I created this place value grid to support the teaching of place value to year 4 children. I printed the grids off in size A5, then laminated them so that every child had one in their maths book. Children can write on the grids with white board markers and it is a great resource to use for maths starters or to support main class activities.
Smart notebook screens and activities to help children understand the concept of finding 1, 10, 100 or 1000 more or less than a given number. Examples include using a place value grid with 4 digit numbers to 1 decimal place.
Smart Notebook screens and activities to support children partition numbers into smaller amounts - whole numbers, decimals and money. Differentiated activities 2 ways (HA and LA).
"Next steps" starter activity included so that children can revisit/ embed their understanding.
Smart Notebook screens and activities that teach children to read and write numbers up to 5 digits. They will learn to write numbers using figures and in words. These activities will help children understand that place value determines the value of a digit.
"Next steps" starter activity included so that children to revisit/ embed their understanding.
Smart notebook screens and activities to help children understand the concept of counting on to the next positive number and counting back to the next negative number. Differentiated activities 2 ways (HA and LA).
Smart Notebook screens and activities to support children understand how to add money using column method and use bar models to show their working out.
Differentiated 3 ways (HA, LA and MA) children need to work out the missing digits of the column addition and subtraction examples. Good opportunity for children to use inverse.
Smart Notebook screens and activities to support children identify parallel and perpendicular lines (also included horizontal and vertical lines). There are shapes that children can annotate to show the different types of lines. "Next steps" starter activity included so that children can revisit/ embed their understanding.
Smart Notebook screens and activities to help children learn that place value determines the value of a digit. Differentiated activities 3 ways (HA, MA and LA).
"Next steps" starter activity included so that children can revisit/ embed their understanding.
Smart Notebook screens and activities to help children identify and estimate numbers on a number line. Children will need digit cards to complete main task.
"Next steps" starter activity included so that children can revisit/ embed their understanding.
Children need to work out the cost of theme park tickets using mental addition and subtraction. They need to add in ones, 25's, 50's and 75's. Differentiated 2 ways (HA and MA).