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Supporting SEN in the classroom Staff Meeting

Supporting SEN in the classroom Staff Meeting

Exploring the EEF guidance on High quality teaching approaches for learners with SEND and applying them to daily practice. Staff Meeting / CPD / Teacher Training Includes a short video, tasks, research summary and reflections
Outline of the main SEND needs and strategies Staff Meeting

Outline of the main SEND needs and strategies Staff Meeting

Outline of the main SEND needs and strategies Staff Meeting / CPD / INSET / Teacher Training This presentation includes an outline of the main SEND needs at X (insert your school here), and an overview of strategies you could adapt to support students who have these needs. You have space to add your own context Then there are slides outlining the different types, how might it manifest itself and classroom strategies for the following areas of need: Speech, language and communication needs (SLCN) Autistic Spectrum Condition/Disorder (ASD) Moderate Learning Difficulties (MLD) Specific Learning Difficulties (SpLD) Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Sensory/Physical Difficulties
Making your classroom dyslexia-friendly Staff Meeting

Making your classroom dyslexia-friendly Staff Meeting

Staff Meeting / CPD / Teacher Training / Inset Making your classroom dyslexia-friendly PPT slides Includes: waves of support The inclusive classroom videos How will I recognise dyslexic learners? How can a positive classroom ethos help? How can I improve access to the curriculum? How can grouping help? How can I help learners to develop independent organisational skills? How can I foster the self-esteem of ALL, including dyslexic, students? How can I foster the self-esteem of dyslexic students? What specific difficulties might dyslexic learners have with Mathematics? How can I help learners in mathematics? How can display help? How can I use ‘positive feedback’? Planning and delivering effective small group / individual interventions Individualised schemes of work Successful teaching of reading Successful teaching of spelling Handwriting What is a survival kit ? The effective use of ICT Dyslexia Screening Special arrangements for SATS Useful resources and contacts
Christmas Nativity Script - 30 speaking parts

Christmas Nativity Script - 30 speaking parts

- Editable script - Christmas Nativity Script - Written to be used by Year 2 children - 30 parts - each has at least one line speaking - Traditional nativity story - For use in a non-faith school - Easily adaptable - Cast list with space for your class names - Music suggestions (tracks named are from Out of the Arc DIY Nativity CD)
Progression in EYFS map with examples

Progression in EYFS map with examples

includes pre requisite skills and progression of learning for: drawing printing small world malleable materials role play painting and template for you to add your own areas These are an invaluable resource for EY leaders in both Nursery and Reception to ensure staff know the purpose of areas of learning and how best to support children’s development.
We're going on a treasure hunt...

We're going on a treasure hunt...

To fit with a Pirate topic we adapted the classic Bear Hunt to fit. This can be used to make a book for the reading corner/to introduce the story and then can be used as sequencing cards.
Science Materials KS2

Science Materials KS2

LO1: Can I investigate different insulators? LO2: Can I measure temperature accurately using a thermometer? Slides with lesson outline comprehensive recording data sheet/investigation sheet investigation slides Data logger and line graphs slides Used in Y5