I provide comprehensive worksheets to revise a particular topic (always with answers included) as well as extension materials, for pupils ranging from age about 11 to 16+.
All of my premium resources have a UK and US version.
I provide comprehensive worksheets to revise a particular topic (always with answers included) as well as extension materials, for pupils ranging from age about 11 to 16+.
All of my premium resources have a UK and US version.
This is a series of PowerPoints and questions introducing and testing knowledge of Distance, Speed and Time. Starting with simple Time questions, pupils will learn how to recognise different types of DST question, and how to solve them.
- Some introductory questions that check pupils can convert between 12hr and 24hr time, and convert between hours and minutes
- Checking pupils can recognise whether they are being asked a Distance, Speed or Time question.
- Estimating speeds of different forms of transport
- A class project for each group to work out the time it takes to get somewhere, by different forms of transport
- A couple of PowerPoints on timetables
DST Starters
- Some standard test-level DST questions
- A spreadsheet and graph of the distance from school and time it takes to get there from one example class.
A series of questions revising a full range of skills. Full solutions provided.
Part One
Decimals addition, subtraction, multiplication
Adding Fractions
Fractions, Decimals and Percentages
Prime Numbers
Mean, median, mode and range
Stem and Leaf
Solve equation from formula
Negative Numbers s
Part Two
Rounding decimals
Find percentage with a calculator
Time differences
Area of 2D Shapes
Composite area
These are a series of fractions problems set in real life contexts. They all involve percentages that can be converted into simple fractions, such as 10% = 1/10.
Because of the real life contexts and gradually increasing difficulty I have found that even pupils who normally struggle will be keen to finish the sheet.
This project gives pupils some real life houses from around the world to practice finding the area and perimeter of.
The package includes an introductory Power Point then a series of tasks, culminating in designing their own shelter.
Skills used:
- Area
- Perimeter
- Units
- Scale drawing
- Budgeting
Full solutions included.
This is a series of questions that will guide pupils from thinking only in numbers to thinking algebraically.
The questions are increasingly challenging, finishing with some that require a lot of thought and can be investigated further.
This is a series of tricky challenges to complement usual class work, using a full range of maths skills:
- trigonometry
- simultaneous equations
- algebra
- fractions
- area
- logic
Can be used as extensions or homework.
Full solutions included.
This is an investigation for pupils to discover that the more sides you have on a polygon, the closer the area comes to that of a circle. In fact, using polygons was how people once estimated pi.
Skills used
- trigonometry
- area
- algebra
- Pythagoras
Full solutions included.
This is four different whole class activities practising times tables.
There are four versions of the same game, with increasing difficulty:
- easy multiplication, up to 7 x 7.
- slightly harder multiplication, up to 8 x 8 or 9 x 7.
- all multiplication up to 9 x 9, with few easy questions
- all multiplication up to 12 x 12.
A series of question sets that test the basics along with extension material.
• Question Set 1 Gradient, Straight line, Circles, Equations, Volume
• Question Set 2 Rounding, Formulas and Pythagoras
• Question Set 3 Trigonometry, Simultaneous Equations & Lines
• Question Set 4 Similarity, Trigonometry, Algebra, Circles
• Question Set 5 Volume, lines, circles and factorising
• Question Set 6 Factorising, Brackets, Fractions
• Question Set 7 Quadratics, Changing the Subject, Numeracy
• Question Set 8 Polynomials, Algebra, DST
• Question Set 9 Complete Square, Shapes, Equations, Numeracy
• Question Set 10 Revision
Full solutions provided to all questions.
This is an investigation to get pupils thinking about different units.
The Power Point begins with an introduction, then a few questions to get pupils thinking about different units, and finishes by describing the investigation they should do, finding out more about one type of measurement and presenting their results.
A fun activity to practice using simple tally marks, investigate a few other systems, then make up their own.
Works especially well with low-ability classes, who all like making up their own tally systems.
A series of about 30 Power Points each with mixed starter activities testing basic numeracy of:
- whole numbers
- fractions, decimals, percentages
- money
- graphs
- symmetry
This is an investigation into Pythagorean triples. Pupils will discover more triples, and also investigate using algebra to get a general solution. During the project they will learn to appreciate the value of working generally with algebra to find all solutions.
Skills used:
- Pythagoras (of course)
- Fractions, including adding fractions
- Algebra
Full solutions included.
This is a 2-page write on worksheet that tests these basic skills:
- Lines of symmetry
- Names of 2D shapes
- 2D shapes that can be convex and non-convex
Pupils can write directly on the sheet.
Full solutions included.
This is a series of questions testing basic knowledge of percentages.
They should be solved by converting the common percentages to fractions.
They start easy then introduce increases and decreases, then more difficult numbers.
Full solutions included.
An introduction to time. Reading the time from clocks, then difference between two times, and finally a challenge with times in the school weak.
Full solutions provided.