
Florence Nightingale, Scutari and the Crimean war display pack
A set of images, headings, borders lettering, posters, a map of Florence's journey to Scurari and a word mat.
2 x versions of Florence Nightingale title: Prints out onto an A4 sheet
Florence Nightingale banner: prints on to 4 A4 sheets, or you can cut out the letters.
Artefacts: 5 A4 pages, with descriptions, including Florence Nightingale's lamp, owl and medicine chest.
Key vocabulary: 25 words the children may need to refer to.
Florence Nightingale: A timeline of her life - A detailed timeline, with pictures and text, beginning in 1820 when she was born. Prints onto 10 A4 pages to display horizontally on the wall.
Florence Nightingale border: to cut up and use as a display border (in 4 different colours, blue, black, brown, green and grey.
Florence Nightingale's life in pictures: 14 pictures at different stages in her life. (Can be used as display, or for the children to sort into date order.
Florence Nightingale picture timeline: as above, but dated.
Florence Nightingale word mat: with key vocabulary and corresponding pictures to help children in their writing.
Hospital before and after: 2 pictures of the hospital in Scutari with questions. Also included is a picture of a modern day hospital for comparison.
Journey to Scutari: the route that Florence took.
Nurses booklet - packing list: text from the actual pamphlet that the nurses travelling to Scutari received.

Transport topic - canals powerpoint
Powerpoint on the development of canals and canals around the world today. Explains how canals were the method of transporting goods before the railways; how the barges were pulled along by horses; and how they were built.

Transport topic - George Stephenson and the history of trains - powerpoints and activities
Two powerpoints looking at how and why trains developed over time, and the Father of the Railways, George Stephenson, plus 3 worksheets.
George Stephenson and locomotives: Looks at James Watt and his steam engine design; Richard Trevithick and his steam engine improvements, and the life of George Stephenson, and how he became known as the 'Father of the Railways'. Tells the story of the first steam locomotives; the Rainhill Trials; the Liverpool and Manchester Railway; and new steam locomotive designs up to 1941. Also briefly and simply explains how steam engines work.
Trains now and then: Shows different parts of a steam locomotive, and looks at pictures of different locomotives, and how they developed from George Stephenson's Rocket, to the modern bullet trains of today.
Steam train worksheets: 3 different worksheets, showing a picture of a steam train to label and caption.
The Rocket worksheet: To compare modern trains with old steam locomotives.
Steam train template: An outline of a steam train, to use for colouring, collage, paint etc.

Changes in Britain from the Stone Age, Bronze Age to Iron Age pack - powerpoints, activities, plan
INTRODUCTION TO PREHISTORY POWERPOINT: A timeline showing the history of the Earth, from when it was first formed to the beginning of the Stone Age
WORKSHEET: Prehistory writing sheet
THE STONE AGE POWERPOINT (30 PAGES): Description of different aspects of Stone Age life including:
Sources of information
Stone Age Britain
Stone Age people
Change from hunter-gatherers to farmers
Skara Brae
STONE AGE WORKSHEETS (pdf): (for recording research)
Cave paintings
Stone Age climate
Stone Age food
Stone Age way of life
Write a report about .... (x10) - Different Stone Age archaeology sites
Topic covers (x4 different designs) For topic books
Stone Age writing border sheets (x2; lined and unlined)
THE BRONZE AGE POWERPOINT (26 PAGES): Description of different aspects of Bronze Age life including:
Sources of information
Discovery of copper and bronze
Britain in the Bronze Age
Daily life
BRONZE AGE WORKSHEETS (pdf): (for recording research)
Write a report about the Amesbury Archer
Bronze Age ways of living
Bronze Age travel
Bronze Age technology
Bronze Age religion
Topic covers (x2) For topic books
Bronze Age writing border sheets (x2; lined and unlined)
THE IRON AGEPOWERPOINT (26 PAGES): Description of different aspects of Iron Age life including
Sources of information
Iron Age Britain
Iron Age people & tribes
Iron Age life
Buildings - Hill Forts
Art and Culture
Arrival of the Romans
IRON AGE WORKSHEETS (pdf): (for recording research)
Iron Age sites recording sheet
Iron Age tribes in the local area
Iron Age art and culture
Iron Age farming
Iron Age hill forts
Iron Age tribal kingdoms
Topic covers (x2) For topic books
Iron Age writing border sheets (x2; lined and unlined)
Plus and adaptable outline MT plan with links, suggestions etc

KS1 Geography and History of the United Kingdom: powerpoints and activities pack
A set of resources for KS1 to teach children about the geography, history and culture of the UK.
Geography of the UK: ENGLAND
Geography of the UK: SCOTLAND
Geography of the UK: WALES
Geography of the UK: NORTHERN IRELAND
Each powerpoint is approximately 20 pages long and includes information on:
The location of the country in the world and in the UK
The names of the ocean and surrounding seas
The capital city
Information on the capital city and key landmarks
Specific features such as castles, brochs, lochs, stone circles etc.
Myths and Legends
HISTORY OF THE UK: A quick look through different periods in the history of the United Kingdom; how the UK has been invaded and settled, why places are as they are, and how the countries got their names.
THE UNION FLAG: The story of how it came into being. It includes:
Flag of England; Saint George, the story of St George and the Dragon, the St George's Cross
The Flag of Wales
The Flag of Scotland; St Andrew, the story of King Angus MacFergus
The Flag of Britain, 1606
The Flag of the Protectorate; including the arms of Ireland
Great Britain; the ensign armorial, 1707
St Patrick's Cross; the story of St Patrick
The Union Flag
How to draw the Union Flag
THE ROYAL COAT OF ARMS: Explains what a coat of arms is and how they are created. Explains about the Royal coat of arms today.
Factfiles x 4: For fact finding missions, cities, rivers, mountains and a blank one. They contain boxes for text, lines for explanations and a blank map of the UK.
Flag activities: 6 different flag sheets
Map of UK
Topic cover
Jigsaw of the UK
Simple outline plan in word with links and suggestions.

Dinosaurs, fossils and palaeontologists: powerpoint lessons for EYFS KS1 KS2
Powerpoint files:
Dinosaur AfL - 7 different questions to pose to the children before the topic begins.
Where and when did the dinosaurs live - Looks at Pangaea, and the timescale involved and how long ago it was.
Dinosaur discoveries - Looks at how fossils were found and ideas emerged about dinosaurs. Talks about early ‘palaeontologists’ including Robert Plot, Robert Buckland, Mary Anning, Mary Ann and Gideon Mantell, Richard Owen and their discoveries.
How fossils are formed - A step by step guide
Dinosaur diets - herbivores, carnivores and omnivores
What happened to the dinosaurs - looks at different theories of why dinosaurs became extinct.

KS2 History Bronze Age Pack - PowerPoint lessons, activities and display
A set of resources for a unit of work covering the Bronze Age in Britain, looking at the Amesbury Archer, Must Farm and Stonehenge amongst other things.
POWERPOINT (26 PAGES): Description of different aspects of Bronze Age life including
• Sources of information
• Discovery of copper and bronze
• Britain in the Bronze Age
• Religion
• Henges
• Daily life
BRONZE AGE ACTIVITIES: (for recording research)
• Write a report about the Amesbury Archer
• Write a report about Must Farm
• Bronze Age ways of living
• Bronze Age travel
• Bronze Age technology
• Bronze Age religion
• Topic covers (x2) For topic books
• Bronze Age writing border sheets (x2; lined and unlined)
• A4 title
• A-Z lettering in a bronze background
• The Bronze Age banner
• Bronze Age timeline
• Bronze Age artefacts
• Bronze Age border for display boards

Roman numerals KS2 maths resources: powerpoints display posters clock and cards
This pack meets the new curriculum requirements for teaching Roman numerals in KS2 - Year 3, 4 and 5.
It covers Roman numerals on a clock; an explanation and history of Roman numerals; Roman numerals to 100 and to 1000
It consists of powerpoint lessons, display, headings, worksheets and activities

The Roman Empire and its impact on Britain pack - Powerpoints , activities and worksheets
THE ROMAN EMPIRE INTRODUCTION: Introduces the topic by putting the era in context with the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age in Britain, on a timeline. It includes an explanation of how Rome was founded, where it is, and how it changed from a kingdom to a republic and then an empire.
JULIUS CAESAR: Explains who Julius Caesar was and the attempted invasions in 55 and 54BC.
THE ROMAN EMPIRE BY AD 42: Begins by discussing the assassination of Julius Caesar and the formation of the Roman Empire. Looks at the first Emperor, Augustus, mentions Tiberius and Caligula, then talks about Claudius and how he gained power. Then looks at the Roman way of life in the Empire, how powerful it was and what area it covered.
THE ROMAN ARMY: Investigates how the Roman Army was made up; of centuria, cohorts and legions; and auxiliary soldiers.Looks at how they were trained, what types of jobs they did, and why nobody could beat them in battle.
THE ROMAN INVASION OF BRITAIN: A detailed account of the invasion by Claudius in AD 43, British resistance by Boudicca and Caractacus, Hadrian's Wall, and the end of Roman rule.
THE ROMANISATION OF BRITAIN: Looks at how the Romans build civitas, or towns for different tribes in Britain, looking briefly at Caerwent. Explains and gives examples of Roman technology, culture and beliefs and what lasting impacts they have had.
TIMELINE OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE: A 1 page timeline, can be printed or viewed as an animated show.
TRIBES CONQUERED BY THE ROMANS: A 4 page presentation, detailing how the Romans conquered each tribe in Britain. Can be printed or viewed as a show.
Roman Empire topic covers x 4
What I already know / would like to find out about the Roman Empire
Worksheet - Romulus and Remus
Writing sheets - Julius Caesar (lined and unlined)
Blank map of Europe
Worksheet - living in the Roman Empire in AD 42
Design a Roman scutum
Worksheet - weapons of a Roman soldier
Pictures of Roman soldiers in black and white
Writing sheets - The Roman Army (lined and unlined)
Map of tribes in Britain
Tribes in the local area
Worksheet - Living in Britain in the Iron Age
Writing sheet - Boudicca
Report writing sheet - Roman settlements in the local area
De Bello Gallico - Accounts written by Julius Caesar of his first and second visits to Britain
Roman Empire Planning - An adaptable outline medium term plan in Word

Britain's settlement by Anglo-Saxons and Scots: PowerPoint lessons, worksheets & topic plan
A series of lessons to cover the objectives in the history curriculum 2014:
Romans and Scots: A look at the Roman withdrawal from Britain in around AD 410, the fall of the western Roman Empire due to barbarian attacks and the Scots invasions from Ireland to north Britain.
The Anglo Saxons (invasions, settlements and kingdoms: place names and village life): A 38 page powerpoint with a contents page so it can be taught as an overview or an in-depth study. Introduces the topic with a timeline and a map showing where the Angles, Saxons and Jutes came from and where they settled in Britain. Looks at the seven main Anglo-Saxon kingdoms of Essex, Kent, Sussex, Wessex, East Anglia, Mercia and Northumbria, showing maps of each region and giving information on important kings. Mentions the current debate about whether Britain was invaded or peacefully settled by the Anglo-Saxons. Gives examples of place names and a list of Anglo-Saxon words and their meanings that many place names have originated from. Ends with a look at Anglo-Saxon village life.
Anglo-Saxon art and culture: Includes the Anglo-Saxon runic alphabet, literature such as Beowulf and the Anglo-Saxon Chronicles, the Bayeux Tapestry, and looks closely at Anglo-Saxon art
Christian conversion: Explains the pagan religion of the Anglo-Saxons then the rise of Christianity in Britain from monasteries in Iona, Lindisfarne and Canterbury. Explains the difference between the Celtic Christianity and the Roman Christianity, and how problems were solved at the Synod of Whitby.
Sutton Hoo discovery: An in-depth look at the ship burial at Sutton Hoo and the artefacts found.
Topic booklet covers
What I know about the Romans & Anglo-Saxons
Dal Riata writing templates
Romans writing template
Anglo-Saxon arrival in Britain
Anglo-Saxon kingdoms map
Anglo-Saxon place names
The Anglo-Saxon Chronicles (in English)
The story of Beowulf (English translation)
Writing with runes
Calligraphic writing x 2 versions
Illuminated letters: Large letters to colour like the monks
Iona, Canterbury and Lindisfarne worksheet
Writing border - saints
Writing sheet - monks
Blank map
Writing border - Anglo-Saxons
Writing border - monks

Queen Victoria and Queen Elizabeth I Powerpoint lessons
A look at the lives of Queen Victoria and Queen Elizabeth I and how they contributed to national and international achievements.
The pack also looks at life in Tudor and Victorian times, comparing aspects of life that are similar and different.
Also contains a medium term plan.

KS2 Topic The Victorians: powerpoint lesson pack
A look at life in Victorian times. The powerpoints cover:
Who were the Victorians and when did they live: Includes British timeline, Queen Victoria's life, and comparison of rich and poor family in Victorian times
Dr. Barnado: His life, and how he improved life for poor children.
Lord Shaftesbury: His life, and how he improved factory conditions, and education.
What was it like going to school at the end of the nineteenth century: What Victorian schools were like
How did different Victorian children use their spare time: Explains the different activities and toys of rich and poor children
Leisure time in the Victorian era: How the Victorians entertained themselves
What was life like for a poor child in the 1840's: Explains the different jobs poor children had to do, with photographic evidence, and links to online research.
Victorian Household objects: 11 photographs to look at and find clues.
Victorian Life: Photographs of Victorian Britain to look at and use for discussion points.

World War II & VE day - powerpoint lessons covering different aspects of WW II
A set of 9 powerpoint files looking at life during WWII:
The Second World War: An introduction to the causes
The Blitz: Description of what it was, and what happened during the bombings.
Why were children evacuated?: The reasons why
What was it like to be an evacuee: Experiences of children, with web-links
What did people eat during the war?: Explains why rationing occurred, what kinds of food/meals people had.
Women in WW2: What jobs women did
What did children & adults do in WW2: Ways of life and pastimes
What was it like for people who fought in WWII: Lots of pictures to look at and think about what life was like for soldiers.
Children of WW2: Thought-provoking pictures.
VE Day: A recap of the main events of WWII and what happened on VE day.

Achievements of the earliest civilizations - lessons, activities, planning & display
An overview of when and where the first civilizations appeared with a closer look at Mesopotamia, Ancient Sumer and Ancient Egypt.
What are ancient civilizations: An introduction to the topic, explaining the meanings of ancient and civilization
The development of early civilizations: Explains how humans developed from living as hunter-gatherers to becoming farmers and the change from moving around to living in villages, towns and cities.
Early civilizations: Looks at the locations and dates of the main early civilizations. There are details on Mesopotamia, Ancient Egypt, Peru, the Yellow River, the Indus Valley and Mesoamerica.
History of Mesopotamia & Ancient Sumer: A 15 page powerpoint looking in detail at Mesopotamia and Ancient Sumer.
History of Ancient Egypt: A 25 page powerpoint looking in detail at Ancient Egypt, the three Kingdoms, the River Nile, houses, medicine,etc.
What I already know/would like to find out about ancient civilizations: To record for AfL
The development of early civilizations writing sheets: Bordered sheets
Ancient civilizations fact file template: To find and record information, one with headings, one with blank boxes to adapt
Topic covers x 4 Ancient civilizations
Topic covers x 4 Ancient Egypt
Topic covers x 4 Ancient Sumer
Writing border x 4: Each of the 4 designs has a blank page, a lined page and a half lined page. The border designs are Tut, Enki, Pyramids & Ur
Ancient Sumer fact finding sheets: 7 different sheets for finding out and recording information under specific headings. Can be used as a template to write a report or for different groups to find information.
Ancient Egypt fact finding sheets: 10 different sheets as above.
Plus a medium term plan in word with activities and web links.

Portugal powerpoint and headings
The powerpoint covers the following:
Where is Portugal?: With maps showing the location of Portugal.
What is Portugal like?: Images of Portugal; different geographical features
Living in Portugal: Pictures of everyday life in Portugal - streets, shops, schools, houses etc.
Portuguese people: What life is like in Portugal - culture, traditional dress, language etc
The history of Portugal: a brief history from Roman times to present.

Castles topic wordmats and display resources
A set of display resources and word mat looking at castle life and people living in castles.
CASTLE ATTACK AND DEFENCE - 9 A4 sheets with pictures and titles: trebuchet, catapult, battering ram, coat of arms, bow and arrow, shield, sword, cannon, and chain mail.
CASTLE BUILDINGS - 15 A4 sheets with pictures and titles: Motte and bailey, castle, tower, gatehouse, moat, drawbridge, turrets, portcullis, loophole, flag, castle ruins, wall walk, drum tower, inner ward, and curtain wall.
CASTLES A4 HEADER - an A4 printable sheet with the title 'Castles'.
CASTLES LETTERING - Large lettering that can be printed out as a banner, or the letters can be cut out.
CASTLES WORD MAT - Castle vocabulary for spelling / writing prompts.
MEDIEVAL ACTIVITIES - 8 A4 sheets with pictures and titles: Banqueting, jousting, hunting, praying, dancing, hawking, fairs, music.
MEDIEVAL PEOPLE - 24 A4 sheets with pictures and titles: Lord, lady, priest, scribe, knight, squire, page, guard, archer, crossbowman, swordsman, soldier, messenger, porter, blacksmith, cooper, musician, jester, maid, laundress, cook, peasants, embroiderer, and servant.
MEDIEVAL PEOPLE WORD MAT - 12 different medieval people.

Castles & the Norman invasion - powerpoint lessons, worksheets and activities
A set of powerpoint lessons with an adaptable MT plan. The pack goes alongside the Castles activity/ worksheet pack

The Great Fire of London pack: Powerpoints, worksheets, wordmat, games display, activities.
Introduction: Looks at London and its location in the UK
London in the 17th century: What was it like in London long ago: Looks at the houses, materials and London Bridge
What was it like in the 1600s: Pictures and descriptions of rich and poor people; the Civil War; Charles II; and the Black Death
What happened in 1666 and how do we know about it: Samuel Pepys and John Evelyn, and a timeline
The Great Fire of London: Story in diary style about the events that happened during the fire with excerpts from Samuel Pepys diary; what happened after the fire: Rebuilding, Christopher Wren’s plans and a view of London then and now.
Questions: Asks children questions to recap learning, including an event ordering activity.
Acrostic poem sheets x 3 different versions
Blank writing frame: To write about the different events of the fire
Cards - pictures and labels: Containing key vocabulary / characters etc. Can be used for card games and display.
Diary writing sheet
Newspaper report blank
Newspaper report - The London Gazette heading, with space for children to write a report
Sequencing pictures - 6 pictures to cut and stick in the order of events
Speech bubble questions - Can be used for writing activities or display
Topic covers x5: With and without pictures for the children to colour /design topic book front cover
Word Mat - with key vocabulary and pictures for the topic
Wordsearch x 2
Writing border x 3: Lined, plain and wider lines
Writing sheet x 4 with pictures of Samuel Pepys, John Evelyn, Fire scene and a 17th century house.
A4 heading
A-Z lettering
Banner - The Great Fire of London - prints onto 2 pages
Display borders: 2 different versions, flames and Tower Bridge on fire
Photographs of modern London (14)
Pictures of the Fire of London
Portraits of people involved in the Great Fire of London
The London Gazette, reporting about the Fire
The Londoners Lamentation, a pamphlet written just after the fire
Timeline posters: 17 pages, including weather reports for each day.
Vocabulary display with pictures
Vocabulary cards

KS2 History Stone Age unit of work pack - PowerPoint lessons, activities and display
A set of resources looking at the Stone Age in Britain - Includes Powerpoint lessons, worksheets, and display.
INTRODUCTION TO PREHISTORY TIMELINE: (20 pages) A timeline showing the history of the Earth, from when it was first formed to the beginning of the Stone Age
THE STONE AGE: (30 PAGES) Description of different aspects of Stone Age life that can be split into weekly topics including
Sources of information
Stone Age Britain
Stone Age people
Change from hunter-gatherers to farmers
Skara Brae
Prehistory timeline booklet: Corresponds to the prehistory PowerPoint. It can be printed for display, or used as a reference pack.
Stone Age booklet: Corresponds to the Stone Age PowerPoint and can be printed for display or reference.
WORKSHEETS: (for recording research)
Prehistory writing sheet
Cave paintings
Stone Age climate
Stone Age food
Stone Age way of life
Write a report about .... (x10) - Different British Stone Age archaeological sites
Topic covers (x 5 different designs) For topic books
Stone Age writing border sheets (x2; lined and unlined)
A4 title
A-Z lettering in a stone background
The Stone Age banner
Stone Age timeline
Stone Age artefacts
Stone Age border for display boards
Stone Age bunting

KS2 History Iron Age Pack - PowerPoint lessons, activities and display
A set of activities looking at the Iron Age and the Celts in Britain, consisting of an informative Powerpoint, printables and display resources.
POWERPOINT (26 PAGES): Description of different aspects of Iron Age life including
Sources of information
Iron Age Britain
Iron Age people & tribes
Iron Age life
Buildings: Hill Forts
Art and Culture
Arrival of the Romans
IRON AGE WORKSHEETS: (for recording research)
Iron Age sites recording sheet
Iron Age tribes in the local area
Iron Age art and culture
Iron Age farming
Iron Age hill forts
Iron Age tribal kingdoms
Topic covers (x2) For topic books
Iron Age writing border sheets (x2; lined and unlined)
A4 title
A-Z lettering in a metallic iron background
The Iron Age banner
Iron Age artefacts
Iron Age border for display boards