AQA A Level Psychology Exam Notes and Model Answers: Conformity to Social Rules (Zimbardo)
Full Exam Notes with detailed evaluation.
Exam questions with full range of model answers. These include:
* Identification questions
* Short response questions
* Application questions
* Essays questions
AQA A Level Psychology Exam Notes and Model Answers: Authoritarian Personality
Full Exam Notes with detailed evaluation.
Exam questions with full range of model answers. These include:
* Identification questions
* Short response questions
* Application questions
* Essays questions
AQA A Level Psychology Exam Notes and Model Answers: Social Change
Full Exam Notes with detailed evaluation.
Exam questions with full range of model answers. These include:
* Identification questions
* Short response questions
* Application questions
* Essays questions
AQA A Level Psychology Exam Notes and Model Answers: Explanations of Resistance to Social Influence (social support and locus of control)
Full Exam Notes with detailed evaluation.
Exam questions with full range of model answers. These include:
* Identification questions
* Short response questions
* Application questions
* Essays questions
AQA A Level Psychology: Psychodynamic Theory for Criminal Behaviour
PowerPoint for Psychodynamic Approach to criminal behaviour
Evaluation of the Psychodynamic Approach to criminal behaviour]
Exam Notes
Uploading all my resource! Some of them have taken quite a bit of time to create, but I am trying to offer value for money - so I am keeping them as cheap as possible (they are not perfect, but please consider this before giving me a negative review!).
AQA Sociology: Crime & Deviance: Right Realism
An engaging whole class activity, where questions are set from a PowerPoint, which require students to find the correct answer from the information sheet. First student/pair who gets the correct answer, win. This can be as a knowledge builder or a revision.
Uploading all my resource! Some of them have taken quite a bit of time to create, but I am trying to offer value for money - so I am keeping them as cheap as possible (they are not perfect, but please consider this before giving me a negative review!).
AQA Sociology: Crime & Deviance: Left Realism
1. Student led activity
An engaging whole class activity, where questions are set from a PowerPoint, which require students to find the correct answer from the information sheet. First student/pair who gets the correct answer, win. This can be as a knowledge builder or a revision task.
Uploading all my resource! Some of them have taken quite a bit of time to create, but I am trying to offer value for money - so I am keeping them as cheap as possible (they are not perfect, but please consider this before giving me a negative review!).
Self-study booklet
Made up newspaper article response- student needs to write a response to a reader who has written debasing religion.
Case study - Islamic head scarf
Uploading all my resource! Some of them have taken quite a bit of time to create, but I am trying to offer value for money - so I am keeping them as cheap as possible (they are not perfect, but please consider this before giving me a negative review!).
Variety of resources:
Factors activity workheet (with teachers answers)
Exam questions
Model Answers for exam questions)
Uploading all my resource! Some of them have taken quite a bit of time to create, but I am trying to offer value for money - so I am keeping them as cheap as possible (they are not perfect, but please consider this before giving me a negative review!).
**AQA A-level Psychology: Psychopathology **
98 Model Answer for Psychopathology
A full set of exam questions with exemplar responses for the short answer questions, application questions and long answers questions (16 marks)
By providing you with model answers for each topic, we have made it easy for you to organise your knowledge, understanding, and see exactly how and where skills are exhibited, and marks are awarded.
A full set of questions and model answers provided for every type of question.
See clearly how marks are awarded for the 16-mark question.
Easy to understand, revise and apply.
Please not this is a pdf eBook and the writing is clear and easy to read (the preview images are jpeg which becomes fuzzy and unclear).
Free exam notes for Religion and Social Change.
Uploading all my resource! Some of them have taken quite a bit of time to create, but I am trying to offer value for money - so I am keeping them as cheap as possible (they are not perfect, but please consider this before giving me a negative review!).
A variety of resources:
Powerpoint on Marxism and religion
Comparing Marxism to functionalism activities
Multiple choice activity
Uploading all my resource! Some of them have taken quite a bit of time to create, but I am trying to offer value for money - so I am keeping them as cheap as possible (they are not perfect, but please consider this before giving me a negative review!).
A Level Psychology AQA
Concise Exam Notes / Learning Tables for Issues and Debates.
The exam notes are base on the AQA marks schemes for Issues and Debates and from the Pink Psychology A-level Year 2 (Cara Flanagan).