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Business Teaching Resources

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Teaching process is a vital part in the process of knowledge gaining. That is why we put all our affords to create most interactive and breathtaking teaching materials. With our Business Related materials your students will enhance their knowledge and you can be sure that teaching process will be as interesting as it possible.




Teaching process is a vital part in the process of knowledge gaining. That is why we put all our affords to create most interactive and breathtaking teaching materials. With our Business Related materials your students will enhance their knowledge and you can be sure that teaching process will be as interesting as it possible.
Introduction to Project Management

Introduction to Project Management

Introduction to Project Management Lecture is covered during Project Management Module. It is essential for future leaders and managers to have knowledge about projects and projects management. In this File you will find: - 1 Introduction to Project Management Lecture Power Point Presentation - 1 Seminar Plan - 2 Seminar Tasks/Activities for students. All materials are covered by Bachelor Level students during Project Management Module.
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) (Statistics)

Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) (Statistics)

Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) is a lecture which is covered within the Statistic or Basic Business Statistic module by business and economics students. Analysis of variance, known by the acronym ANOVA, allows statistical comparison among samples taken from many populations. While ANOVA literally does analyze variation, the purpose of ANOVA is to reach conclusions about possible differences among the means of each group, analogous to the hypothesis tests of the previous chapter. Every ANOVA design uses samples that represent each group and subdivides the total variation observed across all samples (all groups) toward the goal of analyzing possible differences among the means of each group. How this subdivision, called partitioning, works is a function of the design being used, but total variation, represented by the quantity sum of squares total (SST), will always be the starting point. As with other statistical methods, ANOVA requires making assumptions about the populations that the groups represent. Learning objectives: The basic concepts of experimental design How to use one-way analysis of variance to test for differences among the means of several groups When and how to use a randomized block design How to use two-way analysis of variance and interpret the interaction effect How to perform multiple comparisons in a one-way analysis of variance, a randomized block design, and a two-way analysis of variance In this File you will find: Analysis of Variance Lecture Power Point Presentation Test Bank for Analysis of Variance with 213 Questions with all answers to them 61 Exercises for Analysis of Variance lecture / seminar Plus reading resource on Analysis of Variance in order to enhance you overall knowledge about the topic. Once you will purchase this resource please leave a comment! All resources are compressed in zip file.
Change Management

Change Management

Change Management is one of the topic which is covered during Human Resource Management Module lectures and seminars in order to enhance students’ knowledge. Key Covered Questions: 1.What is Change Management? 2.Needs for change/The change process and the issues 3.Change and Productivity 4.Negative reactions 5.Lewin’s “3 Phases of Change” 6.Kotter’s “Theory of Change” 7.The Role of HR in M & A Activities 8.Why are HR Issues Neglected in M&As? 9.Common Issues in Successful M & As 10.HRM Techniques for Managing Culture Change 11.Impacts of organisational Change on Employees In this File you will find: 1 Change Management Lecture Power Point Presentation 1 Seminar Plan with 6 different activities All covered materials are taught for bachelor level students Level 5. Please write your comments once you purchase this lesson in order to have some suggestions for further improvements of teaching materials.
Project Planning and Sheduling

Project Planning and Sheduling

Project management is an important activity of mostly all companies in the world, and it is extremely important to plan and schedule your projects properly in order to find out what and when to do specific tasks. This Teaching materials are related to the Project Planning and Scheduling Topic. In this File you will find: - 1 Project Planning and Project Scheduling Lecture Power Point Presentation. - 2 Activities for Seminar. All teaching materials are used during teaching process of Project Management Module for Bachelor Level Students.
Inventory Management

Inventory Management

Inventory Management is one of the topic which is covered during Operations Management lectures and seminars in order to enhance students knowledge. Key Covered Questions: - What is inventory? - Why should there be any inventory? - How much should be ordered? - When should an order be placed? - How can inventory be controlled? These are following learning outcomes in which you will be able: - to understand the inventory. - to understand the significance of inventory. - to understand and apply the optimum way of inventory order. - to understand and apply the time to order - to understand and apply the technique for inventory control. In this File you will find: - 1 Inventory Management Lecture Power Point Presentation - 1 Seminar Plan - 2 Seminar Exercises - 1 Case Study All covered materials are taught for bachelor level students Level 5. Please write your comments once you purchase this lesson in order to have some suggestions for further improvements of teaching materials.
Performance Management and Performance Appraisal

Performance Management and Performance Appraisal

Performance Management is one of the topic which is covered during Human Resource Management Module lectures and seminars in order to enhance students’ knowledge. Key Covered Questions: 1.Performance Measurement 2.Functions of Performance Appraisal 3.Criteria for Effective Performance Appraisal Systems 4.Types of Performance to Measure 5.Performance Appraisal Methods 6.Performance Raters (Evaluators) and feedback 7.Case: GOOGLE’s approach In this File you will find: 1 Performance Management Lecture Power Point Presentation 1 Seminar Plan 4 Case Studies 3 Relevant videos 2 Reading files for Lecturer All covered materials are taught for bachelor level students Level 5. Please write your comments once you purchase this lesson in order to have some suggestions for further improvements of teaching materials.
Defining and Collecting Data (Business Statistics)

Defining and Collecting Data (Business Statistics)

Defining and Collecting Data is a lecture which is covered within the Statistic or Basic Business Statistic module by business and economics students. Nowadays, Data playing an important role in the success of the company. Without reliable and proper data most probably company will fail, while by possessing good data company may get a competitive advantage over main competitors in the market. It is extremely important for future managers to understand how to collect as well as to analyze data, as well as how to work with it. This teaching resource will help you to deliver Defining and Collecting Data lecture as well as seminar in interesting and professional way to your students. In this lecture you learn to: Understand the types of variables used in statistics Know the different measurement scales Know how to collect data Know the different ways to collect a sample Understand the types of survey errors In this file you will find: Defining and Collecting Data Lecture Power Point Presentation Test Bank with 204 different related questions with full answer description and explanation 45 Exercises related to the topic with all answers to them Two Interesting Case Studies with all answers to case study questions Defining and Collecting Data Reading Resources file in order to enhance Lecturer/Teacher/Student knowledge Once you will purchase this resource please leave a comment! All resources are compressed in zip file. You can purchase this teaching resource with more than 20 % Discount by pressing this link. Use coupon code during checkout process: LOVETOTEACH
Consumer Buyer Behaviour

Consumer Buyer Behaviour

Consumer Buyer Behaviour is an important topic which is covered during Marketing Module. Consumer Buyer Behaviour will help to future marketing managers understand the reason why customers buying our products. The content of lecture and seminar is: - Models of consumer behavior - Characteristics affecting consumer behavior - Types of buying decision behavior - Buyer decision process In this File you will find: - 1 Consumer Buyer Behaviour Lecture Power Point Presentation - 1 Consumer Buyer Behaviour Seminar Power Point Presentation - 1 Relevant Video Clip for Seminar - 1 Interesting Activity for Testing how students are making purchasing decision - 2 Case Studies All materials are used during Principles of Marketing Module for Bachelor Level Students
Connecting with Customers

Connecting with Customers

Nowadays it is extremely important for companies to connect with their customers in order to make long relationships with them. In this File you will find: - 1 Connecting with Customer Lecture Power Point Presentation - 2 Videos for the Lecture - 1 Case Study
Managing Conflict and Cultural Differences

Managing Conflict and Cultural Differences

It is important to Managing Conflict and Cultural Differences within the company in order to avoid conflicts between employees and to create a friendly atmosphere among them. In this File you will find: - 1 Managing Conflict and Cultural Differences Lecture Power Point Presentation - 1 Seminar Plan - 1 Case study - 1 Matching Activity All materials are used during teaching process of bachelor level students in Business Related Module.
Process Costing

Process Costing

Process Costing is an important tool which must is used by companies in order to ind out the cost and the amount of expenditure. In this File you will find: - 1 Process Costing Lecture Power Point Presentation - 1 Seminar Plan - 4 exercise activities for seminar - 4 full answers for the seminar exercises with full explanations This topic is covered during Finance module for Bachelor level students.
Bond Valuation

Bond Valuation

Bond Valuation is one of the lecture which is covered by Finance Students In this File you will find: - 1 Bond Valuation Lecture Power Point Presentation with full explanations - 6 Seminar Exercises with full detailed answers - 6 Home work exercises with full detailed answers - Mini Test Can be given as a home work or students can do during Seminar or Lecture ( all answers are included) This Lecture is covered by Bachelor Level students in Finance and Accounting Module.
Job Order Costing

Job Order Costing

Job Order Costing is one of the important topic which is covered during Management Accounting Module. In this File you will find: - 1 Job Order Costing Lecture Power Point Presentation - 1 Seminar Plan with 5 interesting exercises - 1 Teacher`s notes with full detailed answers to seminar exercises This materials are covered by Bachelor level students during Management Accounting Module.
Accounting Cycle: categories of accounts, double-entry rules

Accounting Cycle: categories of accounts, double-entry rules

What this lecture is about? - Accounting Cycle - Categories of accounts - Accounting Equation - Books of Original (Prime) Entry or Journals - Ledgers (types and format) In this File you will find: - 1 Accounting Cycle: categories of accounts, double-entry rules Lecture Power Point Presentation - 1 Seminar Plan with 10 Exercises and case studies for practice - 1 Teacher Notes All materials are covered by Bachelor Level students.
Research Approach &  Strategy (Methodology)

Research Approach & Strategy (Methodology)

Research Methods Module- Literature Review Lecture is covered by students who are writing final research projects. Here is Outline of lecture: Research question and objectives Different approaches to research Research Philosophy Research Approach Research Strategy Time horizons of research Purpose of the research Reliability, validity and generalisability In this File you will find: - 1 Research Approach & Strategy (Methodology) Lecture Power Point Presentation - 1 Seminar Plan with 5 Tasks and case studies for practice - 1 Teacher Notes with all answers All materials are covered by Bachelor Level students during the Research Methods Module.
Measures of Dispersion

Measures of Dispersion

Measures of Dispersion is covered during Quantitative Methods Module. Lecture outline: compute and interpret the (interquartile) range compute and interpret the variance Compute and interpret the standard deviation In this File you will find: In this File you will find: - 1 Measures of Dispersion Lecture Power Point Presentation - 1 Seminar plan with 7 different interactive activities for the students This Lecture and Seminar is covered by the Bachelor Level Students
Index Numbers

Index Numbers

Index numbers Lecture is covered during Quantitative Methods Module. Lecture outline: - the concept of index number & its use in economics - to represent data in terms of index numbers - to understand some well-known induces such as Consumer Price Index, Dow Jones Industrial Averages In this File you will find: - 1 Index Numbers Lecture Power Point Presentation - 1 Seminar plan with 8 different interactive activities for the students with detailed answers This Lecture and Seminar is covered by the Bachelor Level Students
Derivative of Univariable Functions

Derivative of Univariable Functions

Derivative of Univariable Functions is one of the topic which is covered during Mathematics lectures and seminars in order to enhance students knowledge. During this Lecture and Seminar we are covering following subtopics (Agenda): - Meaning of derivatives - Differentiation rules of univariate functions - Applications of derivatives In this File you will find: - 1 Derivative of Univariable Functions Lecture Power Point Presentation 28 Slides - 1 Seminar Plan - 19 Seminar Activities with full answer list for students All covered materials are taught for bachelor level students Level 3. Please write your comments once you purchase this lesson in order to have some suggestions for further improvements of teaching materials.
Introduction to Operations Management

Introduction to Operations Management

Introduction to Operations Management is one of the topic which is covered during Operations Management lectures and seminars in order to enhance students knowledge. During this Lecture and Seminar we are covering following subtopics (Agenda): - To define the term of Operations Management. - To understand the Input-Transformation-Output Process. - To understand different Characteristics of Operations Processes. - To understand roles of Operations Managers. In this File you will find: - 1 Introduction to Operations Management Lecture Power Point Presentation - 1 Seminar Plan - 3 Seminar Activities with full answer list for students - 2 Case Studies - 1 Video Activity (Video Included) All covered materials are taught for bachelor level students Level 5. Please write your comments once you purchase this lesson in order to have some suggestions for further improvements of teaching materials.
Research Proposal

Research Proposal

Lots of students face different problems when it comes to write their final Research proposal. In this File you will find Power Point Presentation with main general tips on how to write a really good Research Proposal for the final year students. - What it should contain - How it should like - Examples - General Tips This Power Point Presentation will enhance knowledge of final year students who are writing their Research Proposals.