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Laura's teaching resources

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I have created a selection of resources and displays, the majority are for Maths or Classroom displays but I also have some topical items in there or English resources




I have created a selection of resources and displays, the majority are for Maths or Classroom displays but I also have some topical items in there or English resources
Multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000

Multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000

This is a full lesson based on 80 mins but could be altered for shorter lessons. It starts with a place value settling starter followed by the learning objectives slides. The main starter is a multiplying by 10 activity leading into multiplying by 10, 100 and 1000 followed by division. There are the notes to be copied into the books and then some differentiated activities including an extension. If extra practice is needed there is a qwizdom activity which could also be done on whiteboards if a qwizdom set is not available. Finally there is a exit ticket plenary with a word document to print those out.
Maths vegas  angles activity

Maths vegas angles activity

This is a maths Vegas style activity for angles. All the instructions are on the first 2 pages of the PowerPoint. It covers angles around a point, on a straight line, opposite angles and angles in a triangle .
5 free Halloween activities

5 free Halloween activities

This is a sample resource of my larger activity pack and comes with 5 of the activities including a word search, colouring page, counting worksheet, matching cards and letter formation sheet If you like these please consider purchasing the full pack
Children's mental health week

Children's mental health week

I am just sharing this in case it helps anyone for form time or PSHE, it is not all my own work as I started with this resource https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/children-s-mental-health-week-2018-11825013 and edited it so it was more like what I wanted to include so I would like to thank sarahp84 for the original
Maths formula display

Maths formula display

Print of the pieces and laminate. Then you put the name of the shape over the formula with blue tac so that students can take them off to have a look but they aren't displayed all the time
Christmas coordinates worksheets

Christmas coordinates worksheets

There are 3 worksheets of Christmas coordinates activities that I have made up. Each sheet has little stars where to read the coordinates off and spells out a Christmas song. The title of the sheet is the answer.
British Sign Language - alphabet and names

British Sign Language - alphabet and names

I am currently leading a sign language club in my school and have created the first lesson so students get an introduction to sign language, can introduce themselves and say where they live. This is a free resources and I have used images from british-sign.co.uk which is a great place to look at for any other signs you need, I'll add the others as I make them
Classroom birthdays display - cupcake theme

Classroom birthdays display - cupcake theme

A pdf ready to print and cut out with everything you need to create a bunting banner “Happy Birthday!” title and monthly cupcakes - just add the names of the students in your class under the months and your display is finished
Prime Factors, HCF and LCM

Prime Factors, HCF and LCM

3 Resources
This lesson bundle leads you through three lessons going from finding HCF and LCM by listing numbers to finding products of prime factors and using those in venn diagrams
Ordering decimals with adding and subtracting decimals

Ordering decimals with adding and subtracting decimals

This is a full lesson based on 80 mins. It starts with an ordering numbers settling starter and the learning objectives slide. There is then a starter of addition and subtraction using column method. This lesson is slightly different to the others as the content in the middle has two sections you can either do both or select what you need. The first is ordering decimals and the second is adding and subtracting decimals. Both come with examples, notes for in books and then differentiated questions. The extra practice activity for this lesson is the shopping list activity from the addition and subtraction lesson followed by a worded question plenary
Converting between improper fractions and mixed numbers

Converting between improper fractions and mixed numbers

This is a full lesson based on 80 mins that can easily be changed to fit the length of your lessons. There is a division 10 questions settling starter as they will need division to convert. This is followed by the learning objectives and the starter which is adding fractions from last lesson. This follows onto the examples which have a slide that includes notes to be put into books. There are a set of differentiated questions and the extra practice is a bingo activity followed by and exit ticket plenary. There is a word document to print out the exit tickets
Expanding single brackets

Expanding single brackets

This is a full lesson based on 80 mins but could easily be altered to suit your classes. The settling starter is a multiplication grid followed by the learning objectives slide. The starter looks at different types of algebra and how to identify if you are talking about an expression, an identity, a formula or an equation. This is followed by some examples, notes to put into books and differentiated questions. The extra practice activity is a tarzia, I have attached the tarzia document along with a word version of it. Finally the plenary is an exit ticket, there is a word version of that to print off as well.
Expanding brackets and simplifying

Expanding brackets and simplifying

This is a full lesson based on 80 mins but could easily be changed to suit your classes. The settling starter is a simplifying activity followed by the learning objective for the lesson. The main starter is a match up activity expanding one bracket. It then goes on to examples where you have 2 brackets to expand separately and then simplify the result there are differentiated questions to follow. The extra practice is a treasure hunt. The plenary is an exit ticket which is also available to print on a word document
Upper and lower bounds

Upper and lower bounds

This is based on an 80 min lesson but could be changed to suit your lesson. It starts with a rounding to whole numbers settling starter as this hasn't been done in previous lessons in this unit. There is then a learning objective slide followed by a match up rounding activity. It then goes through how to find upper and lower bounds with the notes to be copied into books and some differentiated questions. The extra practice activity is a bingo and the plenary is an exit ticket. There is a word document to print out the exit tickets.
Bus Stop Division

Bus Stop Division

This is a full lesson based on 80 mins but could easily be altered for a shorter lesson. There is a countdown style starter activity followed by the learning objectives slide. The starter for the lesson is basic division questions followed by the main lesson. The main lesson consists of worked examples that move through to decimals and are all animated on the slides. There are then a selection of differentiated questions and answers. The answers come up one at a time so the students can give the answers throughout. There is then an extra practice card sort activity. The plenary is a selection of worded questions.
Adding and subtracting fractions with the same denominator

Adding and subtracting fractions with the same denominator

My lessons are based on 80 minutes but could be altered to suit the length of your classes. It has a settling starter, learning objectives slide, a main starter, examples of the activity with notes to be copied into books, differentiated questions, an extra practice activity and a plenary These are the activities I have chosen for this lesson: Starter – What is the question? Settling starter – Match up equivalent fractions Extra practice activity – Guess the city Plenary – Exit ticket (available to print) All my lessons are set up in a similar way to allow consistency when teaching. They are also all graded based on the new 1 – 9 grading system. Please leave feedback and if you find anything that needs to be changed let me know and I will inform you when it has been done so you can download the latest version. Thank you please take a look at some of my other lessons
Square, cubes and roots

Square, cubes and roots

My lessons are based on 80 minutes but could be altered to suit the length of your classes. It has a settling starter, learning objectives slide, a main starter, examples of the activity with notes to be copied into books, differentiated questions, an extra practice activity and a plenary I created this for an observation and got really good feedback These are the activities I have chosen for this lesson: Starter – mathematical anagrams Settling starter – 10 quick questions Extra practice activity – treasure hunt Plenary – worded questions All my lessons are set up in a similar way to allow consistency when teaching. They are also all graded based on the new 1 – 9 grading system. Please leave feedback and if you find anything that needs to be changed let me know and I will inform you when it has been done so you can download the latest version. Thank you please take a look at some of my other lessons