Worksheet I made for a bit of fun numeracy at Christmas time. Originally used with a year 3 class. Each letter of the alphabet has a value and you have to calculate the value of words.
Specially selected and organised original Powerpoint (and Keynote / ipad / mac versions) of riddles and problems to make pupils think about things creatively, many completely original.
A great thing to start or finish the day with on the whiteboard, organised into powerpoints for you.
For example…
(Morning activities)
‘How many countries in the world can you think of?’
(Lateral thinking)
Why is it better to have round manhole covers than square ones?
Answer: Round covers cannot be dropped or fall down a manhole, unlike square ones.
I hope you enjoy using these with your class.
A Powerpoint to support the sketching of ‘winter trees.’
I made this for a year 3/4 class to show them examples of winter trees (with no leaves) for discussion before going outside and sketching real life trees.
In addition there are some images I used as a print out for the children to discuss and refer to, these may help teachers with the demonstration of the technique too.
I have also included an additional Powerpoint I have made with non-commercial pictures of winter trees to show children.
A BUMPER pack to dip into for the teaching of settings around several genres for example a ‘spooky house’ that would be of interest to boys especially.
Taught with year 3-4 classes but can be easily adapted and used with years 5/6.
Lesson Plans
Display Material
Examples of children’s work
Prompt sheets
Notebook File
Unit of work
Useful Connectives for writing
Two contrasting texts written about Boudicca and a timeline with her in. Lesson Plan is included.
The texts are good to look at bias.
One group of children can draw Boudicca from the details in one, one group the other and the results compared.
A song about Boudicca is also included for plenary / fun at the end of the lesson.
Massive update to my highly popular resource…
Found these really hard to find so made my own resources up.
I am unsure why they are so scarce as they often come up in SAT tests etc.
As I like to call them 'missing box sums’
I have included differentiated worksheets and a smart notebook file to accompany the lesson worksheets.
Great for years 3/4 possibly lower ability year 5.
UPDATE: Feb 2018: due to the popularity of the previous version of this resource I have added a additional content similar in nature, for example, 'the role of the equals sign.'
At this age it is important that children understand (leading onto later years and algebra etc) that ‘Equals’ doesn’t mean ‘the answer’ but is a BALANCE of two equations.
There is a lesson plan included here as well I used for an observation during a Numeracy lesson on the topic.
The first set of activities I designed for my year 4 class who do 'reading response.&' This means after / during reading a book they take on one of the following tasks.
Originally I made this presentation in keynote (mac format)
I have converted to Powerpoint and included the video elements separately.
Was used with year 3/4 to help explain what a shadow is through a a paint experiment.
An ‘outstanding’ observation lesson plan with resources, Powerpoint, worksheets etc
There is also a lot of additional worksheets / Powerpoints included here too that would be useful for additional lessons and / homework.
Powerpoint showing several photos of Roman shields that I made leading into an activity where children design their own Roman shield based on certain criteria. (UPDATE: Mac / ipad Keynote included.)
A rough weekly plan is also included
The children went on to design their own Roman Shields and then made then with cardboard and painted them.
Perfect for giving them ideas!
UPDATE: I have now included a completely unique animated Roman timeline I made that can be included in your own presentations as I have converted to movie format.
UPDATE: An excellent video included to do with tactics used in Roman times
I couldn’t find any materials on this when I needed to teach my year 3 class what the equals sign REALLY meant.
I have included the lesson plan I used, the 3 differentiated worksheets and a Powerpoint I made.
Also have included a homework set of resource sheets (could alternatively be used in class as a reinforcement at a later date.)
UPDATE: I have added a more challenging resource for year 3/4
A massive bank of resources based around Nelson Mandela and Black History.
Features an incredibly effective lesson leading onto an assembly to show how soul destroying racism really can be with links to Nelson Mandela. Is VERY powerful if done properly.
Right to education, poverty, quotes and web-links also included.
I have also included lots of additional resources on Nelson Mandela and a Teachers TV video and the video file and notebook file I used to try and illustrate drawing portraits.
Powerpoints, worksheets, videos, plans etc. enjoy!
UPDATED with LOTS more resources
Perfect for Years 3-5 when studying non-chronological reports / information writing, with differentiated worksheets, great for getting boys interested!
I have updated this popular pack of resources with much much more.
Now includes…
-Online ‘Prezi’ I made (an online animated Presentation ready to use) .
This really is extremely useful and took a TON of time to make, the link is at the bottom of the lesson plan to access and can be used online to present the whole topic.
-Weekly and individual lesson plan
-Example of shared write and completed notes
-‘Big Cat’ information book to print and use for additional information.
-Short downloaded video about Tigers (I do not claim to own this portion of the resource but I used as part of my lesson.)
A bumper set of resources initially used in the Year 4 topic of:
Creating Images with Poetry, Similes and Metaphors.
Due to the popularity of this resource I have included a Powerpoint I used for a very successful ‘Outstanding’ observation lesson by Ofsted involving describing a beach setting with similes and metaphors.
I recently adapted this in this for a year 6 class I taught and we produced some fantastic work.
There is also quite a few poems I have written using Similes and Metaphors in them to create images and a few more resources too including a soothing soundtrack and background to play on your IW on loop.
SALE! Until 25th October
A visual lesson featuring LESSON PLAN, plenty of WORKSHEETS (the A, B, C is the best for this particular lesson) and VIDEO (made from a powerpoint I made) to demonstrate how to take away by adding on using a number line.
I have also added some additional sheets that could be used as homeworks.
Please leave a comment if you appreciate the resource or find it helpful.