A collection of worksheets for your class which can be used as part of lessons or time-fillers at the end of the day.
Perfect for the newly qualified or experienced teacher.
A selection of multiple choice questions for selected Chapters from the Charlie and the Chocolate factory books.
Great for whole class / guided reading chapter by chapter.
Set of resources to support the use of the song ‘Be a Man’ from Mulan the popular Disney film for use in a Poetry topic.
The verse can be used to identify number of syllables in poetry and the children can then invent their own similes to fit!
I have included some additional worksheets and ideas to help with this. (Obviously work some before.)
To identify syllabic patterns after initial work in this area I have always found this useful. Its a fantastic song and very catchy, in the past I have also had children invent their own song and perform in assembly with great success!
I have included the actual clip featuring this music, as a very short edited video section but do not claim to own the rights to this.
I have included a weekly / unit plan here as an extra with this lesson included, please see my other resource ‘Poems that Create Similes & Metaphors’ for more.
In PowerPoint (Windows) AND Keynote (Mac) format
I am delighted to offer a unique and fully editable version of ‘countdown’ in PowerPoint format with theme music, timer, cards that flip etc. Just change the numbers to suit your students. This took a lot of time to make initially in Keynote (Mac) format and I have successfully converted it into PowerPoint.
Great as a starter in Numeracy Lessons.
Different formats added!
1st Feb 2017 due to comments, PowerPoint formats should be able to use and edit fully now, please email me on daveorritt@mac.com if you cannot access the effects, it may just need a setting changing on your PowerPoint program.
I am delighted that the conversion from Mac to PowerPoint is now reliable enough to transfer the special effects on this presentation to PC Powerpoint format as well!
The animations of the number line are unique and extremely beneficial to the childrens understanding in this method.
This lesson has been observed several times by colleagues in the past in my capacity as AST to illustrate how the use of teacher technology can improve maths teaching within a lesson. Starters included…
There are also examples of worksheets, here this has always been one of my favourite lessons to deliver and I am delighted I can share it.
I created this quiz for the children when they got back from the EXCELLENT exhibit at Bolton Museum. The questions were obviously pre-prepared and prompts given during the trip activities for a 'memory challenge' when they returned!
PowerPoints, Worksheets and lots lots more!
I hope this helps someone out when teaching this fantastic topic!
I have newly converted the Keynote I produced on mummification to PowerPoint format, this is especially good!
I have also included my creative plans when this was the hub of our creative work one year.
A set of differentiated worksheets I made where children have to add the two numbers below to get the final brick of the top of the pyramid.
The harder worksheets require inverse operations. Fantastic for an activity relating to how additional and subtraction are linked, or reinforcing the concept.
A basic Apple Keynote giving tips on how to edit stories.
This will also work on iPad. This was originally made for a year 3/4 class but can easily be adapted for different age groups.
Check it makes sense
Check the spelling
Check the punctuation
Minimise repeated words
Improve words where you can (have you used all senses?)
Whats that Logo? (Sheets Provided)
Whats that Film?
Whats that Song? (Included audio files)
Whats that Chocolate (Answer sheet included)
Knowledge Round (Answer sheet included)
Also full question round worksheet for children included
I have bundled my most popular resources together for Primary ages 7-10, for a BIG saving. (Over 50%)
Featuring lesson plans, worksheets, display material and some truly unique ideas I am sure you will not be disappointed!
I have included a lesson plan / smartboard notebook document and visualiser recording that I made to illustrate the stages of making portraits. Please note the actual video / visualiser recording I made was when we were looking at Nelson Mandela (but the principles are the same.)
An interactive Smartboard file I made for year 3/4 for an observation lesson.
Tries to get across the idea that knowing the rules for odd and even can inherently help you check your answers!
Actually used this again yesterday in a class in Lancashire, worked really well.
-Lesson plan
LOTS of resources for writing match reports themed on quite a few of the Euro '16 football championship games. Easily adapted for other tournaments / matches.
Resources for writing a match report on the game on Thursday 16th June between Wales and England, and (unfortunately) the game on Monday 28th June against Iceland. I have also included a comprehension for this and some other activities.
Example of match reports for both of these games,
All the goals and highlights video from BOTH games (lots of the language here is easy to pick out eg. ‘golden chance.’)
Report Template
Tips for higher ability children on writing match reports
I have also included some self-made resources for studying Iceland as a country.
Originally written for year 4 but easily used for older children.
Explanation text resource using the 1999 Animated Tarzan Film as a stimulus.
I have included the explanation as a video file.
Children watch how the animation process 'Deep Canvas' works and then describe it themselves.
Also included a display I produced from this lesson, within a rainforest topic and using the lesson cross-curricularly, the writing children produce is often outstanding when given the prompts as they get so engrossed in it.
I have now included an extra 'how to draw Tarzan step-by step' as an excellent art activity and a planning sheet and extensive word bank where children can describe Tarzan.