I'm currently the head of English and raising standards leader at a secondary school in Birmingham. I'm passionate about my subject and passionate about ensuring that the young people we serve leave education with a high competency in English.
Prior to teaching I worked in the radio industry as a presenter for 7 years and so when I became a teacher I enjoyed the opportunity to teach Media studies.
You'll find hundreds of English and Media studies resources.
I'm currently the head of English and raising standards leader at a secondary school in Birmingham. I'm passionate about my subject and passionate about ensuring that the young people we serve leave education with a high competency in English.
Prior to teaching I worked in the radio industry as a presenter for 7 years and so when I became a teacher I enjoyed the opportunity to teach Media studies.
You'll find hundreds of English and Media studies resources.
These resources cover act 2 and act 3 of An Inspector Calls and meet the requirements of the new GCSE 9-1 specification.
16 meticulously planned and fully differentiated lessons that are numbered for ease of use with activities included.
Homework tasks and assessment opportunities included.
Download and teach right away. These lessons are ready to go.
All lessons are fully differentiated by colour:
Purple = lower ability
Blue = middle ability
Yellow = higher ability
Red = most able
These resources cover the following areas of act 2 and 3
- Context - socialism and capitalism, men and women, trade unions, Priestley's moral message, welfare state
- Exploration of the theme of responsibility
- character analysis
- theme analysis
- Assessments in line with 9-1 success criteria
- homework tasks
- opportunities for debate and persuasive writing (prep for lang exam)
- opportunities for imaginative writing (prep for lang exam)
- development of tension
- Analysis of Priestley's structure
Carousel activities which allow students to revise the context of Elizabethan England and practice analysing extracts from the play as well as referring to the play as a whole.
Differentiated to allow students to structure an exam response which culminates in an exam practice question.
Two exam questions also included in the structure of the 9-1 literature examination.
Extracts taken from:
Act 1 scene 5
Act 2 scene 2
Act 2 scene 3
Act 4 scene 3
purple = lower ability
blue - middle ability
yellow = higher ability
A six week activity book that could be used independently in class or for homework.
Over the course of the six weeks students will work on strategies for effective writing which culminates in producing a piece of writing to argue in the final week.
Each week’s work begins with a retention quiz.
Students develop confidence in:
Understanding and identifying the GAP
Opening hooks
Language devices for effect
Planning for writing
A document created to conduct more beneficial book scrutinies with a focus on curriculum and what students know and can do.
Students meet with a member of staff and have their exercise book with them.
The document outlines what is to be looked for from the books and what the students should be able to articulate.
The document also includes a set of questions that could be asked of students during the scrutiny/pupil voice.
3 lessons to support the revision of the reading section of the new specification English language paper 2 for AQA.
Perfect for use as a walking talking mock in class whereby you guide students through how to tackle each question and then allow them the suggested time to complete a response.
Using a sample paper provided by AQA the resources:
- guide students through how to tackle each question
- provide suggested timings
- provide sample answers
- provide tips and strategies for planning a response
- show the questions annotated to ensure students stick to the focus of the task
- provide opportunities to self/peer assess against the mark scheme criteria
Extracts taken from: The village that lost its children and an extract from an essay written in 1967, one year after a devastating landslide in the Welsh village of Aberfan.
2 lots of exam revision including sessions on structuring responses and extract to whole practice.
Also included are 5 sample assessments that have been written to look like the real thing.
Quotations with images also included.
Fully differentiated resources to support the teaching of 'The Edge' by Alan Gibbons
purple = lower
blue = middle
yellow = higher
Resources provide opportunities to:
- comprehend plot
- analyse character
- write agony aunt articles
- explore racism
- Analyse language
- peer and self assess
A selection of structure strips that have been incredibly useful and rewarding.
They have been used to help students to form better quality analytical paragraphs as well as improved transactional/non fiction writing.
All of the strips can be edited and use the 'what, how, why' method as opposed to PEE which can be too restrictive
Included in this bundle are structure strips for:
- Romeo and Juliet - act 2 scene 2, act 1 scene 5, imagery
- poetry comparison
- non fiction writing
- Animal Farm - theme of exploitation
- AQA language paper 2 question 2
- AQA language paper 2 question 4
- AQA language paper 1 question 2 and paper 2 question 3 (language questions)
- Of Mice and Men
A learning walk / observation document that can be used to observe lessons across secondary school subjects.
This has been created in light of Ofsted’s latest framework which puts emphasis on curriculum and what students know and can do.
Three focus areas are teaching for memory, responsive teaching and subject expertise.
Behaviour / culture for learning is not included but should always be considered when visiting lessons.
A power point to guide students through what to expect in the paper 2 exam for the new 9-1 specification.
Each question is explained with suggested timings and top tips.
An introductory resource for AQA new specification paper 2
The resource guides students through what to expect on paper 2 and also provides 2 texts on the theme of prison (one modern text and the other from 19th century) for students to start exploring non fiction.
purple = lower
blue = middle
yellow = higher
An introductory resource for AQA new specification paper 1
The resource guides students through what to expect on paper 1 and provides tasks and assessment opportunities for students to begin exploring the short story 'Lullaby' by Elizabeth Berridge.
purple = lower
blue = middle
yellow = higher
A power point to guide students through what to expect in the paper 1 exam for the new 9-1 specification.
Each question is explained with suggested timings and top tips.
Resources to support the teaching of the skills needed for the new AQA paper 2 question 2.
Opportunities provided for:
- Exploring model answers
- Exploring the mark scheme
- Synthesising information from 2 texts
- Using connectives effectively
- Structuring a response to question 2
Texts on the themes of tattoos and prison (4 texts included)
purple = lower
blue = middle
yellow = higher
A handout to aid student revision of the new specification English language paper 1 and paper 2 for AQA.
The resource:
- bullet points the key things students need to do in each question
- suggests timings
- suggests acronyms to help students structure a response
- provides tips on how to access the papers
2 differentiated (by colour) lessons to support the teaching of chapter 10 of Animal Farm for the new linear specification (9-1)
purple = lower
blue = middle
yellow = higher
Resources are planned around the new specification and provide opportunities to:
- explore context
- explore character presentations
- discuss interpretations
Fully differentiated resources (by colour) to support the teaching of Romeo and Juliet for the new GCSE 9-1 specification. (Whole of Act 2)
purple = lower ability
blue = middle ability
yellow = higher ability
Resources fully cover:
- language, form and structure
- context
- character and theme exploration
6 differentiated resources to support the teaching of Stone Cold the play. Resources cover act 1 scene 1 to scene 5
purple = lower
blue = middle
yellow - higher
Resources provide opportunities to:
- explore the language of plays
- explore stage directions
- perform
- explore the difference between plays and prose
- explore flashbacks
- analyse the effect on the reader
- explore characters
- explore the theme of homelessness in detail
- write about viewpoints and perspectives
- explore dual narratives
A card for each poem (15 in total) for all of the conflict poems for new specification Edexcel.
Each card contains an image reminder, several key words taken from the poem and context links.
Useful for students to revise the key messages for each poem and rather than learn quotes remember key words that should spark a memory about the poem's meaning and tone etc.
Students can use the cards to arrange by themes or content as part of a revision lesson.