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German and French resources, expertly made.




German and French resources, expertly made.
KS3 French Improving Writing En bonne santé

KS3 French Improving Writing En bonne santé

Used as a follow-up to Levelled assessment, this lesson guides students towards reflecting on their achievements and improving. There are two similar versions of this lesson - the normal one (Levels 6-7) and the HIGHER one (Levels 7-8), with full resources for both. You could even mix them together and do a lesson that covers Levels 6-8!
KS3 French Expo 3 Rouge Module 3 En bonne santé Healthy Living

KS3 French Expo 3 Rouge Module 3 En bonne santé Healthy Living

Series of lessons guiding pupils through Expo 3 Rouge Module 3, covering: 1. parts of the body and 'avoir mal a' construction 2. other symptoms using 'etre' and 'avoir' 3. reflexive verbs in the past tense 4. negative sandwiches 5. phrases that take infinitives I made this for my top set, but it was also useful for middle sets!
KS3 German: Mein Haus (with NEW reading activity)

KS3 German: Mein Haus (with NEW reading activity)

Lesson introducing rooms in the house, including a guessing-game for the starter, a match-up, a reading activity, battleships for speaking practice (handout version is already available on TES), a longer reading activity and an ongoing dictionary task as an extension activity. Successfully used as an interview lesson!
Edexcel A Level Vocabulary Worksheets: all topics

Edexcel A Level Vocabulary Worksheets: all topics

4 Resources
Contains worksheets for all four Themes (including all 12 topics) for Edexcel A Level German. Each worksheet contains a list of handpicked topical vocabulary, followed by 4-5 exercises aimed at familiarising students with this vocabulary. Answers and further ideas for teaching are on the back. All worksheets are included in an easily editable .doc format, as well as an easily printable .pdf format. 38% saving on buying each pack individually!
KS3 French: My Monster poem

KS3 French: My Monster poem

Pupils have already created their own monsters and can describe their body parts. This lesson (could be 2 lessons) helps pupils to write their own poem comparing the monster's body parts to other objects!
KS3/4 German football translation

KS3/4 German football translation

A fun stand-alone lesson leading to students' being able to describe a football match. Based on a game between Germany and Costa Rica in the last world cup, but would still work now. Fits well into free-time topic, and a fun stand-alone lesson for sporty classes. Perfect for Euro '16!
Expo 2 Rouge Les metiers / Jobs - trio of worksheets

Expo 2 Rouge Les metiers / Jobs - trio of worksheets

Three worksheets for the topic of jobs. 1) Sheet focusing on masculine/feminine forms of jobs. 2) Sheet focusing on the PRONUNCIATION of these jobs. 3) Sheet encouraging speaking practice - Carroll diagram (basically a grid) can be used for e.g. Os and Xs or battleships and other pairwork or whole class activities to practice language at word- or sentence-level.
IGCSE German revision (2 resources): grid of questions; grid of translations by topic

IGCSE German revision (2 resources): grid of questions; grid of translations by topic

1) A useful exercise for oral practice/revision to encourage high-quality answers - one question per tense and per topic, with challenging vocabulary, connectives etc.. For high-achievers! 2) A comprehensive revision resource - a grid of translation sentences on all topics and a range of complex grammar points. 'Answers & Hints' document gives an intermediary support sheet with vocabulary and hints, followed by a sheet of the answers.
KS3 French Studio 1 Mes reves (je voudrais +infinitif)

KS3 French Studio 1 Mes reves (je voudrais +infinitif)

Whole lesson based on the Studio 1 unit 'mes reves' on the structure 'je voudrais' + infinitive. One activity is omitted due to copyright - page and exercise reference is included for Studio 1 textbook. Features a sentence-builder and a multiple choice quiz to finish.
KS4 German Edexcel GCSE: p135 Ich werde an der Küste wohnen

KS4 German Edexcel GCSE: p135 Ich werde an der Küste wohnen

2 whole lessons on p134-135 spread in Edexcel GCSE book. First lesson on p.134 - Reading and Writing, revising the use of the future tense in the context of the 'Wohnort' topic. 5-4-3-2-1 starter to reactivate previous knowledge, then textbook activities (helped by vocab list), then translations to USE the future tense. Second lesson on p.135 - starts with vocab test, then reactivation of structures to be used in the lesson, then Listening Bingo activity to introduce Listening recording, then Listening activity itself, then writing activity based on last two lessons, with a sheet of 4 steps to creating an excellent piece of writing.
KS3/4 German: Environment/Umwelt in 3 tenses (Present, Future, Perfect)

KS3/4 German: Environment/Umwelt in 3 tenses (Present, Future, Perfect)

A couple of help sheets and activities on the topic of the environment which revise the use of three different tenses. Based on Echo 3 Rot K4E4 Umweltschutz (pp.66-67). Included are: - helpsheet of sentence builders on present tense (ich-form); - helpsheet of sentence builders in three tenses, plus hints on how to use and extend them (NB the same verbs are used in all three tenses) (all in wir-form); - set of sentences to translate into German (differentiation is in the 'level' on which students attempt the task - details on sheet. I devised this for my year 9 beginners' class. They found it tricky - I think the challenge would be there for learners who have more years of German behind them.
KS3/4 German Umwelt phrases with 'zu'

KS3/4 German Umwelt phrases with 'zu'

Resources for a lesson with a lower set on protecting the environment and phrases with 'zu&'. Lots of room for fun (with phrases such as &';I refuse to take the bus!') and extension by coordinating sentences (&'...but I promise to protect the environment!&';). Includes Diamond 9 activity (with support for discussing in German), guess my sentence activity, battleships, and Os and Xs. (Another successful interview lesson!)
KS4 German Charity Sporting Event starter

KS4 German Charity Sporting Event starter

I used this with a mixed Year 10 class in the final lesson before beginning a controlled assessment on a sporting event for charity. This activity introduces key phrases and structures, and also subtly gives some ideas as to how to have fun with your writing.
KS3 German: Nikolaustag

KS3 German: Nikolaustag

A special lesson for around 6th December using the traditional song 'Lasst uns froh und munter sein!' to teach about traditions surrounding Nikolaustag in German-speaking countries.
KS3 German: Das deutsche Schulsystem

KS3 German: Das deutsche Schulsystem

Pre-listening with keywords; predictive pre-listening task; listening (from Logo). 2nd task: video about school life. Leads to comparison between school systems and into speaking assessment preparation.