Ditch the Label are a leading international youth charity, working with young people aged 12-25. We don’t judge and we don’t patronise - our mission is to empower teachers and young people.
Ditch the Label are a leading international youth charity, working with young people aged 12-25. We don’t judge and we don’t patronise - our mission is to empower teachers and young people.
Fake News/Skewed Views - Identify Fake News
This lesson, from international youth charity Ditch the Label, allows students to identify what fake news is, some of the key indicators of fake news online, and looks into the impact fake news can have on minority communities.
This lesson, from international youth charity Ditch the Label, encourages students to consider the differences between banter and bullying, and to examine their own behaviours when it comes to teasing their friends. Banter is quite often used an excuse or defense for unpleasant behaviour, and so it’s important for students to understand when they or their friends have crossed a line.
Felt Cute, Might Delete Later - Digital Footprints
This lesson, from international youth charity Ditch the Label, is an introduction to digital literacy, creating awareness of the digital footprints we are creating when we use the internet, and how we can make the most of the internet whilst still staying secure.
A series of seven lessons from Global Youth Charity Ditch the Label, in partnership with Maybelline New York aimed to empower young people to take control of their own mental health journey and access the individual support they need. This Brave Together module is designed to promote positive mental health outcomes by helping you understand mental health better and breaking down the barriers to speaking up and seeking support. The lessons comprise:
I am Understanding
An introduction to the concept of mental health as a continuum and a core element of our overall health. This lesson aims to break down the stigma surrounding mental illness, before focusing on how to give ourselves a regular ‘Mental Health Check-up’.
I am Balanced
An exploration of how hormones and neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine cause our emotional state to fluctuate. Followed by a discussion of healthy ways to navigate and express emotions.
I am Calm
A lesson in releasing emotional tension; giving students the opportunity to acknowledge their stress or anger, how they express it, and what they can do to direct that energy in a safe and productive way.
I am in Control
A lesson on worry where students have the opportunity to explore some of the more common thinking traps, equipping them with the skills to reframe the negative thoughts they cause.
I am Imperfect
A lesson exploring the negative impact comparing ourselves to those around us has on our self-esteem, especially on social media and the benefits of focusing on the strengths and abilities that make us the best at being ourselves.
I am Happy
A lesson built around the Five Ways to Wellbeing – an evidence-based mental health initiative which was developed by the new economics foundation for a Government Wellbeing Project.
I am Brave
A lesson built around Maybelline’s Brave Talk framework aimed at empowering young people to be able to spot signs in and have a conversation with someone who might be facing a mental health challenge whilst prioritising their own wellbeing.
This is a complete module ready to download and deliver containing a comprehensive module introduction, teaching guides, lesson resources and PowerPoint.
This series, from international youth charity Ditch the Label, of 8 lessons focuses on allowing students to engage critically with what they are seeing, sharing and participating in online – so that they can be given the agency to make healthy, safe choices.
The lessons cover:
Digital Footprints (‘Felt Cute, Might Delete Later’)
Compulsive Design (‘Pull Down to Refresh’)
Social Media & Self-Esteem (’#nofilter’)
Talking to People Online (‘Friend Request Pending…’)
Fake News (‘Fake News / Skewed Views’)
Cyberbullying (‘Don’t @ Me’)
Free Speech & Moderation (‘Censored’)
Terms & Conditions (‘TL;DR’)
#nofilter - Social Media & Self-Esteem
This lesson, from international youth charity Ditch the Label, explores the connection between social media and mental health –examining how it can have both positive and negative effects on our self-esteem.
This lesson, from international youth charity Ditch the Label, breaks down the double-standards regarding men and women’s relationships with sex and sexuality.
This mental health lesson from Ditch the Label gives students the opportunity to acknowledge their anger, how they express it, and what they can do to direct that energy in a safe and productive way.
Nearly half of all young people experience bullying whilst growing up, which can have catastrophic consequences on their health and wellbeing.
This series of lessons from Ditch the Label, international youth charity, addresses some of the common root causes and allow students to reflect on the role they can play in tackling bullying behaviour.
Behind the Bully - the root causes of bullying
Banter or Bullying? - the line between banter and bullying
What You Looking At? - the role of bystanders
Am I Normal? - being yourself
And Relax… - coping with stress
Who Will You Be? - making positive decisions
A series of lessons, from international youth charity Ditch the Label, which explores topics such as hobbies, appearance and careers and dismantles the gender stereotypes surrounding them.
Whether we realise it or not, gender bias still has a huge impact on the lives of our young people, so we want to tackle some of those societal expectations. This series of lessons explores topics such as hobbies, appearance, and careers, and dismantles the gender stereotypes surrounding them.
The module covers:
Pink or Blue? - unconscious bias
Muscly or Skinny? - appearance
Boxing or Ballet? - hobbies
Cry or Fight? - emotions & behaviours
Pilot or Nurse? - careers
Praise or Shame? - sex
Labels or Fables? - non-binary gender
Make the Change - combatting inequality
This lesson, from international youth charity Ditch the Label, explores the life journey of men and women, and how we are brought up with expectations to behave in different ways from day 0.
Friend Request Pending - Online Friendships
This lesson, from international youth charity Ditch the Label, focuses on some of the dangers of communicating with people online. Whilst there are positives to be had from online communication, there are also many risks. We ask students to assess these risks and critically evaluate reasons for people they don’t know to be contacting them.
A series of three lessons from Global Youth Charity Ditch the Label, in partnership with ASOS aimed at reducing prejudice and hate by empowering students to tackle unconscious bias:
An introduction to unconscious bias; exploring how it exists in us all and unknowingly influences our interactions with others.
A lesson in recognising unconscious bias, how it is shaped by the world around us and can lead to prejudice and hate.
A lesson in breaking the habit of bias using simple steps, and becoming confident at calling others in to the conversation.
A complete module ready to download and deliver containing a comprehensive module introduction, teaching guides, lesson resources and PowerPoint.
This powerpoint lesson from Ditch the Label gives students a brief introduction to the role that serotonin plays in teenagers’ emotional state, before exploring how to overcome negativity bias and the best ways to express sadness.
Global Youth Charity Ditch the Label and ASOS have come together with a shared mission to reduce prejudice and hate. Everybody should be free to live their best authentic lives without fear of ridicule, discrimination or bullying. This module aims to dig out the roots of prejudice and hate by helping students to recognise and challenge their unconscious biases.
To prepare you to teach this subject, this module introduction contains a lesson overview, FAQs about the topic of unconscious bias and safeguarding guidelines.
An introduction to unconscious bias; exploring how it exists in us all and unknowingly influences our interactions with others. Part of a three lesson series aimed at reducing prejudice and hate.
Includes a comprehensive teaching guide and lesson PowerPoint ready to download and deliver.
A lesson from global youth charity Ditch the Label, on breaking the habit of bias using simple steps, and becoming confident at calling others in to the conversation.
For the final lesson in this module on unconscious bias,students will acquire tools to help them tackle unconscious bias which they can take with them through their education and into wider society. Not only will students be able to challenge their own unconscious bias, but they be able to productively call others into the conversation to help prevent prejudice and hate.
Don’t @ Me - Cyberbullying
This lesson allows students to examine their own online behaviours and understand the consequences of some of their actions. It allows them room to explore the subjectivity of cyberbullying behaviour and reinforces their responsibilities regarding their behaviour towards others online.
One of the biggest challenges facing those who are bullied is that they feel that they are to blame. This lesson, from international youth charity Ditch the Label, looks to change that story - allowing students to recognise that there is no such thing as normal, and as such we shouldn’t be expected to conform to unfair, unrealistic or unnecessary standards.
Research shows that bullying is often a reaction to stress and trauma, with many perpetrators having been bullied in the past. To break this vicious cycle, this lesson, from international youth charity Ditch the Label, looks at healthier ways to channel stress and deal with trauma.