Specially selected and organised original Powerpoint (and Keynote / ipad / mac versions) of riddles and problems to make pupils think about things creatively, many completely original.
A great thing to start or finish the day with on the whiteboard, organised into powerpoints for you.
For example…
(Morning activities)
‘How many countries in the world can you think of?’
(Lateral thinking)
Why is it better to have round manhole covers than square ones?
Answer: Round covers cannot be dropped or fall down a manhole, unlike square ones.
I hope you enjoy using these with your class.
A BUMPER pack to dip into for the teaching of settings around several genres for example a ‘spooky house’ that would be of interest to boys especially.
Taught with year 3-4 classes but can be easily adapted and used with years 5/6.
Lesson Plans
Display Material
Examples of children’s work
Prompt sheets
Notebook File
Unit of work
Useful Connectives for writing
The first set of activities I designed for my year 4 class who do 'reading response.&' This means after / during reading a book they take on one of the following tasks.
A massive bank of resources based around Nelson Mandela and Black History.
Features an incredibly effective lesson leading onto an assembly to show how soul destroying racism really can be with links to Nelson Mandela. Is VERY powerful if done properly.
Right to education, poverty, quotes and web-links also included.
I have also included lots of additional resources on Nelson Mandela and a Teachers TV video and the video file and notebook file I used to try and illustrate drawing portraits.
Powerpoints, worksheets, videos, plans etc. enjoy!
UPDATED with LOTS more resources
Perfect for Years 3-5 when studying non-chronological reports / information writing, with differentiated worksheets, great for getting boys interested!
I have updated this popular pack of resources with much much more.
Now includes…
-Online ‘Prezi’ I made (an online animated Presentation ready to use) .
This really is extremely useful and took a TON of time to make, the link is at the bottom of the lesson plan to access and can be used online to present the whole topic.
-Weekly and individual lesson plan
-Example of shared write and completed notes
-‘Big Cat’ information book to print and use for additional information.
-Short downloaded video about Tigers (I do not claim to own this portion of the resource but I used as part of my lesson.)
A bumper set of resources initially used in the Year 4 topic of:
Creating Images with Poetry, Similes and Metaphors.
Due to the popularity of this resource I have included a Powerpoint I used for a very successful ‘Outstanding’ observation lesson by Ofsted involving describing a beach setting with similes and metaphors.
I recently adapted this in this for a year 6 class I taught and we produced some fantastic work.
There is also quite a few poems I have written using Similes and Metaphors in them to create images and a few more resources too including a soothing soundtrack and background to play on your IW on loop.
I have added a massive amount of content to this resource. Newspaper Articles, worksheets a great pack of resources. Ideally suited and adaptable for years 3-5.
-Includes a Powerpoint on ‘Headlines’ that gained outstanding in an observation, with lesson plan
-Weekly Unit plan
-Additional worksheets
As a bonus I have included a Newspaper article and comprehension I wrote based on ‘Back to the Future.’
A set of worksheets I designed to help children practice using a dictionary. The first few letters are correct and children have to find the words in the dictionary, listing the page number at which they find them and correcting their spelling.
(Tip, make sure you have a set of the same dictionary types for this!)
-KS2 Scheme.
-A list of the ‘100 most common mis-spelt words’ that I found and edited from the internet.
UPDATE: Lots of other worksheets to use for example using a thesaurus and homophones
If you are teaching settings this is bound to interest boys and improve their writing.
This topic has produced some outstanding work from pupils in classes I have taught myself and assist others in an advisory capacity.
UPDATE to one of my best selling resources with more!
Suitable for years 3-6.
Extensive word banks (differentiated abilities.)
Initial texts to discuss
Plenary text
-Worksheets and word banks (differentiated.)
-Phrases for display
-Examples to read
-Examples of children writing
-Story Starters
(Please note full DAILY plans are not included, this is designed simply as a bank of resources to dip into.)
2018 Update.
These resources were originally based on a specific lesson observation, I have since included a massive amount of extras.
I have included a presentation file in BOTH Mac (Keynote) and Windows (Powerpoints) formats, this particular lesson was used in an observation highly sucessfully (outstanding) during my performance management 2 years ago.
UPDATE: I have re-uploaded the ‘mummification pictures’ in pdf format as well as the original microsoft word format due to review comments, photos are now viewable in several formats.
Completely ORIGINAL and works fantastically. Developed in collaboration with an esteemed colleague.
These are some of the resources I used and created when the children were doing fantasy stories, we linked it to the Thundercat cartoon, did character descriptions and settings. I always do this topic with the children in year 3/4, the short episodes of the series all offer a clear beginning, middle and end which lends itself very well to some excellent short stories by the children. The ‘cave of time’ is an especially good episode with a clear problem, build up and solution etc
Included a weekly plan and a map that can be printed over 2 pieces of paper for display.
I have also included a set of Top Trump example attributes for this resource which really gets the boys extremely motivated and could be used as an additional activity to be played later on in Golden Time.
This is very comprehensive and I have used this many times successfully with years 3-5.
The boys especially don’t stop talking about it!
A full set of cursive handwriting worksheets from A-Z - Easily used as a whole school scheme
The sheets can be used stand alone or as a template for children to use in their handwriting books, I have especially found the words after the letters helpful.
I have also included a few extras that can be used to test children's 'best handwriting'
Ideal for years 3 and 4. A great way to get boys interested in writing by using film clips from Shrek to get them involved.
UPDATED for 2025, completely unique idea.
This lesson involves following a short section of the film Shrek and its script that I have typed out. Children then go on to write a short section of the script by converting a piece of text into a playscript.
Children have always loved this lesson and it always provides some funny voices too from the class. I have used it in observation lessons several times with great results.
Edited video clips from Shrek to watch and follow along
Required script section to follow movie clip
Lesson plan
Required worksheet to convert text into playscript form
Here are some notes from the lesson plan.
Whole class work: Allow children to watch the ‘extended’ Shrek video clip. Tell the children that although the characters are animated using a computer the voices are done by actors.
Give children the handout of a section of a partial script according to the clip they have seen. Play ‘Shrek movie clip to follow’ and have children follow the dialogue as it happens on their handout. After playing get some of the children to act this out (they will have great fun putting the voices on.) Tick off with the children the features of the playscript that are contained in this handout.
Activity: Give children the handout ‘writing playscripts worksheet’ get them to convert this into a playscript style into their books. This has part of the previous script that hasn’t been converted (so remove their copy of the previous handout.)
Play the clip several times and get them to annotate who is saying what in two different colours (Shrek or Donkey)
Get children to then continue the playscript in the style of the movie.
Please comment if you find this resource useful.
I have designed a unique set of resources designed to engage children in Literacy. Also excellent for a futuristic topic. Please note this is a set of unique resources, not a unit of work or lesson plan. It is designed for teachers to ‘dip into’ as they wish or even as part of a whole school topic. There is tonnes of material and this took many hours to assemble.
Resources Updated 2023
2015 was the year that in the Back to the Future films they visited the ‘future’. October was the month of ‘Back to the Future Day.’
The resources could be used as part of a thematic unit or within other units of the curriculum. Excellent for Newspapers and Non-Fiction writing opportunities in particular.
Included in this resource pack…
Multiple sets of Newspaper articles (edited by myself and made highly visual in worksheet form) with comprehension and activity worksheets I made for them.
-Additional extension activities fitting the articles
-Punctuation activity
-Original trailer and Poster from the movie with activities I designed around them
-The stuff the film got wrong!
-Punctuation activity
-Ideas for a Back to the Future week / day.
-Display materials
-Movie clips ‘making of’
-Hover Chase Video
…and much more!
Due to the popularity of this resources I have added some futuristic robot activities which tie in well with the topic!
An up to the minute and current set of resources that children will love, especially boys and a brilliant way to encourage creative writing / comprehension skills as well as looking at the features of Newspapers.
Designed for KS2 but could be easily differentiated for lower KS3.
Please check my other resources out here…
We gave our classes a homework project based around finding about an animal of their choice. These sheets were given out once a week to help guide them with 'how to write a homework project.&' They can obviously be adapted.
&';So far you have...
-Gathered together resources
-Made a title page
-Decided on sections to split your project into and made brief notes.
-Written the introduction and ‘where they live.’
-Written about what they look like
-Written about what they eat / how they hunt'
If you find the resource useful please comment or rate.
A set of resources about Remembrance Day!
This is primarily designed to be a huge amount of resources to ‘dip into’ during the day or week of this event.
I have now also included a Literacy unit plan including a Remembrance Day segment suitable for years 3-6 based on comments and feedback recieved.
Included in this resource pack…
-A Powerpoint to introduce Remembrance day with included example poems to read to the children to help scaffold their own
-Acrostic Poem Templates
-Planning (please note this is under ‘Creating images weekly plan’) in the resources.
This follows on from Bonfire night planning.
-Comprehension , unique, questions and answers.
A Fantastic Veterans Day Video
-Information about Poppy Day
-Using a dictionary activity
-Newspaper articles uniquely writted designed to discuss England and the FIFA Poppy Ban from the England football match from the last World Cup, an excellent PSHE lesson.
An EXCELLENT movie is 'The Piano' - this is absolutely perfect, emotional for the occasion and can be used in assemblies or the classroom to promote discussion.
Powerpoint used to illustrate what powerful verbs and adverbs are.
Extremely effective for years 3-5.
Due to the popularity of this resource I have included a word bank I have made of adverbs that are very effective in writing.