A sentence builder worksheet for Transition Year students for their return after work placement.
End goal: to write a detailed description of their work placement.
Students should be encouraged to use dictionaries / online translating tools to look up vocab specific to their placement.
Once everyone has written a description, I like to invite 2-3 students to read their description aloud in order to facilitate a listening exercise for the others in the class.
For more resources like this, see ‘my shop’.
A complete lesson based on food which can be used to consolidate students’ understanding of the vocab, to facilitate group work/class activity and which also serves as an oral exercise.
First document is a survey where students have to walk around the class trying to find other students who like/hate/are allergic to certain foods. The questions must be asked and answered in French.
Where the survey is complete, the students are given the worksheet. Here they have to categorize the food items under headings (start/main course/dessert) and also have to write answers to 4 French questions as if they were ordering food in a French restaurant.
Students like this lesson as it gives them a chance to get up and move around the class. Suitable for all age groups/levels.
2 separate word documents- one based on cyber-bullying and the other on social networking (for and against). Each handout has some useful phrases that advanced French students could use in opinion/reaction tasks. The handouts used a variety of tenses and expressions.
A 2 page handout on postcard writing in French. Well laid out and easy to follow. Different key phrases are laid out under headings e.g. accommodation, weather, present tense activities, past tense activities etc... A go-to handout for postcard writing. Perfect for Irish junior cert higher level and can easily be amended for ordinary level too.
A short PowerPoint presentation which introduces adjectives and how to make them feminine/plural.
Also attached is list of useful/important adjectives for beginner French students. I use this with my 1st years (ages 12 and 13). Lists the masculine and feminine version of the adjective and has a column in which to write the English translation.
Worksheet to accompany the list of adjectives is for pair work/peer correction. Students must translate the descriptive paragraphs and their partner corrects. Last past of the worksheet asks students to write a paragraph about themselves using the samples as a guide.
2 word docs based on 'Les professions/Les métiers' in French.
First documents is a well laid-out grid with key professions that students need to know for the French Junior Cert exam (Could be added to for older students). French is written in, Students write the English in, either in class with the teacher, or at home. This can be used as a dictionary task.
Second document is a one page word document worksheet based on the professions/jobs in French. Contains one translation exercise and one comprehension exercise. Could be used for HW, class task or exam.
A theme based ‘production écrite’ worksheet on refereeing. Includes a worksheet for students and the answer sheet for teachers.
I started this activity using the key vocab listed - students had to work in pairs to translate and categorise the words (nouns/adjectives/verbs). They then had to use the vocab and prior knowledge to translate the sentences, all of which can be used for an opinion piece on this topic.
Suitable for a Higher Level Leaving Cert/A level class.
A gapfill exercises on the importance of sport, looking at physical, mental and other benefits. Once corrected, this piece will serve as a sample answer for an opinion piece on the topic.
Also attached is the full sample answer. Can be used as a pair or group reading activity or comprehension.
A gap-fill exercise on the status of Irish/Irish as a compulsory subject. Will serve as a notes handout for an opinion question on this topic when completed and corrected. Aimed at Higher Level Leaving Cert students.
A gapfill exercises on the banning of diabetes drug, Mediator. I use this in my teaching of ‘la santé’. It includes some useful theme-based vocab and some complex grammar ideas. Also includes a ‘trouvez dans le texte’ exercise as an extension activity. Suitable for a higher level leaving cert class.
A notes document introducing ordinary leaving cert students to French comprehensions with French answers. Includes tips and hints, key question words, and a guide to finding different types of words in the comprehension. A two page Word document.
For the higher level version, see ‘My Shop’.
A well laid out and easy to follow notes handout on the 'Petit Mot' (French note) which frequently comes up in the Junior Cert OL and HL paper. Includes notes on how the note should be formatted and has different scenarios laid out under headings. PDF format.
A word document which contains key phrases for the French Letter (Junior Cert standard). Phrases are under headings e.g. family, friends, the weekend, pastimes etc... so that they are easy to find. English and French are used for each phrase. This is a go-to handout for students when writing French letters and should cover the majority of content needed for Higher level and ordinary level. Could also be used to prep students for their oral exam as it covers most topics that come
Up in the oral.
Also attached is a short PPT to introduce the letter to higher level students. I print this out afterwards and give it to the students as additional notes.
For an introduction to letter writing for younger students, see 'my shop'.
A 2 page Word Doc which introduces young French students to French letter writing using easy steps. Makes reference to letter format and key opening and concluding sentences. Also includes a sample letter with simple, easy to understand vocab.
2nd attachment is a simple letter cloze test.
Suitable for junior French students.
2 word documents based on the subjunctive tense in French. The first handout explains how the tense is formed and gives examples. The second handout is a 2 page list of useful phrases which are formed using the subjunctive. If students are struggling to remember the formation of the tense they can select several phrases to learn off by-heart which can be included in their written work.
A handout with useful statements on obesity. Uses a variety of different tenses, phrases and expressions. Very useful for opinion/reaction style questions or for oral exam.
Also included is a gapfill exercise on obesity. When complete and corrected, this can be used as notes for opinion pieces too.
A hand out with useful statements for opinion pieces on road accidents in French. A full A4 page of statements. Could also be useful for preparing advanced French students for oral exam.
A PPT with 8 identities that students can use for oral practice. Requires students to be spontaneous in their thinking and requires a good knowledge of vocab. Can use in a variety of ways - print/laminate, project, ‘student of the day’ activity etc…
A short PowerPoint that introduces the satirical publication Charlie Hebdo and that gives a brief overview of the terrorist attack at their Parisian HQ in 2015. Includes a short vocab and grammar exercise. Aimed at higher level Leaving Cert students.