Currently work in the Youth Justice Service developing programmes of intervention for young people in the service.
Past experience working as a teacher of Art and Graphics in a young offenders institute, teacher in alternative provision education specialising in SEMH & SEND, and mainstream secondary teacher of Design Technology and Art & Design.
I pride myself on creating visually appealing resources with interesting content that appeals to young people who are disengaged from education.
Currently work in the Youth Justice Service developing programmes of intervention for young people in the service.
Past experience working as a teacher of Art and Graphics in a young offenders institute, teacher in alternative provision education specialising in SEMH & SEND, and mainstream secondary teacher of Design Technology and Art & Design.
I pride myself on creating visually appealing resources with interesting content that appeals to young people who are disengaged from education.
This resource is part of a larger scale programme I have created called PROTECT.
The full Protect programme has the potential to claim for 5 AQA accreditations, or there is the option to complete any of the 5 AQA accreditations individually.
AQA 113309 covers: identifying myths and realities associated with domestic violence, the meaning of the term ‘domestic violence’, behaviours in a domestic setting that would be considered ‘violent’, legislation linked to domestic violence, causes of domestic violence.
Please note: the full Protect programme, plus all of the other 4 AQAs linked to the full programme, will be available to buy separately on here.
I created this programme for use with young people in contact with the Youth Justice Service, however I previously taught in mainstream secondary and alternative provisions and definitely feel this would be perfect for any setting.
This bundle contains the full PowerPoint needed with corresponding worksheets.
This Protect programme is designed to increase young males’ awareness of the key features of a healthy, positive relationship with partners. It aims to explore attitudes and beliefs linked to masculinity and relationships in order to help the young person understand how it may influence their perception of a healthy relationship.
Key elements of the relationship sections of the programme include: Lads Law/Boy Code and its links to behaviour for young males, gender stereotypes, healthy and unhealthy relationships and their key indicators, Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, emotional, physical and sexual abuse, the abuse wheel and the cycle of abuse, minimisation, denial and blame techniques in abusive relationships, warning signs of abuse, reasons why people stay in abusive relationships, consent, active listening, domestic violence and abuse
Key elements of the emotions sections include: sense of wellbeing, recognising emotions, exploring reactions, red and green thoughts, ways to improve emotional wellbeing, assertive, passive and aggressive behaviour, the ABC model, emotional regulation and a range of strategies to support it and self-esteem
There is also an additional section on Automatic Negative Thoughts (ANTs)
It can be used by staff in Youth Offending Teams for young people on court orders or prevention programmes, and by Youth Workers, Early Help and other social care officers, teachers and school staff and staff in secure settings.
This programme is designed to be run in order, with key information linked to stop and search, along with relevant activities that help meet the AQA criteria. The booklet can be printed as a whole, or you have the option to print individual worksheets and to use the PowerPoint digitally.
This bundle contains the full PowerPoint, plus all worksheets as individual files
AQA units within the programme:
108685 - Identity and Masculinity (Entry Level)
121374 - Developing Healthy Relationships and Respect (L1)
113309 - Issues Associated With Domestic Violence (Entry Level)
113642 - Developing Emotional Regulation Strategies (L1)
119626 - Emotional Wellbeing Unit 3 (Entry Level)
Black History (BHM) 2024
Theme is Raising The Narrative
I have created a series of PowerPoints with key figures and information
This series is based around ATHLETES
Other series I have created - NOT IN THIS CURRENT UPLOAD:
Entertainers (music / film etc.)
Political Activists
Social Activists
(these will be found on my TES page ASAP before 01/10/2024)
The figures in this ATHLETES series are:
Jesse Owens
Wilma Rudolph
Muhammad Ali
Michael Jordan
Lewis Hamilton
Nicola Adams
Usain Bolt
Marcus Rashford
Simone Biles
There is also a timeline included for the figures, and some have separate pages with quotes
These sheets can be printed and displayed (each has information, a photo and a quote), or used as reference for teaching
Please note: each series will be sold individually, and once all the series are uploaded I will create a full bundle with activities as well
Black History (BHM) 2024
Theme is Raising The Narrative
I have created a series of PowerPoints with key figures and information
This series is based around LGBTQ+
Other series I have created - NOT IN THIS CURRENT UPLOAD:
Entertainers (music / film etc.)
Political Activists
Social Activists
(these will be found on my TES page ASAP before 01/10/2024)
The figures in this LGBTQ+ series are:
Storme DeLarverie
Marsha P Johnson
Laverne Cox
There is also a timeline included for the LGBTQ+ figures
These sheets can be printed and displayed (each has information, a photo and a quote, plus a page of quotes from each figure), or used as reference for teaching
Please note: each series will be sold individually, and once all the series are uploaded I will create a full bundle with activities as well
Black History Month 2024
Raising Narratives
This PowerPoint is a factfile all about the BLACK POWER MOVEMENT
Key dates, figures and information are given, as well as lots of photographs
Information is also given on Malcolm X and his role in the movement
Black History Month 2024
Reclaiming Narratives
This upload is all about The United States Civil Rights Movement
It includes a wealth of information:
Key dates
What the movement was
Who was involved
How it happened
Civil Rights Acts
Key examples/case studies of action by individuals and groups:
Brown V Board of Education
Little Rock, Arkansas
Greensboro Four
Birmingham, Alabama
Bus boycotts
Montgomery Bus Boycotts
Black Power Movement
Key figures:
Claudette Colvin
Rosa Parks
Martin Luther King Jr
Malcolm X
There is then a task to create a timeline with key events. Events are provided and can be printed and used, or for a more challenging/creative task, learners can fully create their own and add photos etc to make it visually appealing
This is a resource I have created for Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) Week 2024
It includes:
Details about ASB week
Types of anti-social behaviour
Definition of ASB
What co-ops are and why they are good for communities
Examples of co-ops
Case study: The Co-Op - and what they do for the community etc.
The 5 R’s of recycling
Respecting local communities - vandalism, graffiti, and how to prevent them
Task to identify was in which people have disrespected local communities
Using Leeds as an example - photos to show art throughout the city, encourage to consider why it helps to make the community brighter and prevent vandalism etc.
This was created for use with the Youth Justice Service but would work in any educational setting
You could also modify the ASB week bits to make it relevant all year
Worksheet I created to check in with young people before starting any interventions work.
Can be modified as appropriate for different settings etc.
How they are feeling… with emojis to help explain their feelings
What they have been thinking about
Why they are feeling the way they are today
A goal for today
I will be adding a range of check-in tools, these would be great for SEND students as well as in any type of educational setting
This resource is part of a larger scale programme I have created called COPE.
The full COPE programme has the potential to claim for 5 AQA accreditations, or there is the option to complete any of the 5 AQA accreditations individually.
AQA 75865 covers: definitions of passive, aggressive, assertive and passive aggressive behaviours, differences between aggressive and assertive behaviours, considering examples when different types of behaviour have been used and alternative ways that they could have behaved, the impacts of aggressive behaviour, an assertiveness test (to see if you are mostly passive aggressive, assertive, aggressive or passive).
Please note: the full COPE programme, plus all of the other 4 AQAs linked to the full programme, will be available to buy separately on here.
I created this programme for use with young people in contact with the Youth Justice Service, however I previously taught in mainstream secondary and alternative provisions and definitely feel this would be perfect for any setting.
I work for the Leeds Youth Justice Service and I have created a series of fact sheets called ‘Conversation Starters’ to help other staff in the service with key information about religions, countries, cultures and languages.
They are designed to be quick guides and allow staff to read up on various topics prior to meeting with / working with families and young people.
The aim is to help with any misconceptions and to also know of any special etiquette, etc. that should be adhered to. Plus to help with topics of conversation!
In the religions series I have created:
Atheism and other beliefs (this sheet)
Please note - I have added the PDF and PowerPoint files. The documents contain some references to Leeds links which can easily be modified or removed. The Leeds YJS logo is also on the document so this can be replaced / removed.
As well as selling each individually I will sell them all as a bundle at a discounted rate, once I have chance to upload them all!
I work for the Leeds Youth Justice Service and I have created a series of fact sheets called ‘Conversation Starters’ to help other staff in the service with key information about religions, countries, cultures and languages.
They are designed to be quick guides and allow staff to read up on various topics prior to meeting with / working with families and young people.
The aim is to help with any misconceptions and to also know of any special etiquette, etc. that should be adhered to. Plus to help with topics of conversation! The countries series are also aimed to help staff understand reasons why families may choose to move over to England from their home countries.
In the countries series (so far) I have created:
Angola (this sheet)
Though I will keep creating these as and when they are requested, so this list may not include all of them and it would be best to check my TES page as well!
Please note - I have added the PDF and PowerPoint files. The documents contain some references to Leeds links which can easily be modified or removed. The Leeds YJS logo is also on the document so this can be replaced / removed.
As well as selling each individually I will sell them all as a bundle at a discounted rate, once I have chance to upload them all!
I work for the Leeds Youth Justice Service and I have created a series of fact sheets called ‘Conversation Starters’ to help other staff in the service with key information about religions, countries, cultures and languages.
They are designed to be quick guides and allow staff to read up on various topics prior to meeting with / working with families and young people.
The aim is to help with any misconceptions and to also know of any special etiquette, etc. that should be adhered to. Plus to help with topics of conversation!
In the religions series I have created:
Atheism and other beliefs
Islam (this sheet)
Please note - I have added the PDF and PowerPoint files. The documents contain some references to Leeds links which can easily be modified or removed. The Leeds YJS logo is also on the document so this can be replaced / removed.
As well as selling each individually I will sell them all as a bundle at a discounted rate, once I have chance to upload them all!
I work for the Leeds Youth Justice Service and I have created a series of fact sheets called ‘Conversation Starters’ to help other staff in the service with key information about religions, countries, cultures and languages.
They are designed to be quick guides and allow staff to read up on various topics prior to meeting with / working with families and young people.
The aim is to help with any misconceptions and to also know of any special etiquette, etc. that should be adhered to. Plus to help with topics of conversation!
THIS IS THE RELIGIONS BUNDLE - it contains 10 fact sheets:
Atheism and other beliefs
Please note - I have added the PDF and PowerPoint files. The documents contain some references to Leeds links which can easily be modified or removed. The Leeds YJS logo is also on the document so this can be replaced / removed.
As well as selling each individually I will sell them all as a bundle at a discounted rate, once I have chance to upload them all!
I work for the Leeds Youth Justice Service and I have created a series of fact sheets called ‘Conversation Starters’ to help other staff in the service with key information about religions, countries, cultures and languages.
They are designed to be quick guides and allow staff to read up on various topics prior to meeting with / working with families and young people.
The aim is to help with any misconceptions and to also know of any special etiquette, etc. that should be adhered to. Plus to help with topics of conversation! The countries series are also aimed to help staff understand reasons why families may choose to move over to England from their home countries.
In the countries series (so far) I have created:
Turkey (this sheet)
Though I will keep creating these as and when they are requested, so this list may not include all of them and it would be best to check my TES page as well!
Please note - I have added the PDF and PowerPoint files. The documents contain some references to Leeds links which can easily be modified or removed. The Leeds YJS logo is also on the document so this can be replaced / removed.
As well as selling each individually I will sell them all as a bundle at a discounted rate, once I have chance to upload them all!
I work for the Leeds Youth Justice Service and I have created a series of fact sheets called ‘Conversation Starters’ to help other staff in the service with key information about religions, countries, cultures and languages.
They are designed to be quick guides and allow staff to read up on various topics prior to meeting with / working with families and young people.
The aim is to help with any misconceptions and to also know of any special etiquette, etc. that should be adhered to. Plus to help with topics of conversation! The countries series are also aimed to help staff understand reasons why families may choose to move over to England from their home countries.
In the countries series (so far) I have created:
Slovakia (this sheet)
Though I will keep creating these as and when they are requested, so this list may not include all of them and it would be best to check my TES page as well!
Please note - I have added the PDF and PowerPoint files. The documents contain some references to Leeds links which can easily be modified or removed. The Leeds YJS logo is also on the document so this can be replaced / removed.
As well as selling each individually I will sell them all as a bundle at a discounted rate, once I have chance to upload them all!
I work for the Leeds Youth Justice Service and I have created a series of fact sheets called ‘Conversation Starters’ to help other staff in the service with key information about religions, countries, cultures and languages.
They are designed to be quick guides and allow staff to read up on various topics prior to meeting with / working with families and young people.
The aim is to help with any misconceptions and to also know of any special etiquette, etc. that should be adhered to. Plus to help with topics of conversation! The countries series are also aimed to help staff understand reasons why families may choose to move over to England from their home countries.
In the countries series (so far) I have created:
Romania (this sheet)
Though I will keep creating these as and when they are requested, so this list may not include all of them and it would be best to check my TES page as well!
Please note - I have added the PDF and PowerPoint files. The documents contain some references to Leeds links which can easily be modified or removed. The Leeds YJS logo is also on the document so this can be replaced / removed.
As well as selling each individually I will sell them all as a bundle at a discounted rate, once I have chance to upload them all!
I work for the Leeds Youth Justice Service and I have created a series of fact sheets called ‘Conversation Starters’ to help other staff in the service with key information about religions, countries, cultures and languages.
They are designed to be quick guides and allow staff to read up on various topics prior to meeting with / working with families and young people.
The aim is to help with any misconceptions and to also know of any special etiquette, etc. that should be adhered to. Plus to help with topics of conversation! The countries series are also aimed to help staff understand reasons why families may choose to move over to England from their home countries.
In the countries series (so far) I have created:
Poland (this sheet)
Though I will keep creating these as and when they are requested, so this list may not include all of them and it would be best to check my TES page as well!
Please note - I have added the PDF and PowerPoint files. The documents contain some references to Leeds links which can easily be modified or removed. The Leeds YJS logo is also on the document so this can be replaced / removed.
As well as selling each individually I will sell them all as a bundle at a discounted rate, once I have chance to upload them all!
I work for the Leeds Youth Justice Service and I have created a series of fact sheets called ‘Conversation Starters’ to help other staff in the service with key information about religions, countries, cultures and languages.
They are designed to be quick guides and allow staff to read up on various topics prior to meeting with / working with families and young people.
The aim is to help with any misconceptions and to also know of any special etiquette, etc. that should be adhered to. Plus to help with topics of conversation! The countries series are also aimed to help staff understand reasons why families may choose to move over to England from their home countries.
In the countries series (so far) I have created:
Somalia (this sheet)
Though I will keep creating these as and when they are requested, so this list may not include all of them and it would be best to check my TES page as well!
Please note - I have added the PDF and PowerPoint files. The documents contain some references to Leeds links which can easily be modified or removed. The Leeds YJS logo is also on the document so this can be replaced / removed.
As well as selling each individually I will sell them all as a bundle at a discounted rate, once I have chance to upload them all!
I work for the Leeds Youth Justice Service and I have created a series of fact sheets called ‘Conversation Starters’ to help other staff in the service with key information about religions, countries, cultures and languages.
They are designed to be quick guides and allow staff to read up on various topics prior to meeting with / working with families and young people.
The aim is to help with any misconceptions and to also know of any special etiquette, etc. that should be adhered to. Plus to help with topics of conversation! The countries series are also aimed to help staff understand reasons why families may choose to move over to England from their home countries.
In the countries series (so far) I have created:
Sudan (this sheet)
Though I will keep creating these as and when they are requested, so this list may not include all of them and it would be best to check my TES page as well!
Please note - I have added the PDF and PowerPoint files. The documents contain some references to Leeds links which can easily be modified or removed. The Leeds YJS logo is also on the document so this can be replaced / removed.
As well as selling each individually I will sell them all as a bundle at a discounted rate, once I have chance to upload them all!
I work for the Leeds Youth Justice Service and I have created a series of fact sheets called ‘Conversation Starters’ to help other staff in the service with key information about religions, countries, cultures and languages.
They are designed to be quick guides and allow staff to read up on various topics prior to meeting with / working with families and young people.
The aim is to help with any misconceptions and to also know of any special etiquette, etc. that should be adhered to. Plus to help with topics of conversation! The countries series are also aimed to help staff understand reasons why families may choose to move over to England from their home countries.
In the countries series (so far) I have created:
Syria (this sheet)
Though I will keep creating these as and when they are requested, so this list may not include all of them and it would be best to check my TES page as well!
Please note - I have added the PDF and PowerPoint files. The documents contain some references to Leeds links which can easily be modified or removed. The Leeds YJS logo is also on the document so this can be replaced / removed.
As well as selling each individually I will sell them all as a bundle at a discounted rate, once I have chance to upload them all!