
Counting backwards from 10
Differentiated worksheets for counting backwards from 10 using different representations.

White Rose Year 1 Block 1 Place Value 1 4 Week Plan
4 week plan for the first block of the Year 1 White Rose.

Counting forwards and backwards to 50
Differentiated counting forwards and backwards to 50 worksheets.

Place value to 50 Three week plan
Place value to 50 Three week plan. Goes with White Rose planning Spring 1 block 2.

Addition and Subtraction to 20 3 week plan
Place value to 50 Three week plan. Goes with White Rose planning for year 1. Spring 1 block 1!

Ordering numbers to 50
Differentiated ordering numbers to 50 worksheets with a class dojo theme. Children to order amounts of class dojos from who have the least to most.

Year 1 weight and mass 1 week plan
1 week’s planning to meet the year One weight and mass objectives.

Year 1 Multiplication and Division Plan
Year 1 Multiplication and Division three weeks worth of planning following White Rose Maths.