglin Grange' with questions related (year 4-5.)
Suitable for lower KS2.
Ideas for a pirate topic, ideas and worksheet to make your own pirate flag, pictures to help plan a character description and a storyboard template.
Set of resources to support the use of the song ‘Be a Man’ from Mulan the popular Disney film for use in a Poetry topic.
The verse can be used to identify number of syllables in poetry and the children can then invent their own similes to fit!
I have included some additional worksheets and ideas to help with this. (Obviously work some before.)
To identify syllabic patterns after initial work in this area I have always found this useful. Its a fantastic song and very catchy, in the past I have also had children invent their own song and perform in assembly with great success!
I have included the actual clip featuring this music, as a very short edited video section but do not claim to own the rights to this.
I have included a weekly / unit plan here as an extra with this lesson included, please see my other resource ‘Poems that Create Similes & Metaphors’ for more.
A basic Apple Keynote giving tips on how to edit stories.
This will also work on iPad. This was originally made for a year 3/4 class but can easily be adapted for different age groups.
Check it makes sense
Check the spelling
Check the punctuation
Minimise repeated words
Improve words where you can (have you used all senses?)
Powerpoint explaining about New Year and why people make resolutions.
I have also included a video about how to say happy new year in several languages from YouTube.
Also a worksheet I made to help children write their own 2016 New Year Resolutions.
A full set of cursive handwriting worksheets from A-Z - Easily used as a whole school scheme
The sheets can be used stand alone or as a template for children to use in their handwriting books, I have especially found the words after the letters helpful.
I have also included a few extras that can be used to test children's 'best handwriting'
UPDATED with LOTS more resources
Perfect for Years 3-5 when studying non-chronological reports / information writing, with differentiated worksheets, great for getting boys interested!
I have updated this popular pack of resources with much much more.
Now includes…
-Online ‘Prezi’ I made (an online animated Presentation ready to use) .
This really is extremely useful and took a TON of time to make, the link is at the bottom of the lesson plan to access and can be used online to present the whole topic.
-Weekly and individual lesson plan
-Example of shared write and completed notes
-‘Big Cat’ information book to print and use for additional information.
-Short downloaded video about Tigers (I do not claim to own this portion of the resource but I used as part of my lesson.)
A collection of some of my best bookmarked sites. These have been collected by me over MANY years and some are literally GEMS! I hope this helps some people out. Please comment if you find useful!