The first set of activities I designed for my year 4 class who do 'reading response.&' This means after / during reading a book they take on one of the following tasks.
Worksheet I made for a bit of fun numeracy at Christmas time. Originally used with a year 3 class. Each letter of the alphabet has a value and you have to calculate the value of words.
We gave our classes a homework project based around finding about an animal of their choice. These sheets were given out once a week to help guide them with 'how to write a homework project.&' They can obviously be adapted.
&';So far you have...
-Gathered together resources
-Made a title page
-Decided on sections to split your project into and made brief notes.
-Written the introduction and ‘where they live.’
-Written about what they look like
-Written about what they eat / how they hunt'
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