I have created a selection of resources and displays, the majority are for Maths or Classroom displays but I also have some topical items in there or English resources
I have created a selection of resources and displays, the majority are for Maths or Classroom displays but I also have some topical items in there or English resources
This is a full lesson based on 80 mins but could easily be altered to suit your class. It starts with a multiplying by 10, 100 and 1000 settling starter followed by the objective slides. The main starter to the lesson gets students to think back the the previous lesson and remember what metric units they know. There are then examples of the conversions with notes to write in books. There is a selection of differentiated questions to complete with answers. The extra practice activity is a treasure hunt task. The plenary is an exit ticket which is in a word document so it can just be printed off to stick in books at the end of the lesson
My lessons are based on 80 minutes but could be altered to suit the length of your classes. It has a settling starter, learning objectives slide, a main starter, examples of the activity with notes to be copied into books, differentiated questions, an extra practice activity and a plenary
I created this for an observation and got really good feedback
These are the activities I have chosen for this lesson:
Settling starter – mathematical anagrams
Starter – naming shapes
Extra practice activity – area and perimeter of their initial (these are all made just to print)
Plenary – exit ticket
All my lessons are set up in a similar way to allow consistency when teaching. They are also all graded based on the new 1 – 9 grading system. Please leave feedback and if you find anything that needs to be changed let me know and I will inform you when it has been done so you can download the latest version.
Thank you please take a look at some of my other lessons
This is a full selection of lessons that goes through place value, writing numbers, multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000. It also goes through rounding to decimals, rounding to significant figures and estimating along with upper and lower bounds.
This is a fully differentiated full lesson that includes all the answers.
Started - multiply and divide by 10 and 100 (3 levels)
Learning objectives
Notes and examples
Multiple choice questions - based on real world records
Questions to do in books (3 levels)
Thinking hard plenary - 3 levels
This starts of with identifying metric and imperial units. It is followed by metric conversions, and at the end there are some conversions between metric and imperial units for length measurements
A full lesson introducing the topic of inequalities, it goes through identifying the symbols and what they mean and moving onto identifying numbers that satisfy specific inequalities.
It is done in a Mastery style focusing on class discussion and AfL in order to enable students to make their own discoveries.
A range of Halloween themed activities perfect to support writing skills and use of descriptive words
An example of the included activities can be seen on the photo
You can by the full set with the Maths activities and Art/Fun activities if you buy the full resource set
This will be an editable powerpoint document that you can use for your meet the teacher document. I also have a full first day back product available that includes this and a range of additional first day back games and activities
This is a full lesson that introduces ratio with a focus on drawing them using a bar model. It compares different representations and goes onto representing sentences as a ratio and bar model
This is a full lesson with a progress ladder starter, going through whiteboard work and back to the progress ladder to assess progress. There are then some further questions and a more difficult thinking hard question towards the end.
This is part of the first day back/meet the teacher pack
10 questions to do with groups of students in your classroom to encourage discussions and get to know each other
This is lesson 2 of the sign language club resources the pictures are not my own but I have put it together to use in our club so thought it may be of use to someone else