This shop provides resources for busy PSHE/Citizenship teachers who find that the subject is constantly 'on the move'. I am Head of Department in a secondary school and I am constantly changing the resources that we use as things change in the world around us. The introduction of British Values as a separate topic has been challenging but I hope that the resources on offer here will help you to facilitate these sessions. I also teach English (my specialism) so there are English resources too.
This shop provides resources for busy PSHE/Citizenship teachers who find that the subject is constantly 'on the move'. I am Head of Department in a secondary school and I am constantly changing the resources that we use as things change in the world around us. The introduction of British Values as a separate topic has been challenging but I hope that the resources on offer here will help you to facilitate these sessions. I also teach English (my specialism) so there are English resources too.
A 16 page workbook covering aspects of UK Law and Human Rights
Topics include:
Articles of the UDHR
Human Rights Abuses around the World
Human Rights Abuses in the UK
Campaign groups
Criminal and Civil Law
Types of Punishment
Assessment without levels exercises (assessing knowledge before and after module)
Helpful PPT presentations
A powerpoint presentation for Unit 3 2.1 CPS
Looks at The Full Code Test
Activities at the end in line with the WJEC requirements
Case Study: Liam Allen (attached also)
A series of tasks which will enable pupils to understand how Britain became multicultural over time
Pupils complete a colourful timeline of immigration which reflects our colourful, vibrant society.
Can easily lead on to work on tolerance of those who are different and have different beliefs.
Four pages of tasks, including:
In-class 'differences' data gathering task
Matching flags to nations
Reading exercise, identifying reasons for immigration
Timeline of immigration to the UK
Written task asking pupils to think about how their own area benefits from multiculturalism
Word search for topic vocabulary
A number of activities which will give opportunities for pupils to understand why the UDHR was introduced and why it is important today. Pupils will complete a colour-coding exercise, placing articles from the UDHR into categories (Protection, Standard of Living and Equality) They can they decide on the most important articles in their view and are asked to give the reasons for their decisions.
Activities can lead on to discussion about human rights abuses around the world and also to organisations which fight to protect human rights
A number of resources including PPT, Task sheets, voting slips, returning officer speech and lesson plan to enable you to hold a mock election. Reinforces vocabulary for this unit of citizenship and allows pupils to see the 'process'. Task sheets are used to split the class into four political parties. They then work collaboratively to create a party political broadcast. May take more than one lesson
A number of activities to reinforce vocabulary for a unit of work on Multiculturalism/immigration. Includes word search, word puzzle and definition match exercise
5-pages of activities related to Fairtrade.
Short comprehension
Product Investigations
Task grid etc
Ideal for homework, home working, cover lessons,
Modules in the programme cover:
1 Being an Active Citizen Campaigning for change, pressure groups, trade unions, media influence
2 Politics (UK) Democracy and dictatorship, Parliament and Government, tax, devolution, electoral systems (General Elections) Voting
3 Multiculturalism (UK) Identity & diversity, immigration, asylum, ‘Britishness’, opportunities and barriers, shaping communities, the impact of migration
4 Britain and the EU What is the EU? Member countries, history of the EU, advantages and disadvantages of EU membership
Opportunities for peer and self assessment as well as teacher-assessed tasks. All four units constitute and 'internal' Citizenship Certificate or Award to be designed by individual schools
Workbook for pupils to complete as part of citizenship programme.
This is MODULE 3: Human Rights and Multiculturalism
Other modules include:
1 Being an Active Citizen Campaigning for change, pressure groups, trade unions, media influence
2 Politics (UK) Democracy and dictatorship, Parliament and Government, tax, devolution, electoral systems (General Elections) Voting
3 Human Rights & Multiculturalism (UK) Identity & diversity, immigration, asylum, ‘Britishness’, opportunities and barriers, shaping communities, the impact of migration
4 Britain and the EU What is the EU? Member countries, history of the EU, advantages and disadvantages of EU membership
Opportunities for peer and self assessment as well as teacher-assessed speaking and listening task (Party Political Broadcast) Approx. 20 pages of activities. (There is a PPT to go with this booklet (available under same title - add 'PPT' to the end) PPT also includes links to youtube clips which enhance the learning of the topics in this unit
Four modules make up the Citizenship unit. Modules cover:
1 Being an Active Citizen Campaigning for change, pressure groups, trade unions, media influence
2 Politics (UK) Democracy and dictatorship, Parliament and Government, tax, devolution, electoral systems (General Elections) Voting
3 Multiculturalism (UK) Identity & diversity, immigration, asylum, ‘Britishness’, opportunities and barriers, shaping communities, the impact of migration
4 Britain and the EU What is the EU? Member countries, history of the EU, advantages and disadvantages of EU membership
THIS IS THE PARLIAMENT AND GOVERNMENT BOOKLET - One page discusses Local elections (Wards) This will need to be amended with your own local government area. All other pages refer to General Elections and are correct following the last General Election (2015) (Parties and Leaders)
A presentation which allows pupils to think about how the law can be broken; the difference between CIVIL and CRIMINAL law; the court system in the UK and the reasons for punishment (reparation, retribution, deterrence, reform, protection)
12 slides. 5 class activities.
Pupils draw logos of four political parties. They then unscramble the names of the seven main parties and match the name to the leader. Ideal way to introduce the leaders - includes pictures. A good research task for homework or consolidation exercise at the end of a unit on Politics